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Choosing Titles


A lot of writers begin a story without a title in mind. They flesh out the characters, envelop themselves deep within the story, and never think about the title until a) one comes to them naturally while writing the book, or b) they are forced to think of one because they can’t submit without the title.

Not so with me. You see, I can’t lose myself in a story if it’s untitled. I can connect with the characters and flesh out their lives, but I can’t spend hours, weeks, and months bleeding on the page without giving that page a name. Talking with friends about my work in progress only works for me if that WIP has a title.

Imagine it: I’m raving about my newborn son or daughter, showing pictures to friends. They ooh and ahh over how handsome he is, and then someone asks, “What’s his name?”

I can’t reply, “I don’t know, it’ll eventually come to me.”  Could you?

So the first thing I do is think about the tone of my book. Is it funny? Sexy? Serious? Does a consistent theme run throughout? Something that either the hero or the heroine needs to learn or acknowledge by the end of the book?

Once I’ve decided, then it’s time to brainstorm. I sit at my desk and make a list of words related to my book. Nothing is off limits. I write down everything I can think of that is related to my story, whether it’s an emotion, a setting, or a question.

At this point, one word usually jumps out at me ““ a word I KNOW has to be in the title. From there I play with word combinations and another list takes shape””a list of possible titles.

Here I should probably tell you that sometimes this method works for me, and sometimes”¦well, not so much. Take, for instance, the title of my first book, Not Without Risk. My original title for this book was Strength to Love. No really, that’s what I called it, which was better than my original title for After Midnight (and no, I’m not telling what that was called). Anyway, back to Risk”¦The farther I got into the story, the more I hated the title. It just wasn’t right. Then one day I’m typing along and the hero’s mother tells him, “To love someone, to have someone return that love is”¦It’s a risk, certainly, but what is life if not a risk?”

*insert light bulb*

There it was, the moment when the word clicked into place. Risk. Everything in that book revolved around risk, from the hero’s job, to taking a leap of faith and risking his heart in order to find love.

Here’s another confession. I have a compulsion to see the name of the book somewhere in the book. It doesn’t matter to me whether a character voices it, or thinks it; my titles have to be in the book. This need made naming, or should I say coming up with the correct name for, AFTER MIDNIGHT even easier.

The original title broke my rule about following the tone of the book. It was too sappy, and gave the impression the book was light-hearted. I don’t write light-hearted. Yes, everything I write has its happily-ever-after. Yes, the hero and heroine always ride off into the proverbial sunset. But getting there is never an easy journey. I torture my characters, some more than others, and Isabeau Montgomery”¦she’s a tortured heroine.

Then it hit me. Isabeau owns a bar, the opening scene takes place in that bar after closing. In fact, most of the key moments in the book occur late at night. Night”¦ Darkness”¦ Midnight”¦aha! There it was.

Sometimes the moment that changes everything comes After Midnight.


Thirteen years””that’s how long Isabeau Montgomery has been living a lie. After an automobile accident took her mother’s life, Izzy hid herself away, surviving the only way she knew how. Now she is happy in her carefully reconstructed life. That is until he walks through the door of her bar…

Black Phoenix singer/front man Noah Clark came to Long Island City with a goal–one that doesn’t include an instant, electric attraction to the dark-haired beauty behind the bar. Coaxing her into his bed won’t be easy, but he can’t get her pale, haunted eyes nor her skill on the piano out of his head.

Can Noah help Isabeau overcome the past? Or will her need to protect her secret force her back into hiding and destroy their chance at happiness?


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  • Nancy Jardine

    Great post, Sarah. Wish I was that organized. Like you I do start off with a title but not a 'keeper'. For one or another reason it seemed to change a lot by the time I submitted, and my 'Monogamy Twist' was editor influenced!

  • Vonnie Hughes

    For me a working title is better than no title at all. I can't begin to write a novel without it having some sort of working title. I mean, where is the emphasis to be? The plot? Characterization? But the thing that is really, really hard is to find a title that hasn't been used lately. I had a terrible problem with my first-published book, Coming Home. There are many, many books and novellas out there called Coming Home. But you see, it couldn't possibly be called anything else because Coming Home described both the hero and the heroine's psychological journeys as well as their physical ones.
    Really like the title Not Without Risk – now that's not at all common and it neatly describes what the book is about but makes the reader a little curious too. What sort of risk?
    Good luck with your titles!

