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Looking for an author’s web site? What about a new group of authors who have events and blogs? Well, we have that ever growing list right here. It is growing all of the time and we hope you find what you are looking for below.

Lots of authors get together and spread the word about their books and events. Look around and find a new group to you to meet and chat with about things that we all love…books! Authors: If you are a member of an author group (group of authors that have gotten together and formed your own group and would like to be listed here, please let us know.


Aaron, Angela
Aaronovitch, Ben
Abe, Shana
Abell, Kelly
Abriel, Darcy
Abshire, Mary
Accardo, Jus
Adaire, AJ
Adams, Allie K.
Adams, Dee J.
Adams, Diane
Adams, Jean
Adams, J.
Adams, Nancy
Addams, Brita
Addison, Savannah
Adkins, Stephanie
Admirand, C.H.
Adrian, Lara
Adrienne, Kerry
Aguirre, Ann
Aiken, G.A.
Aikens, Shelley
Aine, Brigit
Airies, Rebecca
Alan, Elizabeth
Alan, KB
Alder, Natalie
Allred, Tara C.
Alexander, Jerrie
Alexander, Kianna
Alexander, Kindle
Alexander, Lacey
Alexander, R.G.
Alexander, Skye
Alexander, Tasha
Alexander, Victoria
Alferio, Debbie
Ali, T.
Allen, Katie
Allen, Kayelle
Allen, Louise
Allen, Nate
Allen, Sarah Addison
Allister, J Rose
Almeida, Chris
Alsobrooks, Elizabeth
Alt, Carol
Alvarez, Annie
Alvarez, Milena Gomez
Amber, Claire
Ambrose, Starr
Amery, Elle
Amiri, Cornelia
Amour, Cherie

Andel, Lisa

Andersen, Jessica
Andersen, Laura
Andersen, Maggi
Andersen, Susan
Anderson, Andi
Anderson, Catherine
Anderson, Evangeline
Anderson, Maura
Anderson, Toni
Anderson, Markee
Andre, Bella
Andrews, Amy
Andrews, Linda
Andrews, Liz
Andrews, P.
Andrews, Rebecca
Andrews, Vivi
Angell, Kate
Anna, Vivi
Anthony, Pepper
Anthony, Piers
Anton, Shari
Apodaca, Jennifer
Appleton, Robert
Appleyard, Sandy
Archer, C.J.
Archer, Juliet
Archer, T.C.
Archer, Zoe
Armae, Angelique
Armstrong, Amanda
Armstrong, Franny
Armstrong, S.L.
Armstrong, Tibby
Arnold, Elizabeth Joy
Arnold, Larry
Arnold, Nan D. (passed away July 21, 2012)
Arsenault, Emily
Ashbless, Janine
Ashe, Ellen
Ashe, Katharine
Asher, Bridget
Ashgrove, Claire
Ashley, Amanda
Ashley, Jennifer
Ashley, Virginia
Ashling, Mickie B.
Ashton, Avril
Ashwood, Sharon
Ashworth, Heidi
Aston, Alexa
Atkins, D.M.
Atkins, Dawn
Atkinson, Jo
Atwell, Ariel
Aubrey, Cecilia
August, Jennifer
Auguste, Michaela
Austin, Angela Kay
Autumn, Piper
Axelson, Xavier
Ayer, Carol


B, Calinda
Baber, Rick
Bacio, Louisa
Badd, Liliana
Bagby, D. Renee
Baggott, Julianna
Bagnell, Karen G
Bagshawe, Tilly
Bagwell, Gillian
Bailee, Dehanna
Bailey, Gen
Bailey, Kristen N.
Bailey, Tammy
Baily, Sydney Jane
Bain, Kathryn J.
Baird, Laura M.
Baker, Judy
Baker, Madeline
Ball, Donna A.
Ball, Kathleen
Ballance, Sarah
Ballard, Linda
Ballou, Mardi
Balogh, Mary
Balzo, Sandra
Banash, Jennifer
Bancroft, Blair
Bane, Trista
Banks, Dakota
Banks, L.A. (Passed away August 2, 2011)
Banks, Leanne
Banks, Maya
Bantwal, Shobhan
Barber, Christinab
Barbosa, Jackie
Barclay, Michael
Bardsley, Michele
Barnaby, J.P.
Barnett, Barbara A.
Barnette, Abigail
Baron, Michael
Baron, Renee
Barone, Sam
Barrack, Jeanne
Barret, Jason A.
Barrett, Gail
Barrett, Jo
Barrett, Julia Rachel
Barrett, Suzanne
Barrette, Elizabeth
Barron, Melinda
Bartell, Karen Hulene
Bartlett, Gerry
Bartlett, L.L.
Barton, Beverly (passed away April 20, 2011)
Barwell, Anne
Bass, Jefferson
Basso, Adrienne
Bast, Anya
Bateman, Beverly
Bates, Patricia
Batman, Vicki
Battah, Suzan
Bauermeister, Erica
Baumbach, Laura
Baxter, Cynthia
Baylee, Eden
Bayley – Burke, Jenna
Bayne, Robin
Beam, Rachel
Beaton, J. Thomas
Beattie, Michelle
Beaumont, K.C.
Beaumont, Nicola
Beck, Heather
Beck, Stephanie
Beckenham, Jane
Becker, Jodie
Beckett, Galen
Beckett, I.M.
Beckham, Hannah
Bederman, Steven
Bee, Courtney
Beecroft, Alex
Befeler, Mike
Belegon, Will
Bell, Amber Dawn
Bell, Dana Marie
Bell, Dr. Ella L J Edmondson
Bell, Jay
Bell, Juniper
Bell, Shelly
Bellacera, Carole
Belle, Logan
Bellina, Naomi
Bendoni, Tina
Benedict, Alexandra
Benét, J. L.
Benjamin, Meg
Benjamin, Zelda
Bennet, Bliss
Bennett, Janice
Bennett, Jules
Bennett, Kaia
Bennett, Laura
Bennett, Sara
Bennett, Sondrae
Benoit, Lee
Bentley, Jacki
Bentley, Karilyn
Bentley, Monica
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Berlin, Catherine
Berlin, Eve
Bern, Simone
Bernard, Jennifer
Bernitti, Kitti
Berot, Barbara
Berry, Liz
Bessette, Alicia
Best, Tim
Betts, Heidi
Beverley, Jo
Bidwell, Sharon Maria
Billerbeck, Kristin
Billingham, Mark
Billingsley, ReShonda Tate
Bilodeau, Linda
Bingley, Lori Derby
Birks, Margaret
Birt, Anita
Bishop, Angeline M.
Bishop, Esmerelda
Bivona, Ginnie Siena
Bjork, K.L.
Black, Flesa
Black, Lenore
Black, Lisa
Black, Mychael
Black, Regan
Black, Sarah
Black, Shayla
Blackstone, Icy Snow
Blackthorne, Taryn
Blackwell, Scarlet
Blain, Terry Irene
Blaine, Destiny
Blair, Annette
Blair, Iona
Blair, Sandy
Blair, Willa
Blaisdell, Kerry
Blaise, Brit (passed away March 2015)
Blake, Abby
Blake, Kathryn R.
Blake, Madison
Blake, Margaret
Blake, Selena
Blake, Tempeste
Blake, Toni
Blevins, Candace
Blisse, Victoria
Block, Ellen
Block, Valerie
Blu, Katie
Blue, Alice (passed away December 2010)
Blue, Ally
Blue, Anabel
Blue, Sapphire
Blue, T.C.
Blue, Violet
Blue. RaeLynn
Bluekissed, Jen
Blythe, Augusta
Bobis, Merlinda
Bock, Kristy Denice
Bode, N.E.
Bodine, Sherrill
Bodoin, Dorothy
Boese, Theolyn
Bogart, Deborah
Bográn, JH
Bohnet, Jennie
Bokal, Jennifer D.
Bolks, Shane
Bolton, Nancy Shew
Bond, David
Bond, Meredith
Bond, Stephanie
Bonita, BL
Bonner, Lynnette
Booze, Destiny
Bordeaux, Belladonna
Borissova, Borislava
Borrill, Lori
Bos, Christie Walker
Bostic, April
Bostwick, Marie
Boteach, Shmuley
Boultbee, David
Bourne, Joanna
Bourne, Sam
Bowen, Gerrie
Bowie, J.P.
Bowles, Jan
Bowman, Elena Dorothy
Bowman, Valerie
Bowman, Vicki P.
Boyett-Compo, Charlotte
Boyle, Elizabeth
Bracken, Michael
Braden, M.G.
Bradford, Tessie
Bradley, Barbara Donlon
Bradley, Eden
Brady, Kate
Brandon, Paris
Brandt, Peter
Brannon, Shonna
Brant, Kylie
Brant, Marilyn
Brashares, Ann
Braun, Lilian Jackson (Died June 4, 2011)
Braziel, Jamie Lynn
Brazil, Jamie
Breeding, Cynthia
Brennan, Adrianne
Brennan, Allison
Bretes, Constance
Breton, Laurie
Brett, Reece
Brice, Dee
Bridger, Denyse
Brighton, Lori
Brimble, Rachel
Brio, Alessia
Brisbin, Terri
Briskin, Jacqueline (Died 12-24-2014
Britnell, Angela
Britt, Jennifer
Brittan, Lyn
Brockmann, Suzanne
Brockway, Connie
Brodie, Liadan
Bronson, Danielle
Brooker, Alan M
Brookes, Krystal
Brooks, Alyssa
Brooks, Cheryl
Brooks, Sara
Brophy, Nancy
Brown, Berengaria
Brown, Carolyn
Brown, Dale
Brown, Dawn
Brown, H. C.
Brown, Leila
Brown, Lissa
Brown, Zetta
Browning, Goldie
Browning, Laura
Bruce, Gemma
Bruening, Patricia Oshier
Bruhns, Nina
Brumley, Jennie
Bruno, Gianna
Brutger, Stacey
Brutt, Barbara
Bryan, Barri
Bryan, Emily
Bryan, K. Celeste
Bryant, Cathy
Buchanan, Jade
Buchanan, James
Buchbinder, Sharon
Buck, Rebecca
Buckley, Lorelei
Buehler, BethAnn
Buehler, Luisa
Bujold, Lois McMaster
Brumley, Jennie
Bundrick, Sheramy
Burcell, Robin
Burke, Alafair
Burke, Aliyah
Burke, Leeann
Burke, Lynn
Burke, Misty
Burke, Stephanie
Burkhart, Joely Sue
Burkhart, Stephanie
Burn, K. C.
Burns, Amanda
Burns, Cillian (passed away March 1, 2010)
Burns, Monica
Burnside, Anne
Burroughs, Leanne
Burrows, Tonya
Burton, Jaci
Burton, Louisa
Burton, Mary
Busbee, Shirlee
Bush, Chastity
Bush, Holly
Bush, Nancy
Bushman, M. L.
Bussel, Rachel Kramer
Butcher, Jim
Butcher, Shannon K.
Butler, Reece
Bybee, Catherine
Bye, Clayton
Byrd, Rhyannon


