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Book Brew w Coffee Crew

Interview Traci Bell


We’re happy to welcome Traci Bell to share in our event today.

CTR: They say “everybody is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day,” so are you really part Celt –that includes a group of nationalities and ethnic or tribal elements such as Irish, Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Breton and residents of various islands around Great Britain—or just a fellow traveler fascinated by these amazing people?

TB: I’m part Irish on my father’s side of the family. My mother-in-law is Irish and very proud of it!

CTR: Obviously you have written a book with Celtic inspiration so please tell us a bit about it. The ISBN and buy link is always good and maybe some background or ‘story behind the story’ to pique our reader’s interest. Of course the Celts have long been known as bards, poets and story tellers so maybe that figures in too, right? You can provide a blurb here also!
TB: Entangled is the story about a teacher from earth named Cassie, who possesses unknown gifts, and the mysterious man, Alexos, who enters her life, claiming she can save his world from unnatural disasters.
When building Alex’s world, I used Celtic and Roman influences. Something I wanted to contrast between Cassie’s world (modern day earth) and Alex’s (a parallel universe) was how far we’ve disconnected ourselves from nature. To do that, I made nature very important to the spiritual beliefs in Alex’s world, similar to the druids. The druids worshipped in groves and forests and believed that everything in nature was connected. The Celtic festival of Ostara, held on the Spring Equinox to celebrate the birth of spring, can also be found in my book.
In addition, I used one of the ancient meanings of the Celtic cross, which is that the circle represents the infinite nature of the Creator, and the cross represents the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water. I also had fun referencing the omphalos statue, which is a circular altar that represented ascension to a higher realm.
The majority of the names I used in the book are Celtic, Welsh, and Greek, and were specifically chosen to represent the character. For example, Gareth, the Master that teaches Cassie how to use her gifts, is Celtic for ‘old.’
CTR: What do you think is the special appeal of the Celts to modern readers? There seems to be a huge enthusiasm for those “kilty lads” as heroes 😉 and also for Celtic elements ranging from ancient to modern. I know some of the Celtic based spiritual paths such as Druidry are also gaining many new adherents. Do you think that is a result of, a driving force behind or just a parallel to the growing fandom for Celtic romances?

TB: I think the growing fandom for all things Celtic, including romances, may be due to several different factors. The Celts had an oral tradition, so what we know was passed down to us through Christian monks and Roman’s like Julius Caesar. The mystery may drive the fascination. Our growing concern for the environment may also be a factor in our renewed interest in the Druids and their reverence for nature. For some fans, the beauty of Celtic art and music in itself is an inspiration.

As for the ‘kilty lads’… I don’t think it is acceptable in our modern society for a man to be an ‘alpha’ male, so we like to read about them in a time where their dominant personalities are necessary for survival. One of the writing groups I’m in lit up cyberspace a few months ago with this very debate.

Besides, who can resist those accents?

CTR: Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and if so what do you and your friends or family do?

TB: We wear green on St. Patrick’s Day, and my husband is always up for beer. I must put a blurb here about the saying, ‘the luck of the Irish.’ Sometimes my husband’s luck amazes me!

CTR: If you could choose a Celtic people or place/event to visit, maybe by a time machine, where would you go and why?

TB: I’d love to go to Ireland to visit the sacred and religious sites like Muirdach’s Cross, Mt. Croagh Patrick, Newgrange, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

CTR: Do you have a favorite Celtic-themed book (besides yours of course) and what do you especially love about it? A fave author who writes Celtic inspired stories?

TB: I can think of three that are my favorite books of any that I’ve ever read. Of course, there is Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. I love that ‘kilty lad’ Jamie Frasier! Another of my favorites is The Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I love how she takes the King Arthur tale and shows it from Morgaine’s viewpoint. Last but not least, I love the The Fionavar Tapestry books by Guy Gavriel Kay. He writes about a world that is the first of all worlds, and he includes Celtic and Norse mythology in the first world.

CTR: It seems the Celts are all known for their music. The folk music store is rich and loved by many whether the Irish dance tunes and ballads, the Welsh choral tradition, the Scots airs and laments or the evocative music of Brittany. Do you have a favorite Celtic artist or album? Do you play some of that music when you are writing to enhance the creative process? When did you discover that artist or style of music?

TB: I have Enya on my iPod, and I do listen to the Celtic station on Pandora when I want to hear the soulful sound of the flute and the bagpipes. The ballads are my favorites.

CTR: Before we say farewell, please tell us where we can learn more about you and your books, how to find your blog, website, twitter or Facebook pages, etc.

TB: My website is, my blog is, and my twitter account is @traci_bell.

Entangled is currently available on Amazon in print and kindle versions, Barnes and Noble in print version, and should be out for the Nook in the next week or so. My publisher is putting the book on ARe this coming week, and arrangements are being made for the book to be available on Palm.

CTR: Erin go braugh and Scotland forever! Thanks for sharing this happy event with us all. Go in peace and watch out for that green beer.




  • Rachel Firasek

    Awesome interview Traci. I’m seeing more and more of the Celtic influence in our everyday world. I’m glad you shared so much of it with us. Can’t wait for free time so I can dig into Entangled.

  • Renee Rearden


    Fantastic interview. I agree with the idea that men from centuries ago certainly had to be more alpha to survive. Who wouldn’t want a man that would kill to protect them…or break a few heads after a few pints! And the accents…wow. They get me every time.

    I’ve already downloaded Entangled onto my Kindle. It’s in my TBR file!!!

  • Cindy L

    Outlander is also one of my favorite reads. It was also my first venture into Time Travel Romance.

  • Traci Bell

    Thanks, Rachel. When I started researching the Celts, I was surprised how much of their culture I was already familiar with, but just hadn’t realized where the origins came from!

  • Traci Bell

    Renee – I could spend hours listening to actors like James McAvoy, Gerard Butler, and Pierce Brosnan!

  • Traci Bell


    My first venture into time travel romance was A Knight In Shining Armor, by Jude Deveraux.

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