  • Calisa Rhose

    I love your titles Sarah. One day I hope to read the books behind them since I already own them both. 
    I always seem to start different for each book. HOME came to me midway through the book. I had to have something to call it, like you I can't write it without some sort of name. I have never really struggled with titles but that one- nothing would come to me. It's about a soldier coming home, the girl back home, home in general, the geographic location, and so I tagged it Home. By the end of the book nothing worked and then I realized why. It was a book about HOME- where the heart is, not where the characters are. Emotional HOME. It had to be all caps to signify the deeper meaning of the simple word.
    Have a lovely day and wonderful post.

  • AJ Nuest

    Good Morning, Sarah. I love this post. Like you, I can't work without a title. Generally they come to me pretty quickly — sometimes I even start just with the title, before the story is even written. My latest contract, though…whew! Had to change that title three times before I found one that was perfect. I'm so glad my editor suggested reworking it. Super job so far on the book tour! You're doing GREAT!!

  • Lynne Marshall

    I'm like you, I like to have a title in mind while I'm writing the book, AND I like to see it somewhere in the book, too.  jinx!
    As a category writer, I've never been able to keep one of my own title, and have gotten used to that fact.  that's why I was thrilled when TWRP let me keep my title for One for the Road.  That title worked for me on many levels, and it came before the book.
    It was fun reading your methods for naming your books.

  • Jannine Gallant

    I like your process for creating a title, Sarah. Me, I never come up with one until I'm closing in on the finish. Usually it's a line I've used in the book that jumps out at me. For Nothing But Trouble, I was getting desperate. I was actually writing the blurb after the book was completed when I used the line and had the "Ah ha!" moment.

  • Sarah Grimm

    Nancy, I have yet to have a title be editor influenced, but I imagine it to be an interesting process. 🙂  I do love your title, though !

  • Sarah Grimm

    Vonnie, thanks! I love the title Not Without Risk, too. It's an easy one to do unique promos for.  I understand what you're saying about Coming Home, and would probably have struggled with it, too. It fits your story though, so glad you kept it.

  • Sarah Grimm

    Calisa, yes, it has to be all caps. 🙂  One day you need to let me know what you think of After Midnight. Have fun with AJ today!

  • Sarah Grimm

    AJ, thank you for visiting with me on all of my stops. I love ya, babe!

  • Sarah Grimm

    Lynne, I LOVE the title One for the Road! I've heard that you never get to keep your title in category. I would have a hard time with that. Too funny we both need to 'see' the title somewhere in the book!

  • Sarah Grimm

    Oh, I could not do it, Jannine. I swear to you, I think the writing would wait until I had the title. That's how much I need one in order to work. From reading all the comments, at least I now know I'm not alone in that.
    LOVe those Ah-Ha moments!

  • Susan Macatee

    Sarah, I am the same way. Once I come up with the initial idea for a book or novella, I have to have a title for it before I start writing. Sometimes the first title does get changed, but I can't write the story without a title.
    I also write a blurb after I outline the story, even though, in the course of the first draft and revisions, that blurb may have to be changed or tweaked. I think a title and blurb help commit me to finishing the story. I even post wip's on my website. Makes it harder to back out of a project, unless it just isn't working.

  • Sarah Grimm

    Susan – I know exactly what you mean. A title and a blurb are a definite help to committing to a book. Thanks for visiting!

  • Cara Marsi

    Sarah, I like the titles of your books. I'm like you in that I can't start wriitng without a title. Most of the time the first title I come up with is crap. I keep hoping the light bulb will go off in my head and I'll come up with a better title. Seldom happens. My critique partners came up with two titles, and my editor came up with another one. The title of my very first published book, "A Catered Affair," came to me immediately and I never changed it. I still like it. I wish I were one of those authors who come up with great titles.