Cabot, Meg
Cade. Cathryn
Caelsto, Mary
Cafesin, Jeri
Cahoon, Lynn
Cain, Anne
Cain, Lilly
Cain, Victoria Pitts
Callahan, Coreene
Callen, Gayle
Callow, Pamela
Calloway, Paula
Cameron, DeAnna
Cameron, Nicola
Cameron, Paige
Cameron, Skyla Dawn
Cameron, Stella
Camp, Candace
Campbell, Anna
Campbell, Glynnis
Campbell, Lisa M.
Campbell, Marilyn
Campbell, Phyllis
Campbell, Wanda B
Camillo, Carolann
Campisi, Mary
Cameron, Collette
Canham, Marsha
Cannon, Joan L.
Cantor, Jillian
Cantrell, Elaine
Cantrell, Rebecca
Caperton, Angela
Capshaw, Carla
Carbo, Denise
Carbone, Ute
Card, Orson Scott
Cardin, Juliet
Carew, Opal
Carey, A. Dee
Carey, Jacqueline
Carl, Joanna
Carl, Lillian Stewart
Carlisle, Kate
Carlisle, Lisa
Carlo, Jianne
Carlson, Marie
Carlson, Melody
Carlton, Kenya
Carluk, Raven Corinn
Carlyle, Liz
Carlysle, Regina
Carmer, Lynn
Carmichael, Kathy
Carmichael, Shayne
Campanelli, Michelle Wallace
Carnell, Delia
Carney, Dee
Carr, Cassandra
Carr, Paul
Carr, Robyn
Carr, Susanna
Carrell, Amanda
Carrington, Rachel
Carroll, Christine
Carroll, Katie
Carroll, Louann
Carroll, Marie
Carron, Leigh
Carsen, Sela
Carson, Dakota
Carson, Nell
Carter, Elizabeth Ellen
Carter, Joann
Carter, Anne
Carter, Betsy
Carter, Caryn
Carter, Margaret L.
Carter, Mary
Carter, Mina
Cartwright, Sierra
Casey, Kathryn
Cash, Dixie
Casie, Ruth A
Caskie, Kathryn
Casper, Maggie
Cassatta, Allison
Cassidy, Carla
Cassidy, Dakota
Cassidy, Meloni
Cast, P.C.
Castell, Dianne
Castellano, Mirella
Castille, Jenna
Castilleja, Diana
Castle, Kendra Leigh
Castle, Linda Lea
Caudill, Beth
Center, Katherine
Chai, Billie Warren
Chailyn, Kendra Mei
Chamberlin, Holly
Chambers, Jennifer
Chambers, Michelle
Champa, Heidi
Champagne, Pam
Chan, Kylie
Chance, Karen
Chandler, Cassandra
Chandler, H. L.
Channing, Harris
Chapman, Mark Terence
Chapman, Victoria – Passed Away November 2010
Charles, L.J.
Charnley, Sue
Charton, Elaine
Chase, Ashlyn
Chase, Brindle
Chase, Kira
Chase, Rachelle
Chase, Savannah
Cheever, Sam
Chelcee, Jaydyn
Chenery, Marisa
Chercover, Sean
Chernow, Catherine
Cherry, Rowena
Chianese, Gail
Chianti, Sherri
Chilcott, Helen
Child, Maureen
Childs, Starla
Chin, Kimberly
Christian, M.
Christner, Wendi
Christopher, Ann
Christopher, Buffy
Christopher, Craven
Ciletti, Linda
Ciotta, Beth
Claire, Angela
Clancy, TomPassed away October 2, 2013
Clarizio, Valerie J.
Clark, Jaycee
Clark, Lauren
Clark, Laverne
Clark, Lucy
Clark, Marcia
Clark, Mary Higgins
Clark, Mary Jane
Clark, Rachel
Clarke, J A
Clarke, R. Moreen
Claudy Conn
Clayton, Mary
Clayton, Meg Waite
Clayton, Melinda
Clemetson, Christine
Clenney, Anita
Clifton, Cheri Kay
Clouse, Elle
Cocreham, Eleanor
Coffey, Jan
Cogan, Karen
Cohen, Nancy J.
Coi, J. K.
Coker, Lynda
Colcroft, Karenna
Coldwell, Elizabeth
Cole, Cash
Cole, Jennifer
Cole, Liz
Cole, Madison
Cole, Sebastian
Coleman, Dallas
Coleman, Rowan
Colgan, Jennifer
Collins, Catherine Anne
Collins, Colleen
Collins, Evangeline
Collins, Katana
Colt, Patti Ann
Columbus, Christine
Condi, Kris
Conn, Claudy
Conn, Phoebe
Connally, Connie Hampton
Connealy, Mary
Conner, Jennifer
Connolly, Lynne
Connolly, Shirley Kiger
Connor, Eden
Connor, Ellen
Conrad, Linda
Conroy, Pat
Constans, Gabriel
Contilli, Cristina
Cook, Anny
Cook, C. Fern
Cooke, Bruce
Cooke, Deborah
Coonts, Deborah
Cooper, KaLyn
Cooper, Karina
Cooper-Posey, Tracy
Copeland, Jodi Lynn
Copeland, Lori
Corby, Ciaran
Corcoran, Jacqueilne
Cordero, Chelle
Cordle, M.L.
Cormier, Sandra
Cornwall, Lecia
Corona, Laurel
Corrigan, Nancy
Corti-Petska, Janine
Corwin, Amy
Cory, Ann
Cosentino, Joseph
Cosgrove, Julie B.
Costa, Carol
Costelloe, Rob
Coston, LeAnn
Cote, Karen
Cote, Lyn
Cotoner, Kate
Couper, Lexxie
Courtenay, Christina
Courtright, H. J.
Courtright, Rhobin Lee
Cove, AJ
Coventry, Susan
Coverstone, Stacey
Covey, Donica
Covington, Cara
Cox, Elizabeth Eagan
Cox, Josephine
Cox, Maria
Cox, Sandra
Coyle, Cleo
Coyle, Cleo
Craig, Dalia
Craig, Gretchen
Crain, Lynn
Cramer-Kelly, Tracey
Crandall, Susan
Craven, Liz
Craver, Diane
Crawford, Susan
Crawford, Wilson
Creek, Annie Harland
Cremer, Andrea
Crenshaw, Taige
Crespo, Nina
Crider, Bill
Crier, Catherine
Crigger, C.K.
Crocker, Donna
Croft, Nina
Croft, Sydney
Croger, Loretta
Cromwell, Pat
Crooks, Christina
Crooks, Pam
Cross, Claire
Crouch, Janie
Crowley, Susan Hanniford
Crowley, Suzanne
Cruse, Lonnie
Crusie, Jennifer
Crystal, Cheri
Cullen, Ciar
Cullen, Lynn
Cullen, Sharon
J. Arlene Culiner
Cummings, K G
Curtis, Cassandra
Curtis, Gregory
Curtis, Joy M.
Custer, Barbara
Cutler, Melissa


