“Do you promise to love and cherish each other as long as you both shall live?””¦Undoubtedly you have heard these words uttered by a minister at a wedding ceremony. This line is then followed by the bride and the groom both saying “I Do”. Think of the couples you have known in your life. Think of your own experience. Has there been someone special in your life who you’ve loved? Has that relationship lasted a lifetime? I ask you, “Is it possible to be in a committed relationship with the person you love and have the relationship last for a lifetime?”
In today’s busy society it seems to be hard for love relationships to last. Is it true that no relationship lasts forever? Or does it just seem that way? I wonder why it seems finding your soul mate and being with that person for a lifetime is so hard to do. Is it because there are so many distractions around us such as work, television, children and the internet? Or is it that people are different than they used to be? Or maybe men and women are the same as they’ve always been. However, now because of education and financial independence individuals are better able to act on their desire to move on if a relationship hits a rough patch. What do you think? Is it possible to be in a committed relationship with the person you love and have the relationship last for a lifetime? And, if you think it is possible, why does it seem so hard for couple to stay together? Tell me, what do you think? – Sheniqua Waters www.TheWorldsBestBook.com
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