  • Katherine

    Hi Sarah,  I also have to have a working title.  The funny thing is the working title never ends up being the final title.  I haven't figured out why that is yet.  Actually, the short story I just signed the contract for started out as THE MUSE and it stayed that way because I couldn't come up with anything I liked better that seemed to suit the story.  That's a first so maybe I shouldn't say never. :o)

  • Sarah Grimm

    Cara- First off thanks, I'm rather fond of my titles, too. 🙂  As long as you have critique partners to help with titling your books I think you're golden!

  • Sarah Grimm

    Hi Katherine! You know what's going to happen now, right? You said never and now all of your working titles are going to remain the final title. Not a bad thing, though, right? 🙂

  • Babette James

    Great post, Sarah. I always have to have a working title, as well, and I like to have the title appear somewhere in the book. Sometimes the titles come easy, sometimes I'll brainstorm with my critique pals. Clear As Day's original working title way back in time was Mohave in July and one day I was editing along, and bingo!, one character's bit of dialogue popped out at me, giving me both the title and focus for the ending. I was so happy TWRP let me keep the title. 🙂

  • Sarah Grimm

    Babette, it is fantastic when you get to keep your title isn't it? It sounds like we have the same way of coming up with titles. Wonderful to learn I'm not alone in this!

  • Amie Louellen

    LOL, Sarah you crack me up! "Here's my new baby. He doesn't have a name, but it'll come to me eventually." My son was named 13 years before he was born. Sometimes I have the title of the book before I have anything else! Glad to know Im not alone in this!! <3 ya!!

  • Sarah Grimm

    Yay! It's Ames! My first son was named long before he was born. Second son? Let's just say that every name we'd come up with for the baby – boy and girl, since we didn't know before birth with either – my DH decided he hated while I was in labor. Yes, shamed as I am to admit it, Seth had no name for the first 24 hours. *sigh* 
    I have a list of titles that I've come up with. Problem is, although I love the titles, they never seem to fit what I'm writing. What's that about?

  • Lilly Gayle

    I'm with you, Sarah! I "name" my book when I name my characters. Can't write without that book title in the header. But sometimes, I do change the name of the book when it's finished becaues a better name does present itself. Slightly Tarnished was origianally called American Beauty (after Nikki's father's ship.) But on line in the story kept repeating itself in my head and when I used that line in the blurb, I changed the name of the book. I also changed Chad's name. He was originally Trent. But he didn't look or act like a Trent. so, he became a Chad.
    Can't wait to read After Midnight!

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Book 1
2022 Winner of NEST (National Excellence in Story Telling) Suspense

Lies can haunt, but the truth will kill.

Magpie MacKenzie doesn’t believe in coincidence. But when a ringer for her long-dead love walks into her life the same day skeletal remains are unearthed, she’s convinced the universe is sending her a message. Fearing her father will be accused of the crime, Magpie will do whatever it takes to find the truth. Even risk her heart on this familiar stranger who may hold critical clues to the unsolved mystery.

While visiting purportedly haunted Joshua, Arizona, lawyer Zack Peartree is instantly drawn to the free-wheeling shopkeeper. His attraction propels him on a collision course between past and present, where digging up secrets could prove fatal.

Using decades-old clues and Zack’s déjà vu moments, the couple embark on a treacherous race to prove her father’s innocence before Magpie becomes the next victim. Can they save her from a murderous fate, or will love be the final casualty?

Want to read the first chapter? Click HERE


Book 2
2022 Maggie Finalist - Romantic Suspense & 2021 PRG Reviewers Choice Award Winner

The past never sleeps, and the truth never dies.

Only Harlan MacKenzie can sense the troubled history of the Big Purple House. When he's hired to restore the historical mansion, he doesn't foresee the insidious secrets—secrets that entangle his family in deceit and murder.

Phaedra is selling the house that has been in her family for decades. As her friends-to-lovers relationship with Harlan escalates, she’s forced to choose between her way of life or his, even though she risks losing him forever.

After a stranger comes to town, weaving her web of deception, hell-bent on correcting an old grievance connected to the house, dark revelations of the past implode the present. Harlan and Phaedra are plunged into a dangerous mystery, risking their love, their future, and their lives.