Da Costa, Portia
d’Abo, Christine
Dafoe, Sierra
Daheim, Mary
Dahl, Arla
Dahl, Victoria
Dahlen, K.J.
Daille, Barbara White
Daily, Janet – Died 12-17-2013
Daily, Lisa
Dain, Claudia
D’Alba, Cynthia
Dalby, Robert
Dale, Andrea
Dale, Leiland
Dale, Lisa
Dale, Sarah
Daley-Prado, M. J.
Dalton, Tymber
D’Amario, Teresa
Damato, Nancy
Damschroder, Natalie J.
Damsgaard, Shirley
Dane, Adrianna
Dane, Cameron
Dane, Jordan
Dane, Lauren
Danella, Kay
Danes, Lacy
Daniel, Sara
Daniels, B.J.
Daniels, Calico
Daniels, Kimberly
Daniels, Kit
Daniels, Wynter
Dante, Kathleen
D’Arc, Bianca
Darcy, Lillian
Dare, Annice
Dare, Kim
Dare, Lana (AKA Leah Brooke)
Dare, Tessa
Darin, Alexa
Dark, Emmie
Darkins, Ellie
Darling, Lisa Beth
Darling, Olivia
DaRosa, Karyna
D’Artagnan, Etienne
Dasef, Marva
Dasnoit, Laura
Daughters, K.M.
Daughtridge, Mary Margret
Dauphin, Shannon
Davenport, Tanitha
David, Anna
David, Jillian
David, Kay
Davidson, Diane Mott
Davidson, Mary Janice
Davies, Kate
Davies, Barbara
Davies, Corinne
Davis, Cari
Davis, Dee
Davis, Jo
Davis, Lexie
Davis, Lisa Marie
Davis, Michael
Davitt, Jane
Dawn, Penny
Dawn, Stacy
Dawning, Dee
Dawson, Geralyn
Dawson, Lucy
Day, Sylvia
de Chevigny, Aline
de Mello, Suz
De Mello, Suz
De Sues, Cherie
Dean, Alicia
Dean, Cassandra
Dean, Vivien
DeBree, Jamie
Decaprio, Roberta C.M.
Dee, Bonnie
Dee, Jess
Dee, Lavada
Deeprose, Lora
Dees, Marie
DeHart, Robyn
DeJesus, Liz
Delacroix, Claire
DeLand, Cerise
Delaney, Gail R.
Delany, Vicki
Delecki, Jacki
DeLeon, LJ
Delight, Raine
Delors, Catherine
DeLucy, Jennifer
DeMarcus, Renee
deMello, Suz
Demeter, Rachel L
Demont, Vaughn R.
Denholtz, Roni
Dennis, Debora
Dennis, Josie
Dennis, Kathrynn
Dennis, Nicole
Denson, Debra
Denton, Jasmine
Denys, Jennifer
DePetrillo, Christine
DePoy, Phillip
Depre, Cyndia
Dereske, Jo
DeRicci, Diana
Dermatis, Dayle A.
Derr-Willie, Sherry
Desalvo, Doreen
DeSantis, Debi
Desbois, Sherri
Destefano, Merrie
Devane, DC
Deveraux, Jude
Devereaux, Vanessa
Devine, Thea
Devlin, Delilah
Devlin, Julia
Devlin, Patty
Di Meo, Jay
Diablo, Keta
Diamond, Delaney
Diamond, Jaine
Diamond, Lacey
Diamond, Vincent
Dicken, Leslie
Diener, Michelle
Dietrich, William
Different, City
Dimon, HelenKay
Dionne, Aubrie
DiPlacido, Susan
Dixon, Nika
Dohner, Laurann
Dolan, Kate
Dominique, Dawne’
Donnelly, Alianna
Donnelly, Deborah
Donnelly, Rachel
Donner, Kit
Donovan, Marie
Donovan, Sharon (passed away April 11, 2012)
Dorsey, Tim
Douglas, Anne
Douglas, Kate
Douglass, Sara (passed away September 26, 2011)
Dove, Maggie
Downs, Lindsay
Doyle, Debra & James D. MacDonald
Dragon, Cheryl
Drake, Abby
Drake, Annette
Drake, David
Drake, Dianne
Drake, Jocelynn
Drake, Madeleine
Draven, Grace
Draven, Stephanie
Dravis, Betty
Dray, Stephanie
Dressel, Mary J.
Drew, Diane
Dreyer, Eileen
Debra Druzy
Dryden, Delphine
Du Pre, Jolie
Duarte, Judy
Dubé, Marcelle
Dubois, Adele
Dubois, Brendan
Dubois, Sorchia
Dubrinsky, Violette
Duda, Deborah
DuLong, Terri
DuMond, Pamela
Dumas, Cherry M.
Duncan, Lindsey
Dunlop, Barbara
Dunn, Sharon
Dunn, Suzannah
Dupree, Delta
Dupree, Midnyte
Duprés, Lila
Duquesne, Freya
Durham, Laura
Durham, S.
Duvalier, Lilith
Duvall, Emily
Dwyer, Dixie Lynn
Dynowski, Anna


Gabaldon, Diana
Gabriel, Sarah
Gabriel, Susan
Gael, Cynthia
Gage, Ronna
Gail, Samantha
Gaines, Alice
Gale, Colette
Galen, Shana
Galenorn, Yasmine
Galifany, Jena
Gallagher, Donna
Gallagher, Lauren
Gallaway, Matthew
Gallow, Amy
Gantt, DeVa
Garbera, Katherine
Gardner, Bernadette
Gardner, Kimberly
Gardner, Lisa
Garey, Terri
Garland, Dr. Dale
Garlock, Dorothy
Garner, Cynthia
Garner, Sharon K.
Garnier, Red
Garren, Jax
Garrett, Emma Ray
Garside, Heather
Garwood, Julie
Garza, Gabrina
Gaston, D. K.
Gaston, Diane
Gautier, Thom
Gayle, A.B.
Gayle, Brenda
Gayle, Eliza
Gayle, Linda
Gayle, Stephanie
Gayle, Tina
Geissinger, J.T.
Gendron, Kelly
Gentry, Georgina
Gentry, Samanatha
Geoffries, Heather
George, Jacqueline
George, Mary Lou
Geraci, Maria
Gerard, Cindy
Gerlach, Katharina
Germain, Shanna
Gerritsen, Tess
Gibbs, Linda Hays
Gibbs, Tammie Clarke
Gibson, Rachel
Gideon, Nancy
Gideon, Robin
Glick, Heidi
Gilbert, J.
Gilbert, Judith
Gilbreath, Melanie
Gill, Carole
Gill, Laura
Gill, Tamara
Gilliam, Jenny
Gilmer, Candice
Gilmore, Sheri
Giovanni, Marco
Girard, Deborrah
Gisby, Annette
Gist, Deeaane
Glad, Judith B.
Glass, Seressia
Glasse, Hobert
Gleason, Colleen
Glenn, Eden
Glenn, Stormy
Godman, Jane
Godwin, Audrey
Goings, Rebecca
Gold, Cassandra
Gold, Ciara
Golden, Bruce
Goodman, Carol
Goodman, Jo
Goodwin, Barbara
Goodwin, Rosemary
Gordon, Christie
Gordon, Erin
Gordon, Gina
Gordon, Jean C.
Gordon, Solara
Gorman, Cher
Gotter Gates, Nancy
Goudge, Eileen
Gould, Debbie
Gould, Steven
Grabowski, Christine
Grace, Alexa
Grace, Erin
Grace, K.D.
Grace, Rebecca
Grace, Sable
Grace, Sayde
Grace, Viola
Grace-Staley, Debra
Gracie, Anne
Grady, S.D.
Graham, C.S.
Graham, Heather
Graison, Lily
Grammer, Joan
Grant, Cat
Grant, Donna
Grant, Leah
Grant, Lillian
Grant, Lorna K.
Grant, Madelaine
Grant, Susan
Graves, Jane
Graves, Paula
Graves, Sarah
Gray, Devon
Gray, Nathalie
Gray, Shelley Shepard
Gray, T. L.
Gray, Victoria
Graykowski, Katie
Graysen, Nicole
Green, Amber
Green, Bronwyn
Green, Cindy K.
Green Diana
Green, Jane Green
Green, McArtney
Green, Patricia
Greenbaum, Tara
Greene, Amanda J.
Greene, Susan
Greene, Tilly
Greer, Keelia
Gregg, Kari
Gregory, Nichelle
Greig, Charlotte
Greiman, Lois
Grey, Sable
Grey, Amelia
Grey, Cornelia
Grey, Joe
Grey, Kendall
Grey, Skyler
Grey, Ursula
Greyson, Jen
Greyson, Maeve
Greyson, Scarlett
Griffin, Kara
Griffin, Laura
Griffith, Kathryn Meyer
Grimm, Sarah
Grippando, James
Grobbo, A.R.
Groe, Diana
Groome, Charlene
Groover, Bobbie
Grosjean, Amber Rigby
Gross, Andrew
Gryphon, A.W.
Guhrke, Laura Lee
Guido, Emily
Guillone, Sedonia
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gutcheon, Beth
Gyllenhaal, Liza


