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Terri A. Wilson Blog Day!


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It’s my pleasure to spend some time with Steampunk author Terri A. Wilson and find out more about her new release LET THE SHADOWS Fall, and about her career as an author.

Could you please tell us about your newest release?

Let the Shadows Fall is based on a short story contest I enter a couple of years ago. I was not expecting anything, but I won. The theme was crazy Easter Egg Hunts. I took out the Easter theme added shifters, more dragons, and an ancient group of women warriors. It was a fun book to write because I feel like this was the first one that I wrote completely for me. The main character has been living in my head since the short story contest. She was patient while I told other people’s stories, but she finally had had enough. Once I started, she took over. This book is a mashup of steampunk, historical fantasy, and urban fantasy because I felt these genres play with each other so well.

What do you like the most about the Steampunk genre?

At first it was the clothes. Then I read more and learned more about the original intent of the movement. It’s a genre that allows for history buffs to imagine an opened world where anything could have happened. It is also a great genre for snarky, strong female characters.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

Second Grade

Do you write in any other genre besides Steampunk?

I write modern urban fantasy (that’s actually connected to the my steampunk series) and I write paranormal romance.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

If it’s a hobby, let it be a hobby. If it’s a business work your ass off and trust yourself more.

Do you write full time or part time?

When I have a deadline, it’s full time. I also homeschool my two kids so that takes up a lot of time. I suppose technically I’m like ¾ time.

How many books have you completed?


What do you enjoy most about being an author?

The ability to play God and create a world where I want to live.

How do you develop your characters?

I “see” my characters first, a lot of the times. I think about what I need them to do and what that means for their character. I mostly listen to them, though and just write what and how they tell me.

How do you choose names for your characters?

I look at baby name sites and see which ones inspire me. My daughters chose a few.

What are the hardest scenes for you to write?

Sex scenes

Do you base your characters on people you know?

Some of my characters are a combination of the people I know. I never create a character that is completely like the person I know. I can say that there is a little of my husband in every male character I write.

I have always loved books but discovered romance books later in life while home with a sick child thanks to my best friend, Brenda. It didn't take long to meet up with Karen and learn that we shared a lot more than a love of books. We are sisters in spirt who want to help people spread the word about books. KarenneLyn is the web designer of Coffee Time Romance and several other sites. This wonderful exploration of her creative side has become a fun thing to learn and opened the door to meeting some wonderful people.

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