Want to read the first chapter? Click HERE


Book 3
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Secrets can protect what the truth will destroy.

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The Mackenzie Chronicles by Brenda Whiteside
Book 1
2022 Winner of NEST (National Excellence in Story Telling) Suspense

Lies can haunt, but the truth will kill.

Magpie MacKenzie doesn’t believe in coincidence. But when a ringer for her long-dead love walks into her life the same day skeletal remains are unearthed, she’s convinced the universe is sending her a message. Fearing her father will be accused of the crime, Magpie will do whatever it takes to find the truth. Even risk her heart on this familiar stranger who may hold critical clues to the unsolved mystery.

While visiting purportedly haunted Joshua, Arizona, lawyer Zack Peartree is instantly drawn to the free-wheeling shopkeeper. His attraction propels him on a collision course between past and present, where digging up secrets could prove fatal.

Using decades-old clues and Zack’s déjà vu moments, the couple embark on a treacherous race to prove her father’s innocence before Magpie becomes the next victim. Can they save her from a murderous fate, or will love be the final casualty?

Want to read the first chapter? Click HERE

Book 2
2022 Maggie Finalist - Romantic Suspense & 2021 PRG Reviewers Choice Award Winner

The past never sleeps, and the truth never dies.

Only Harlan MacKenzie can sense the troubled history of the Big Purple House. When he`s hired to restore the historical mansion, he doesn`t foresee the insidious secrets—secrets that entangle his family in deceit and murder.

Phaedra is selling the house that has been in her family for decades. As her friends-to-lovers relationship with Harlan escalates, she’s forced to choose between her way of life or his, even though she risks losing him forever.

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Want to read the first chapter? Click HERE

Book 3
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Secrets can protect what the truth will destroy.

Elidor MacKenzie has a gift she can`t return...

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Holly: I was sick as a kid. Leukemia. Felt like someone always had to drop everything to take care of me. Hate being dependent on people now, so I try to do everything myself. When my best friend takes up with a creep and won’t believe me when I tell her something’s not right with the man, I decide it’s safer (for her) if I go with her on a trip to Columbia he’s organizing. Bad news: I’m right. Fortunately the most annoying man I’ve ever come to count on thinks it’s his job to rescue me. This time, I might just let him. And that’s where the trouble starts…

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Kyle Stafford had anything a young man could want, until a single lapse in judgment changed everything. When Roen stumbles -- quite literally -- into a human sleeping right at his realm’s front door, his duty requires him to take the young man prisoner -- back to House Vakeor.

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Changeling Press, LLC #Maddog by @marteekakarland - Who knew we’d get ambushed by the cartel on our way to a village deep in the Amazon jungle?

Holly: I was sick as a kid. Leukemia. Felt like someone always had to drop everything to take care of me. Hate being dependent on people now, so I try to do everything myself. When my best friend takes up with a creep and won’t believe me when I tell her something’s not right with the man, I decide it’s safer (for her) if I go with her on a trip to Columbia he’s organizing. Bad news: I’m right. Fortunately the most annoying man I’ve ever come to count on thinks it’s his job to rescue me. This time, I might just let him. And that’s where the trouble starts…

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Fae-ry Tales by @mychael_black - Author When the Houses of the Fae collide, the paranormal community is rocked to it’s core #sale

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5 0
Stryker by Marteeka Karland (Audio) (Salvation's Bane MC Audio 6) A Bones MC RomanceGenres:  Action Adventure, Audio, BDSM, Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Romance, Suspense

Themes:  MC Romance, Medical Romance, Military, Veterans, and First Responders, New Adult, Organized Crime

Series: Salvation's Bane MC Audio (#6)

Multiverse: Bones MC (#10)

He thinks I'm a magnet for trouble. I'm going to prove him right.

Stryker-Challenge accepted

Glitter: Yes, that’s my real name. Born stripper name, I know. I’ve been on my own since I was 14. When I tried to get a job with Salvations Bane MC at their strip club, Salvation’s Angels, their security saw right through my fake ID. Lucky for me, the club sent me to Beach Fit, their fitness club, until I turned 18. Now I work at Angels, and the crowd here loves me. Stryker’s still looking out for me. For some reason he thinks I’m a magnet for trouble. Now that I’ve got his full attention, I know what I want, and I’m going to prove him right.