Hadaway, Linda
Haddad, Stephanie
Haddock, Nancy
Haden, Jamie Leigh
Haeger, Diane
Haggerty, D.E.
Hailstock, Shirley
Haimowitz, Rachel
Haines, Gwenan
Haines, Jess
Hall, Faye
Hall, Karen
Hall, Katherine
Hall, Mallory
Hall, Russ
Hall, Tara Fox
Hall, Traci
Hallaway, Tate
Halliday, Dawn
Hallinan, Timothy
Hambright, Jan
Hamby, Laura
Hamilton, Laurell K.
Hammond, Michelle
Hampton, AJ
Hampton, Sandi
Hancock, Barbara J.
Handeland, Lori
Hannah, Darci
Hannah, Kristin
Hanson, Moira
Hanson, Tanya
Hardt, Helen
Hardy, Kate
Harlem, Lily
Harlow, Karin
Harlow, Melissa
Harper, Dani
Harper, Elleby
Harper, Karen
Harper, Paulette
Harper, Vonna
Harris, Betty Ann
Harris, Chloe
Harris, Daisy
Harris, Lis’Anne
Harris, Liz
Harris, Rosemary
Harris, Sara
Harris, Saundra E.
Harrison, Kim
Harrison, T.
Harrison, Thea
Harrow, Leanna
Harroway, JC
Hart, Carolyn
Hart, Crymsyn
Hart, Jennifer
Hart, Kaily
Hart, Megan
Hart, Michele
Hart, Shauna
Harte, Louisa
Harte, Marie
Harte, Roxy
Harte, Treva
Hartman, Ruth J
Harvey, Emily Sue
Hasker, Michelle
Hassett, T. D.
Hatfield, Meagan
Hauser, G.A.
Haven, P.S.
Hawke, Morgan
Hawke, Victoria
Hawkeye, Lauren
Hawkins, Karen
Hawley, Francesca
Hayden, L.C.
Hayden, Nicole
Hayes, Gwen
Hayes, Julie Lynn
Hayes, Madison
Haymore, Jennifer
Haynes, Jasmine
Haze, E.R.
Healey, Bryan
Healey, Judith Koll
Heath, Lorraine
Heaton, Felicity
Hecht, Stephani
Heckart, Kelley
Heflin, Rebecca
Heggan, Christiane
Helle, Darcia
Hende, Carol Van Den
Henderson, Helen
Henderson, Nancy
Henderson, Samantha
Henderson, T. T.
Henion, Laura Marie
Henley, Virginia
Henry, Carol
Henry, Mark
Herbert, Ceri
Hebert, Cerian
Herendeen, Ann
Herries, Anne
Herron, Rachael
Herron, Rita
Hestand, Rita
Heusler, Marianna
Hibbs, Sasha
Hicks, Nicole
Hiestand, Heather
Hiestand, Jo
Higgins, Kristan
Hill, Brenda
Hill, Joey
Hill, Chriss
Hill, Jamie
Hill, Kate
Hill, Sandra
Hillins, Kira
Hillman, Emma
Hines, Jerri
Hingle, Metsy
Hinnenkamp, Ann
Hinze, Vicki
Hobson, M.K.
Hodge, Sibel
Hodgson, Mona
Hofman, Kate
Hogan, James P
Hogan, Mary
Hogg, Laura
Holford, Jody
Holland, Tina
Holley, Kinsey W.
Hollis, Christina
Holly, Anne
Holly, Emma
Holman, Michelle
Holmes, Chris
Holmes, Ellie
Holmes, Jeannie
Holquist, Diana
Holt, Cheryl
Holt, Desiree
Hooper, Kay
Hope, Anne
Hope, Zinnia
Hopkins, Vicki
Hopkinson, Nalo
Horan, Kathleen
Hornsby, Kim
Hosack, Melissa
Houston, Michelle
Hovey, Joan Hall
Howard, Anya
Howard, Jeanne
Howard, Victoria
Howell, Hannah
Howell, Julie Ann
Howell, Kiki
Howell, Patty
Hoyt, Elizabeth
Hoyt, Sarah A.
Hubbard, Crystal
Hughes, Charlotte
Hughey, Carolyn
Humphrey, Pamela
Humphrey, Phyllis
Hunsaker, LK
Hunt, Angela
Hunt, Delilah
Hunt, Loribelle
Hunt, Sam JD
Hunter, Caitlyn
Hunter, Diana
Hunter, Ellen Elizabeth
Hunter, Gwen
Hunter, Hazel
Hunter, Liz
Hunter, Madeline
Hunter, Nancy
Hunter, Rebecca
Hunter, Sable
Hunter, Samantha
Hunter, Scarlet
Hunter, T. M.
Hupton, Paul
Hutchins, Paul
Hutton, Callie
Hutton, Cheryel
Hyacinth, Scarlet
Hyatt, Sandra (Passed away August 20, 2011)
Hyde, Debra


Jacks, Cindy
Jackson, Jinger
Jackson, Lisa
Jackson, Melanie
Jackson, Monica (Passed away May 19, 2012
Jackson, Myla
Jackson, Tracey Jane
Jacobs, Ann
Jacobs, Kate
Jacobs, Linda
Jacobs, Reena
Jade, Imari
Jaeger, Peggy
Jagger, Maggie
Jaimeson, Maggie
James, P.D. (Passed away 12/01/2014)
James, Babette
James, Brooklyn
James, Jade
James, Jessica
James, Margaret
James, Roscoe
James, Allyson
James, Anna
James, Cierra
James, Eloisa
James, Judith
James, Julie
James, Kristen
James, Lorelei
James, Maddie
James, Marcia
James, Rebecca
James, Samantha
James, Sandy
James, Sherry
James, Syrie
James, Xandra
Jameson, Becca
Jameson, Fionn
Jamieson, Kelly
Jamison, Jane
Jance, J. A.
Jane, Kimberlee
Jane, Missy
Janowitz, Brenda
Jans, Honey
Janzen, Tara
Jaqson, Deborah
Jarvie, Judy
Jasper, Elle
Jasper, Liz
Jax, Maya
Jay Sara
Jayde, Amanda
Jean, Billi
Jeffries, Sabrina
Jenkins, J. F.
Jewel, Deanna
Jewel, Harper
Jewell, Elizabeth
Johansen, Iris
Johannes, Helen C
Johnson, Ava Rose
Johnson, Cat
Johnson, Jane
Johnson, Jeanie
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, Jude
Johnson, Kathryn
Johnson, Laura T.
Johnson, Liz
Johnson, Norma Tadlock
Johnson, Sheri
Johnson, Susan
Johnson, Thomas E.
Johnston, Paul
Jones, Amarinda
Jones, Diana Wynne – Passed Away March 2011
Jones, Jambrea Jo
Jones, Janet Elizabeth
Jones, Jenna
Jones, Julia Hughes – Passed Away September 14, 2022
Jones, Jules
Jones, Linda Winstead
Jones, Lisa Renee
Jones, Monica Marie
Jones, Pauline Baird
Jones, Samantha
Jones, Sandra
Jones, Sheylynn
Jones, Tricia
Jong-Fast, Molly
Jordan, Bret
Jordan, Crystal
Jordan, Isabella
Jordan, Nicole
Jordan, Penny – Passed away on December 31, 2011
Jordan, Summer
Jordon, Autumn
Jorge-Calderón, Doramas
Joseph, Rhonda Jackson
Joshua, Isabelle
Joy, Dara
Juba, Stacy
Julian, Stephanie
Jump, Shirley
June, Amelia
Jupe, Debra
Juppenlatz, Silke
Juris, DC
Justice, Margay Leah


