Hidden in the Stars (Exclusive Excerpt)
(Jackson Shaw’s POV)
After the show when most of the crowd is gone, Sid leads the way backstage. She, Xavier, and I the only ones, besides Red, left from our group.
“You’re not gonna act like your brother, are you?” Red asks, keeping pace with my strides.
“Meaning?” I round a small table.
“Meaning, you aren’t going to rush the stage and carry her off because she’s half-naked.” His brow raises, anticipating my response.
Grinning, I shake my head.
“Nah. I’m a proud man, watching her perform.”
“Good, cause I don’t want to ban your ass.”
“You’d ban me?” I fake shock.
We reach the curtain camouflaging the door to the back.
“Damn straight.”
Sid pulls back the sheath of red velvet, grabbing the door handle. Xavier stands close to her back, holding the curtain open.
“Can I get some space, Gandalf the Red?” she asks, obviously annoyed.
“I’m just being helpful,” Xavier responds innocently, but he could definitely help without riding her back.
“Mmhmm.” She pulls open the door, putting force into it, landing an elbow in his rib.
Xavier gasps from the pain.
“Damn, woman. I’m all for rough, but at least ask my safe word first.”
Growling, she slips through the door.
Xavier stands, holding the door open, giving us a large, goofy grin.
“You’re a masochist.” Red shakes his head, passing through the door.
“Maybe a little.” He shrugs.
“You’re a brave man,” I say, patting his shoulder before ducking into the next room.
“Not really,” Xavier says, closing the door behind him. “You guys are just a bunch of pussies. And speaking of pussy, where’s my little hellcat?”
He cranes his neck, finding Sid talking to some performers.
“Excuse me,” he says, moving in her direction.
At the private dressing room door, Red knocks. Calling through the door, he asks, “All the goodies covered?”
The door swings open to Bethany standing in a pink kimono.
“Like you wouldn’t come in either way.” She smirks.
“If it were just you, yes.” Red grins back, grabbing her hips and backing her into the room.
The moment I enter, Liza turns from her mirror””one fake eyelash still on, curly blonde extensions hanging from the corner of her vanity, and a pile of make-up covered face wipes in front of her.
“Hey,” I greet, taking the chair next to her.
“Hi.” She blushes.
Looking away, she removes the remaining false lash and scrubs at her face. I watch the way she moves the cloth around her eyes, nose, mouth, neck.
And”¦I’m hard. Christ, is there anything she does that doesn’t turn me on?
“You’re making me self-conscious.”
Her words pull me out of my lustful thoughts.
“Because you’re staring.” Twisting in her chair, she drops the used wipe onto the pile. “I warned you.”
Furrowing my brow, I ask, “Warned me ’bout what?”
“That I don’t look like Miz Liz outside of this place.”
She turns away again, hiding behind her hair.
Grasping the bottom of her chair, I pull her toward me.
“Jackson,” she yelps, holding the sides for balance.
Taking her face between my palms, I kiss her hard and push her chair back in its place.
“Hurry and finish, so we can get home.”
Her eyes wide in surprise, she nods.
“And so we can save Xavier from an early death.”
Keeping her eyes on the reflection, she asks, “Death?”
“Yeah.” I nod. “Death by Sidrome.”
“Sid..?” She stops and bursts into a fit of laughter. “Oh, shit,” she pants, “I’m going to have to tell her that one.”
“Don’t you dare.” I straighten in my chair.
“Why not?”
She collects the wipes, throwing them all in a trashcan between the vanities.
“Because she scares me,” I answer honestly.
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Meet Sidra Campbell in HITS, before her story comes to life in Book 3 – SNARE.
#Sidrome #X
A self-professed foul mouthed book nerd, who reads everything from Y/A to Erotica to Horror.
She embraces her inner awkward trashy girl and brings her inappropriate and immature humor to most of her books.
She invites you to stalk her, stalk her real hard.
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