Stryker: We try our best to keep things at the club legit. Last thing we need is an underage dancer attracting too much attention. OK, so she’s legal now, has been for nearly two years, but that girl’s everything this old man doesn’t need -- and can’t afford. But there’s another club encroaching on our territory, setting up a BDSM club on the other side of town, as a front to run drugs. Now I’ve got word there’s even more going on at The Dark than drugs. I was right. And who do I find right in the middle of it but Glitter. Only, she’s not involved with the thugs at The Dark. She’s their prisoner -- a sub who has no idea what it means to be a sub, but she thinks she wants to learn. Challenge ’effin accepted.

WARNING: This book contains scenes of an intense physical relationship between an older man and a younger woman, as well as extreme, graphic violence. These men aren’t angels and neither are the women. They love as hard as they fight. As always, you can expect a HEA with No Cheating.

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 Marteeka Karland

There was no possible way for Stryker to ignore the little pixie dancer twirling around the pole half naked. He’d been watching her every f...

Stryker by Marteeka Karland (Audio) (Salvation`s Bane MC Audio 6) A Bones MC RomanceGenres: Action Adventure, Audio, BDSM, Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Romance, Suspense

Themes: MC Romance, Medical Romance, Military, Veterans, and First Responders, New Adult, Organized Crime

Series: Salvation`s Bane MC Audio (#6)

Multiverse: Bones MC (#10)

He thinks I`m a magnet for trouble. I`m going to prove him right.

Stryker-Challenge accepted

Glitter: Yes, that’s my real name. Born stripper name, I know. I’ve been on my own since I was 14. When I tried to get a job with Salvations Bane MC at their strip club, Salvation’s Angels, their security saw right through my fake ID. Lucky for me, the club sent me to Beach Fit, their fitness club, until I turned 18. Now I work at Angels, and the crowd here loves me. Stryker’s still looking out for me. For some reason he thinks I’m a magnet for trouble. Now that I’ve got his full attention, I know what I want, and I’m going to prove him right.

Stryker: We try our best to keep things at the club legit. Last thing we need is an underage dancer attracting too much attention. OK, so she’s legal now, has been for nearly two years, but that girl’s everything this old man doesn’t need -- and can’t afford. But there’s another club encroaching on our territory, setting up a BDSM club on the other side of town, as a front to run drugs. Now I’ve got word there’s even more going on at The Dark than drugs. I was right. And who do I find right in the middle of it but Glitter. Only, she’s not involved with the thugs at The Dark. She’s their prisoner -- a sub who has no idea what it means to be a sub, but she thinks she wants to learn. Challenge ’effin accepted.

WARNING: This book contains scenes of an intense physical relationship between an older man and a younger woman, as well as extreme, graphic violence. These men aren’t angels and neither are the women. They love as hard as they fight. As always, you can expect a HEA with No Cheating.

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 Marteeka Karland

There was no possible way for Stryker to ignore the little pixie dancer twirling around the pole half naked. He’d been watching her every f...

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Fall in love with Rowan & Diana Passion’s the pot when Rowan Kerr draws the Wildcard @angelaknight #new #book #Wildcard #scifi #romance #Action #Adventure, #BDSM, #Futuristic #Romance #Suspense

Fall in love with Rowan & Diana Passion’s the pot when Rowan Kerr draws the Wildcard @angelaknight #new #book #Wildcard #scifi #romance #Action #Adventure, #BDSM, #Futuristic #Romance #Suspense ...

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Fresh Fiction Contest - January 2025

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Kate Stewart
“We love rainy days, don’t we, baby?”

The deliciously steamy, internationally bestselling Robin Hood retelling that set Tiktok on fire continues with the first in The Ravenhood Legacy, an irresistibly edgy spin-off series shedding a new light on the secret, morally gray brotherhood – this time from the brooding and magnetic perspective of Dominic.