Kacey, Jennifer
Kade, Cyna
Kage, Linda
Kala, Advaita
Kallyn, Amber
Kama, Adrienne
Kandel, Susan
Kane, Anne
Kane, Cassandra
Kane, Isabelle
Kane, Mallory
Karland, Marteeka
Karlsen, Chris
Karlsson, K. Ann
Karns, Lola
Kasai, Kirsten Imani
Kasar, Kalita
Kasch, Kim
Kath-Bilsky, Ashley
Katherine, Anna
Katros, Heide
Katsikas, Keith
Katt, AC
Kauffman, Crystal
Kauffman, Donna
Kaufman, Ruth
Kay, Karen
Kaye, Bella
Kaye, Jeannie
Kaye, Laura
Kaye, Robin
Kaye, Robin
Kaye, Starla
Kaye, Sylvie
Kayne, Debra
Ke, Alexis
Kean, Catherine
Kearney, Susan
Kearns, Morgan
Keaton, Anna Leigh
Kell, Amber
Keller, jj
Keller, Kathryn
Kellerman, Faye
Kelley, Karen
Kelley, Sahara
Kelley, Susan
Kelly, Dorien
Kelly, Karen
Kelly, Kathryn C.
Kelly, Kiernan
Kelly, Marlowe
Kelly, Megan
Kelly, Mina
Kelly, Mira Lyn
Kelly, Q
Kelly, Tanya
Kelly, Vanessa
Kemp, Debra
Kempe, C. Margery
Kendall, Beverley
Kendall, Tambra
Kendrick, Beth
Kendricks, KC
Kennan, Connie
Kennedy, Doralynn
Kennedy, Kathryne
Kennedy, Kris
Kennedy, Lorraine
Kennedy, Stacey
Kennie, Ryshia
Kenny, Jan
Kent, Alison
Kent, Cassidy
Kenyon, Sherrilyn
Kenyon, Toni
Keraleigh, Anna
Kern, Erin
Kersten, Shayla
Kery, Beth
Kessler, Jackie
Kessler, Lisa
Keswick, Kitty
Keyes, Marian
Kiefer, Nicole
Kiely, Claudette
Killian, TJ
Killion, Kimberly
Kilpatrick, Kilt
Kiltoy, L.S.
Kimbrell, Julie
Kimble, Sophia
Kincaid, Chrystal
Kincaid, Raleigh
Kindle, Kate
King, Cassandra
King, Kris
King, Lynne
King, Naomi
King, Samara
King, Sherri L.
King, Susan Fraser
Kingston, Brittany
Kinkaide, Therese
Kinsale, Laura
Kinsella, Sophie
Kinsey, Trent
Kinson, Wylie
Kirch, Kelly
Kitts, Tracey H.
Kiyono, Patricia
Kleng, Judie
Kleypas, Lisa
Knight, Allison (passed away July 11, 2014)
Knight, Angela
Knight, Charisma
Knight, Dee S
Knight, Deidre
Knight, Eve
Knight, Kathryn
Knight, Melody
Knight, Naomi
Knight, Olivia
Knight, S. Carman
Knight, Susanne Marie
Knight, Tempest
Knobova, Barbora
Knowles, Erosa
Knox, Kim
Koger, Gail
Koomson, Dorothy
Koslow, Sally
Kougar, Savanna
Kozak, P. F.
Kraemer, C.L.
Kreger, Liz
Krentz, Jane Anne
Kretschmer, J. Gayle
Krieger, D.F.
Kring, Sandra
Krist, Anne
Kroll, Belinda
Kulig, Kathy
Kumar, Lisa
Kurland, Lynn
Kwan, Coleen
Kwitney, Alisa
Kyle, Barbara
Kyle, Regina


La Roche, Tristram
LaBlaque, Empress
LaBrecque, Jennifer
LaBud, Pamela
LaCapra, Wendy
Lace, Darah
Lacy, Gwyn
Lacy, Shay
Ladley, Titania
LaFleur, Lynn
LeFoy, Eva
Lagana, Giovanna
Langlais, Eva
Laine, Susan
Lake, Cara
Lakin, C.S.
Lakin, Rita
Lambert, Christina Lynn
Lamb, Cathy
Lamont, Lyndi
Lamperd, Laurel
Landry, Lotus
Landsman, Peggy
Lane, Cheryl
Lane, Jennifer
Lane, Jourdan
Lane, Kallie
Lane, Katie
Lane, Lisa
Laneley, Amanda
Lang, Chloe
Lang, Emma
Lang, Kimberly
Lang, Michele
Lang, Randall
Langford, Keanar
Langston, Ty
Largo, Macy
LaRoque, Linda
LaRose, Jennifer
LaRue, Emery
Lashner, William
Latham, Delia
Latham, Julia
Latham, Kat
Latroy, Lark
Lattimer, Linda
Lauden, Adelle
Lauren, Michelle
Laurence, Diana
Laurens, Stephanie
Laurenston, Shelly
Laurey, Rosemary
Lavene, Joyce and Jill
Lavey, Inara
LaVon, Tina
Lawrence, T.L.
Lawson, Anthea
Lawton, P J
Lawyer, TK
Layle, Madison
Layne, Jamaica
Layton, Bernice
Layton, Edith
Lazu, Sotia
Le Page, Maggie
Leady, Kim
Leaf, Erin M.
Leah, Cia
LeBeau, Eris
LeBlanc, Leslie
Lee, Deanna
Lee, Debra
Lee, Desirée
Lee, Elaina
Lee, Emery
Lee, Fran
Lee, Georgie
Lee, Harper (Died February 19, 2016)
Lee, Lizzie Lynn
Lee, Patrick
Lee, Roz
Leeland, Jennifer
Leffler, Maggie
Lehane, Dennis
Lehr, Leslie
Leigh, Bonnie Rose
Leigh, Lora
Leigh, Caden
Leigh, Jayha
Leigh, Jo
Leigh, Judith
Leigh, Lora
Leigh, Lori
Leigh, Margaret
Leigh, Meg
Leigh, Piper
Leigh, Shannon
LeMoyne, KH
Lence, Julie
Lennox, Marion
Lenox, Kim
Leo, Rosanna
Leon, Katalina
Leonard, Elmore
Lepore, Jacqueline
Lerma, Rose
Lesin, Jolie
Leto, Julie
Levey, Mahalia
Levine, Elaine
Levine, Laura
Lewis, Diane Scott
Lewis, Jane
Lewis, Jennifer
Lewis, Karen
Lewis, Lavinia
Li, Kimber
Li, Racy
Libby, Lori
Lily Graison
Lin, Jeannie
Linden, Caroline
Lindsey, Johanna (died December 23, 2019)
Lindsey, Julie Anne
Lindley, Rae
Lindley-Gauthier, Nancy A.
Lindsey, Sara
Linforth, Jennifer
Linz, Cathie
Lippi, Rosina
Lippman, Laura
Lira, Sharita Lira
Littlefield, Sophie
Littlejohn, Dana
Liu, Marjorie M.
Llewellyn, A.J.
Lloyd, Dee
Lloyd, Eliza
Lloyd, Joan Elizabeth
Locke, Afton
Lockwood, Josh
Lofty, Carrie
Logan, Elise
Logan, Kyla
Logan, Lynne
Logan, Patricia
London, Clare
London, Julia
Long, Julie Anne
Long, Kate
Long, Sharon
Long, Terri Giuliano
Loomis, Mercy
Lopez, Lolita
Lorello, Elisa
Lorenz, Lynn
Lorenz, Olivia
Lori, Rae
Lorraine, Evanne
Lorret, Vivienne
Lotempio, T. C.
Louellen, Amie
Loupas, Elizabeth
Love, Colleen
Love, Crystal-Rain
Love, Elliot
Love, Kathy
Lovett, Jorja
Lowe, Elaine
Lowe, Fiona
Lowery, Fawn
Lowrie, Simon
Loy, Jennifer
Lucas, Samantha
Lukasik, Gail
Lundeen, Darcy
Lyn, Hywela
Lyn, Viki
Lynley, E.M.
Lynn, Aurora Rose
Lynn, J.
Lynn, Janice
Lynn, Sheryl
Lynne, Alannah
Lynne, Carol
Lynne, Deborah Y
Lynne, Jennifer
Lynne, Judi
Lynne, Rachel
Lyons, Brenna
Lyons, Alysia
Lyons, C.J.
Lyons, Jennifer
Lyons, Missy
Lyons, Rene
Lyons, Susan