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Kate Stewart
“We love rainy days, don’t we, baby?”

The deliciously steamy, internationally bestselling Robin Hood retelling that set Tiktok on fire continues with the first in The Ravenhood Legacy, an irresistibly edgy spin-off series shedding a new light on the secret, morally gray brotherhood – this time from the brooding and magnetic perspective of Dominic.








by Harley Laroux


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Shattering Dawn (The Lost Night Files Book 3) by Jayne Ann KrentzAmelia Rivers, a member of the Lost Night Files podcast team, hires private investigator Gideon Sweetwater to catch the stalker who has been watching her. Amelia suspects the stalker may be connected to the shadowy organization responsible for the night that she and her two friends lost to amnesia—a night that upended their lives and left them with paranormal talents.

Gideon suspects that Amelia is either paranoid or an outright con artist, but he can’t resist the chemistry between them. He takes the case despite his skepticism. For her part, Amelia has second thoughts about the wisdom of employing the mysterious Mr. Sweetwater. She is wary of the powerful attraction between them, and deeply uneasy about the nightmarish paintings on the walls of his home. She senses they were inspired by his own dreamscapes.

Amelia knows she doesn’t have time to find another investigator, and Gideon is forced to reckon with the truth when he disrupts what was intended to be Amelia’s kidnapping. Now the pair is on the run, with no choice but to return to the haunting ruins of the old hotel where Amelia’s lost night occurred. They are desperate to stop a killer and the people who are conducting illegal experiments with a dangerous drug that is designed to enhance psychic abilities. If they are to survive, they will have to trust each other and the passion that bonds them.

Shattering Dawn (The Lost Night Files Book 3) by Jayne Ann KrentzAmelia Rivers, a member of the Lost Night Files podcast team, hires private investigator Gideon Sweetwater to catch the stalker who has been watching her. Amelia suspects the stalker may be connected to the shadowy organization responsible for the night that she and her two friends lost to amnesia—a night that upended their lives and left them with paranormal talents.

Gideon suspects that Amelia is either paranoid or an outright con artist, but he can’t resist the chemistry between them. He takes the case despite his skepticism. For her part, Amelia has second thoughts about the wisdom of employing the mysterious Mr. Sweetwater. She is wary of the powerful attraction between them, and deeply uneasy about the nightmarish paintings on the walls of his home. She senses they were inspired by his own dreamscapes.

Amelia knows she doesn’t have time to find another investigator, and Gideon is forced to reckon with the truth when he disrupts what was intended to be Amelia’s kidnapping. Now the pair is on the run, with no choice but to return to the haunting ruins of the old hotel where Amelia’s lost night occurred. They are desperate to stop a killer and the people who are conducting illegal experiments with a dangerous drug that is designed to enhance psychic abilities. If they are to survive, they will have to trust each other and the passion that bonds them.

1 0
Forced Proximity (Bluebell House Duet Book 1) by Jaymin Eve & Tate JamesNew College. New Start. New Life.

Or at least a second chance at life after almost dying at my last school.

Meadowridge College was supposed to be a fresh start at the safest college in America. I'd be rubbing elbows with the elite of the world, while trying to complete my degree and find a path to a brighter future.

My trauma had other ideas though. When the panic attacks send me into the arms of a gorgeous stranger in the library, it sets off a chaotic chain of events that end with me being kicked out of my dorms and forced to live and renovate a rundown old house on the edge of campus.

With five of the schools richest, most arrogant, controlling men.

Men who are filled with secrets.

Secrets I was starting to think might be to do with me.

Being forced to share Bluebell House could turn enemies into friends, and maybe even lovers... but will we all make it out alive?

Forced Proximity (Bluebell House Duet Book 1) by Jaymin Eve & Tate JamesNew College. New Start. New Life.

Or at least a second chance at life after almost dying at my last school.

Meadowridge College was supposed to be a fresh start at the safest college in America. I`d be rubbing elbows with the elite of the world, while trying to complete my degree and find a path to a brighter future.

My trauma had other ideas though. When the panic attacks send me into the arms of a gorgeous stranger in the library, it sets off a chaotic chain of events that end with me being kicked out of my dorms and forced to live and renovate a rundown old house on the edge of campus.

With five of the schools richest, most arrogant, controlling men.

Men who are filled with secrets.

Secrets I was starting to think might be to do with me.

Being forced to share Bluebell House could turn enemies into friends, and maybe even lovers... but will we all make it out alive?

2 0
Dear Presti: the Prince's Pen Pal by Karrie RomanPrince James lives a life of stifling duty behind the walls of Buckingham Palace. He keeps his secrets and his stiff upper lip while dreaming of the day he will be free to find the man of his dreams. It's a day he believes might never come. Until Prestidigitation Jones, an ethnobotany student from a small town in Australia, bursts into his life.

Prestidigitation marches to his own beat along with his small group of family and friends. He long ago accepted most people found him a little eccentric, but that won't stop him from living on his own terms. Though happy enough, Presti dreams of finding a man who accepts him as he is and loves him unconditionally.

A fated meeting throws them together. An attraction blooms, and a friendship begins. Distance keeps them apart, but destiny brings them together.

Through a trail of exposed secrets, false starts and unfathomable tragedy, James and Presti's feelings for each other grow stronger. Does James have the courage to fight for his dream? Can Presti face the public scrutiny of being the plus one of the spare to the throne?

Surely, together, they can find their way to happiness/find their happily ever after.


Dear Presti: the Prince’s Pen Pal
Karrie Roman © 2024 All Rights Reserved

Some people have a unique gift bestowed on them at birth. Perhaps one they enjoy bragging about or showing off at parties, performing these oddities like show ponies. The only gift I possessed seemed to be attracting unwanted attention.

Unlike many in these strange days of reality TV and phone cameras, I preferred to remain unnoticed. Anonymous. Out of the spotlight. Thank you very much. My dearest friend, Astrid, delighted in pointing out how I drew attention as if I were a magnet. She blamed the fantastical way I’d entered the world. She claimed that it was simply not possible for me to remain in the background after I’d burst onto the world stage in such a public way at my unusual birth.

I adored my best friend even if she did have an annoying tendency to be correct.

Though I attempted to move wraith-like through my days, I tended to stand out like a rainbow on a grey day. ...

Dear Presti: the Prince`s Pen Pal by Karrie RomanPrince James lives a life of stifling duty behind the walls of Buckingham Palace. He keeps his secrets and his stiff upper lip while dreaming of the day he will be free to find the man of his dreams. It`s a day he believes might never come. Until Prestidigitation Jones, an ethnobotany student from a small town in Australia, bursts into his life.

Prestidigitation marches to his own beat along with his small group of family and friends. He long ago accepted most people found him a little eccentric, but that won`t stop him from living on his own terms. Though happy enough, Presti dreams of finding a man who accepts him as he is and loves him unconditionally.

A fated meeting throws them together. An attraction blooms, and a friendship begins. Distance keeps them apart, but destiny brings them together.

Through a trail of exposed secrets, false starts and unfathomable tragedy, James and Presti`s feelings for each other grow stronger. Does James have the courage to fight for his dream? Can Presti face the public scrutiny of being the plus one of the spare to the throne?

Surely, together, they can find their way to happiness/find their happily ever after.


Dear Presti: the Prince’s Pen Pal
Karrie Roman © 2024 All Rights Reserved

Some people have a unique gift bestowed on them at birth. Perhaps one they enjoy bragging about or showing off at parties, performing these oddities like show ponies. The only gift I possessed seemed to be attracting unwanted attention.

Unlike many in these strange days of reality TV and phone cameras, I preferred to remain unnoticed. Anonymous. Out of the spotlight. Thank you very much. My dearest friend, Astrid, delighted in pointing out how I drew attention as if I were a magnet. She blamed the fantastical way I’d entered the world. She claimed that it was simply not possible for me to remain in the background after I’d burst onto the world stage in such a public way at my unusual birth.

I adored my best friend even if she did have an annoying tendency to be correct.

Though I attempted to move wraith-like through my days, I tended to stand out like a rainbow on a grey day. ...

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