Mabeuse, Elliot
Macaire, Jennifer
MacAlister, Katie
MacDonald, James D. & Debra Doyle
MacDonald, Janet
MacDonald, Lisa Dawn
Macela, Ann
MacGillvray, Deborah
MacGregor, Cynthia
McGier, Fiona
MacInerney, Karen
MacInnis, Abbey
MacKenzie, Catherine A.
MacKenzie, Robyn
MacKenzie, Sally
MacMeans, Donna
MacMillan, Jerica
MacMunn, Abbey
MacNeal, Melissa
Macomber, Debbie
MacPherson, Rett
Madden, Helen E.H.
Madden, Mathilde
Madison, LD
Madison, Robie
Madison, Shawntelle
Mae, Miss
Maguire, Kristie Leigh
Mahoney, K. M.
Maitland, Kaitlin
Majors, SL
Mäkelä, Sarah
Malin, Libby
Mallery, Susan
Mallory, Anne
Mallory, Margaret
Mallory, Tess
Malone, Josie
Malone, Minx
Malone, Nana
Malone, Nara
Mancos, M K
Manly, D.J.
Mann, Catherine
Mann, Dee
Mann, Marilu
Manro, Kaye
Mar, Chalee
Marble, Stephanie
Marcella, Jeanne
March, Ashley
March, Emily
Marcus, Wendy S.
Margolin, Phillip
Margolis, Sue
Margret, Ellen
Marie, J.T.
Marillier, Juliet
Marinello, Lorelle
Marks-White, Judith
Markus, Nicki J
Marley, Louise
Marlowe, Deb
Marlowe, Katrina
Marlowe, Lyra
Marlowe, Mia
Marlowe, Sage
Maron, Margaret
Marr, Ann Tracy
Marr, Margaret
Marr, Melissa
Mars, Sandra
Marsden, Sommer
Marsh, Anne
Marshall, Kate & David
Marshall, Lynne
Marshall, Michael
Marshall, Sandra K.
Marsi, Cara
Martens, Isabel L
Martin, Deirdre
Martin, Joann I.
Martin, Shirley
Martin, Kat
Martinez, Angel
Martinez, Mary
Martinez, Michele
Martini, Steve
Marton, Dana
Marvel, Ellie
Mascia, James
Masek, Carrie S.
Mason, Jude
Massa, J J
Massie, Aine P
Masters, Cate
Masters, India
Matthews, Claire
Matthews, Jenyfer
Matthews, Jessica
Matthews, Lena
Matthews, Lissa
Matthews, Marly
Mauro, Sherry
Maxwell, Cathy
Mayberry, Sarah
Maybud, Rose
Mayburn, Ann
Mayer, Dale
Mayhue, Melissa
Maylee, S.J.
Maynard, Janice
Mays, Judy
Mazzuca, Debbie
McAbee, K.G.
McArthur, Fiona
McBride, Sloan
McBryar, Martha L
McCabe, Amanda
McCaffrey, Anne (passed away November 22, 2011)
McCaffrey, Kristy
McCaffrey, Nicole
McCain, Pat
McCall, B. J.
McCall, Penny
McCallister, Angela
McCarthy, Erin
McCartney, Rae
McCarty Petie
McCarty, Monica
McCarty, Sarah
McCleave, Annette
McClendon, Shayne
McClintock, MK
McCormick, Jenna
McCoy, Judi (passed away February 18, 2012)
McCray, Cheyenne
McCune, Bonnie
McDavid, Cathy
McDermid, Val
McDermott, Pat
McDonagh, Margaret
McDonough, Kelly
McDougall, Kim
McElfresh, V.L.
McEntire, Diane
McFarland, Gail
McFionn, Tessa
McGaha, Marie
McGary, Loucinda
McGier, Fiona
McGill, Tricia
McGuire, Jewell
McHenry, Janet Holm
McInerney, Monica
McIntyre, Amanda
Mcjack, C.A.
McKade, Mackenzie
McKay, Cassidy
McKay, Christine
McKee, Laurel
McKeever, Gracie
McKenna, Annmarie
McKenna, Cara
McKenna, Shannon
McKenzie, Carol
McKenzie, Catherine
McKenzie, Cooper
McKerrigan, Sarah
McKerrington, Kristal
McKnight, A.M.
McLain, Paula
McLea, Davida
McLeod, Anitra Lynn
McMahill, Kim
McMorris, Kristina
McNamara, Jude E.
McNeal, Sarah
McPhee, Carol
Mead, Richelle
Meador, Minnette
Meaney, Roisin
Mede, Charlotte
Meding, Kelly
Meier, Leslie
Meilleur, Toni
Meister, Ellen
Mellor, P. J.
Melton, Marliss
Menden, AJ
Mercury, Karen
Mere, Isabel
Merlin, Diane
Merrill, Christine
Merrow, JL
Meyer, Katie
Michael, Nikka
Michael, Patric
Michael, Sean
Michael, Trista Ann
Michaela, Robin
Michaels, Bethany
Michaels, Bobby (passed away October 31, 2011)
Michaels, Donna
Michaels, Fern
Michaels, Jess
Michaels, Kasey
Michaels, Lydia
Michaels, Renee
Michaels, T.J.
Michaels, Vee
Michel, Courtney
Michel, Jocelyn
Michelle, Patrice
Middleton, Rose
Midway, Bridget
Milan, Courtney
Milburn, Sharon
Mill, DiAnn
Miller, Cathy
Miller, Fenella J
Miller, Julie
Miller, Kara Leigh
Miller, Linda Lael
Miller, Maureen A.
Miller, Melissa
Miller, Micqui
Miller, Patrena
Miller, Robin Leigh
Millier, Maryann
Mills, DiAnn
Mills, Linda Parsons
Mims, Meg
Minchew, Gale
Mirag, A.J.
Miralles, Frances
Miranda, Meilin
Mirin, Christelle
Mitchell, Esther
Mitchell, J R
Mitchell, Mallary
Mitns, Mia
Miura, Susan
Mix, Kathleen
Mofina, Rick
Molare, Sydney
Moleti, Carole Ann
Moliere, Serge de
Moloney, Susie
Monaco, Alecia
Moncrief, Skhye
Monet, Rae
Moning, Karen Marie
Monroe, Ashlynn
Monroe, Lucy
Monroe, Mandy
Monroe, Marla
Monsch, Danielle
Mont, Eve Marie
Montague, Madelaine
Montgomery, Selena
Montogomerie, Pamela
Montoya, David C.
Mooney, Linda
Moorcroft, Sue
Moore, Becky
Moore, Joyce
Moore, Madeline
Moore, Marsha A.
Moore, Patricia
Moore, Shawna
Moran, Kelly
Moran, Michelle
Morehouse, Candace
Morel, Melina
Morgan, Angi
Morgan, Gwynn
Morgan, J.
Morgan, Kira
Morgan, Madelle
Morgan, Nicole
Morgan, Sarah
Morgen, Shelby
Morin, Donna Russo
Morley, N. T.
Morrigan, Tuesday
Morris, Ann B.
Morris, Edward
Morris, Marilyn Celeste
Morris, Maryann
Morris, Shelly Gail
Morris, Stephanie
Morrison, Jade
Morrison, Lee
Morrison, Tess
Moss, C.R.
Mowery, Paula
Mouette, Sophie
Mueller, Jennifer
Mulgrew, Raquel
Mullany, Janet
Muller, E. M.
Muller, Val
Mullins, Debra
Mullins, Zoë
Mumford, Debbie
Munder, Chrissy
Mundy, Maggie
Munro, Lila
Munro, Shelley
Mupetson, Kay
Murnane, Maria
Murphy, C.E.
Murphy, Lee Ann Sontheimer
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau
Murray, Kat
Musgrave, D.
Myers, Cindi
Myers, Tamara
Mykles, Jet
Myles, Josephine
Mynheir, Mark


Packer, Ann
Page, Jean Reynolds
Page, Sharon
Paige, Alison
Paige, Christa
Paige, Elana
Paige, Elisa
Paige, Jacqueline
Paine, Mary
Painter, Sally
Paisley, Rose
Pallotta, Gail
Palmer, Linda
Palmer, Pamela
Palmquist, Susan
Pang, Allison
Panger, Deborah J
Paper, Cindy Spencer
Para Oro, Nulli
Parker, Donna H.
Parker, Julie
Parker, Misty
Parker, P.L.
Parker, T. Jefferson
Parks, Lydia
Parr, Sarah
Parrish, Rhonda
Parrish, Scarlett
Pasco, Eva
Path, Mallory
Patrick, Denise
Patterson, James
Pattillo, Beth
Paul, Donita K.
Paul, K. Sawyer
Paul, Regina
Paulits, John
Paulin, Brynn
Payne, Alcamia
Payne, Maria-Claire
Payne, Jodi
Payne, Lillith
Peacock, Caro
Pearce, Kate
Pearce, Lila
Peel, Lorna
Penn, Jenny
Pennington, Michael
Pennington, Sharon Cupp
Pentermann, Meira
Perazzini, Suzanne
Perrin, Kayla
Perrine, Jane Myers
Perry, Kate
Perry, Marta
Perry, Regina
Petersen, Emma
Petersen, Jenna
Petrova, Em
Petzler, Wend
Phelan, Sapphire
Philips, Lisa
Phillips, Carly
Phillips, Jayne Anne
Phillips, Susan Elizabeth
Pickens, Andrea
Pickles, G W
Piemonte, Rosemarie
Pierce, Cassandra
Pierce, Nicole L.
Pierson, Cheryl
Piet, K.
Pillow, Michelle
Piñeiro, Caridad
Pinter, Jason
Pirri, Nancy
Pittman, Allison
Plakcy, Neil
Poff, Christy
Pogash, Carol
Polo, Amber
Pon, Cindy
Pope, Christine
Porter, Anjeanette L.
Porter, R. G.
Potter, Patricia
Potts, CB
Powers, Eve
Powers, Mae
Pratchett, Terry (passed away March 12, 2015)
Prater, Wt
Pray, Andi
Pressey, Rosie
Prescott, Francesca
Preston, Douglas
Price, Jordan Castillo
Price, Stella and Audra
Priest, Zathyn
Prieto, Luisa
Print, Rhonda L.
Proell, Joyce
Pulkinen, Carrie
Purdy, Brandy
Purman, Victoria


Rabiyah, Anastasia
Raby, Charlotte
Rachal, Connie
Radford, Michelle
Radish, Kris
Rae, Beverly
Rae, Holland
Rae, Paulette
Rain, Angelina
Raine, Ashleigh
Rainey, Anne
Rainier, Heather
Rains, Christine
Ramagos, Tonya
Ramer, Edie
Ramos, Mila
Ramsay, Frederick
Ramsay, Hope
Randall, Rachel
Randolph, Reid
Random, Linn
Raney, Deborah
Ranney, Karen
Ranson, Tracy
Rasey, Patricia A.
Ravell, Helen
Ray, Francis (passed away July 2, 2013)
Ray, Robin Renee
Rayburn, Annie
Raye, Dariel
Raye, Kimberly
Raymond, Jolynn
Rayna, Edna
Rayne, Marty
Rayne, Tabitha
Readett, Gerard
Reagan, Laura
Reah, Lacey
Rebel, Dakota
Redd, Rosalie
Redmond, Shirley Raye
Reece, Christy
Reed, Rick R
Reese, Jenn
Reese, Lainey
Reese, Meredith
Reeves, Rachel
Regen, JL
Reichs, Kathy
Reid, Margaret E.
Reid, Moria
Reinke, Sarah
Renarde, Giselle
Rendahl, Eileen
Rendell, Joanne
Renee, Mechi
Renn, Belita
Renquist, Zenobia
Rettstatt, Linda
Reyes, Elizabeth
Reynolds, Jenna
Reynolds, Lynn
Rhoads, Roxanne
Rhodes, M.L.
Rhodes, Samantha
Rhose, Calisa
Ricci, Caitlin
Rice, Luanne
Rice, Patricia
Rice, Rachael
Richard, Lani Diane
Richards, Anya
Richards, Jana
Richards, Kate
Richards, Laurel
Richards, Tory
Richardson, Lelsi
Rickloff, Alix
Ridgway, Christie
Ridley, Erica
Rifkin, Gini
Riggle, Kristina
Riggs, Cynthia
Rigler, Laura Viera
Riley, Regina
Ringo, John
Riser, Mimi
Risk, Mona
Rivers, Eden
Rivers, Francine
Riviera, Josie
Robards, Elizabeth
Robards, Karen
Roberto, Dawn
Roberts, Kelsey
Roberts, Nora
Roberts, Sheila
Roberts, Teresa Noelle
Robertson, Beck
Robertson, Keshia
Robins, Jennifer
Robins, Sari
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Cheryl
Robinson, Holden
Robinson, Lauri
Robinson, Maggie
Robinson, Shannon
Robinson, Spider
Roblin, Theresa
Robson, Cecy
Rochelle, Judith
Rochelle, Marie
Rochester, Sylvia
Rochon, Farrah
Rochon, Farrah
Rock, Joanne
Rock, Karen
Rock, Suzanne
Rock, Suzanne
Rodale, Maya
Roder, Victoria
Rodman, Lorne
Rogers, D.L.
Rogers, Donna Marie
Rogers, Felicia
Rogers, Tracey
Rolfs, Judith
Rollins, James
Romaine, Lynn
Roman, Isabel
Roman, Kate
Romano, Mia
Romo, Barbara
Rono, Celis T.
Roppolo, Debbie
Rosburg, Helen
Rose, Adrienne
Rose, Dahlia
Rose, Elisabeth
Rose, Isabelle
Rose, Karen
Rose, Katia
Rose, L.D.
Rose, Nancy Ann
Roseberry, Dinah
Rosenblatt, Jill Amy
Rosenthal, Pam
Rosewood, Carolyn
Rosko, Mandy
Ross, Aubrey
Ross, Jennifer
Ross, Joann
Rossi, Mila
Rosser, Jean
Rossetti, Denise
Roth, Ann
Roth, Mandy M.
Rothwell, Kate
Rouchelle, Shannon
Roux, Abigail
Roux, Justus
Rowan, Tracy
Rowe, Willsin
Rowen, Michelle
Rowland, Kathleen
Roy, Allyson
Royale, G.G.
Rubenstein, Carin
Rubino, Diana
Rubis, Jason
Ruechel, Charissa
Ruff, Lisa
Ruger, Rebecca
Rush, Jaime
Rush, Lynn
Russell, Charlsie
Russell, Renee
Russell, Meredith
Rustan, Sara
Rutan, Melanie
Ruth, Jan
Ryan, Cassidy
Ryan, Cassie
Ryan, Hank Phillipi
Ryan, Jordana
Ryan, Laurie
Ryan, Lexi
Ryan, Marie-Nicole
Ryan-Davis, Emily
Ryan, Viola
Ryder, Cristal
Ryder, Luxie
Rytes, Seyna


Saare, J.A.
SaFleur, Elizabeth
Saint James, Elle
Saint James, Jocelyn
Saint James, London
Saintcrow, Lilith
Sala, Sharon
Salisbury, Jamie
Salom, Latifah
Samms, Jaime
Sande, Linda Rae
Sanders, Emma
Sanders, Leslie Lee
Sanderson, Scarlett
Sands, Declan
Sands, Lynsay
Sandstrom, Eve K.
Sankaran, Vanitha
Santiago, Isabelle
Santiago, Lara
Saperstein, David
Sargeant, Patricia
Savage, Lacey
Savalli, Jennifer
Savoy, Skye
Sawyer, Cheryl
Sawyer, Crickett
Sawyer, Kirsten
Sawyer, Rita
Scarbrough, Jan
Scarbrough, Joyce Sterling
Scarlett, Belle
Scarlett, C.H.
Scavone, Angela
Schaffer, Stephanie
Schartz, Vijaya
Schartz, Vijaya
Schechter, Peter
Schmidt, Heidi Jon
Schneider, Tricia
Schnurnberger, Lynn
Schoenecker, Mary Fremont
Schone, Robin
Schreck, Karen Halvorsen
Schroeder, Melissa
Schuler, Betty Jo
Schulze, Christine E
Schumann, Gloria
Schwab, Sandra
Schwartz, Jenny
Scott & Scott
Scott, A.H.
Scott, Amanda
Scott, Barbara
Scott, Ericka
Scott, Jayde
Scott, Kathleen
Scott, Madison
Scott, Magdalena
Scott, Paisley
Scott, RJ
Scott, Susan Holloway
Scott, Tarah
Scott, Theresa
Scottoline, Lisa
Seagraves, Janice
Seaton, George
Selby, Roger Frank
Senate, Melissa
Sexton, Marie
Sfetsos, Yolanda
Sfinas, Brian
Shaber, Sarah R.
Shafer, Bobbie J.
Shaff, Fran
Shaffer, Louise
Shalvis, Jill
Shanman, Ellen
Shannigan, Rowan
Shapiro, Dani
Sharon, Rona
Sharp, David
Sharpe, Alice
Sharpe, Isabel
Sharpe, Jennah
Shaw, Alyx Jae
Shaw, Cassandra L.
Shaw, June
Shaw, L.A.
Shaw, Lila
Shay, Kathyrn
Shay, Janna
Shayne, Maggie
Sheckley, Alisa
Sheehan, Jacqueline
Sheehan, Judy
Sheils, T.K.
Shelton, Connie
Shenberger, Patti
Sheridan, Barbara
Sheridan, Casey
Sherwood, Kate
Sherwood, Mickie
Sherwood-Fabre, Liese
Shields, Donna
Shinn, Sharon
Shirk, Jennifer
Shore, Dee
Shore, Elizabeth
Short, Sharon
Shortland, Kemberlee
Shortt, Emma
Showalter, Gena
Shriver, Beth
Sidhe, Amanda
Sieja, Sharon
Silver, Alexa and Patrick
Silver, Eve
Silvers, Christie
Ch’Kara SilverWolf
Silverwood, Cari
Simko, Ann
Simmons, Mark
Simon, Clea
Simons, Paulina
Simpson, Donna Lea
Simpson, Ginger
Sims, Ciarra
Sims, Jeffrey Scott
Sims, Jessica
Sims, Ruth
Sinclair, Cherise
Sinclair, Emma
Sinclair, Jaden
Sinclair, Kira
Sinclair, Lennea
Sinclair, Michele
Sinclair, Sabrina
Singer, Judy Reenee
Singh, Jagdish Rai (Roy)
Singh, Nalini
Singh, Reet
Singh, Sheritha
Sizemore, Susan
Skendrovich, Cathy
Skully, Jennifer
Skye, Arianna
Skye, Christine (Died May 21, 2018)
Skye, Liane Gentry
Slater, Lia
Slatton, Traci L.
Slayter, Rina
Sloane, Stefanie
Small, Bertrice (passed away February 24, 2015)
Small, Anna
Smith, Alexander McCall
Smith, Bobbi
Smith, Danielle D.
Smith, Donnette
Smith, Jackie M.
Smith, Jessica Coulter
Smith, Joy
Smith, Katherine
Smith, Kathryn
Smith, Kevin Mark
Smith, Kim
Smith, Maureen
Smith, Meta
Smith, Paisley
Smith, Pepper
Smith, Sherwood
Smith, Tim
Snow, Gemma
Snow, Isabella
Snow, Jenika
Snyder, J.M.
Sobrato, Jamie
Sofras, Lynette
Sole, Anne
Sole, Linda
Solomon, Annie
Sommersby, Samantha
Somoza, Jose Carlos
Sookoo, Sandra
Sorensen, Craig
Sorenson, Jill
Sorgeson, Anne
Sartor, Leslie Ann
Soule, Leslie
Soule, Sherry
Southard, Steven R.
Southerland, Margaret
Sparks, Devi
Sparks, Kerrelyn
Sparrow, M.L.
Spear, Terry
Speer, Cindy Lynn
Speller, Leslie
Spickett, M.J.
Spiegelman, Peter
Spindler, Chris
Spletzer, Lakisha
Spradling, Carol
Springer, Daniel
Springsteen, Kay
Sprinkle, Patricia
Squires, Susan
St. Aubyn, Hera
St. Clair, Christina
St. Claire, Roxanne
St. Como, Danica
St. George, Jennifer
St. James, Jeanne
St. James, Sloan
St. John, Kelley
Stacey, Shannon
Stacy, E. Cameron
Stang, Catherine
Stanley, Gale
Star, Ana
Starbright, Gail
Starling, Kissa
Starr, C. J.
Starr, Cricket
Starr, Raven
Starr, Sabine
Statham, Hazel
Staub, Wendy Corsi
Steed, Angela
Steel, Raz
Steele, Ashley
Steele, Kate
Steeples, Jill
Stein, Charlotte
Stella, Mary
Stepakoff, Jeffrey
Stephans, Delilah K.
Stephens, Jude
Stephens, Marianne
Stephens, Susan
Stephenson, Carol
Sterbenz, Marie
Stevens, Lizzy
Stevens, Shelli
Stewart, Fran
Stewart, Gene
Stewart, Jean Hart
Stewart, Leah
Stewart, Shiela
Stilletto, Trixie
Stimson, Tess
Stivali, Karen
Stockton, Frances
Stone, Ciana
Stone, Jillian
Stone, Juliana
Stone, Kira
Stone, Sadira
Stone, Sibelle
Stone, Skylar
Stone, Suzette
Stone, Tabitha Arlethia
Storey, Donna George
Storey, Lucynda
Storm, Pixie
Storm, Ruby
Stowe, Miranda
Strand, Jeff
Strawn, Linda
Strick, Anne M.
Strohmeyer, Sarah
Strong, Jory
Stuart, Alison
Styles, Michelle
Suede, Damon
Sullivan, Eleanor
Sullivan, Sandy
Sullivan, Stephanie
Sullivan-Craver, Sharon
Summers, Celina
Summers, Eve
Summers, K G
Summers, Leandra
Summers, Sierra
Summers, Sultry
Summers, Violet
Sumner, Tracy
Surbeck, Kally Jo
Sutherland, Fae
Sutton, Michelle
Suzane, Linda
Suzanne, Mary
Swan, Bianca
Swan, Joan
Swann, S.A.
Swift, Sue
Szereto, Mitzi
Szot, Justine


Tabu, Jorja
Tachna, Ariel
Talbot, Julia
Tailor, Edward
Tailor, Shanayah
Tapply, William G.
Tarr, Hope
Taylor, Alice
Taylor, Diane
Taylor, Helen Scott
Taylor, Regan
Taylor, Patty
Taylor, Sloane
Taylor, Stephanie
Taylor, Tawny
Taylor, Yazmin
Teglia, Charlene
Templeton, Julia
Terry, Kimberly Kaye
Tescho, Mel
Tesh, Jane
Thayer, Nancy
Thedford, Rita
Terry, Candis
Thibodeaux, Pamela S
Thomas, Collette
Thomas, Jacquelin
Thomas, Jeanne Taylor
Thomas, Jodi
Thomas, Kari
Thomas, Laura
Thomas, Sherri
Thomas, Sherry
Thomas, Tiphanie
Thomas, Tonya
Thomas-Sundstrom, Linda
Thompson, Claire
Thompson, LaVerne
Thompson, Rachel D.
Thompson, Ronda (passed away July 11, 2007)
Thompson, Vicki Lewis
Thorne, Danielle
Thorne, Diane
Thornton, Betsy (passed away July 2010)
Thornton, Elizabeth
Thorton, Claire
Thurmeier, Heather
Tindle, Steve (& Brenda Woody)
Todd, Charles
Tolan, K.M.
Tolomei, Laura
Tooley, S. D.
Toombs, Jane (passed away March 5, 2014)
Torrey, T. F.
Tortuga, BA
Tourney, Anne
Toussaint, Maggie
Tower, Veronica
Townend, Carol
Townsend, Kathleen
Townsend, Lindsay
Treanor, Marie
Trent Gayle
Trent, Christine
Trent, Louisa
Trent, Mildred
Trent, Pauline
Trent, Teresa
Triana, Gaby
Tribell, Georgia
Trieste, Angelle
Trimble, Sara
Trissel, Beth
Troppello, Joanne
Troutte, Kimberley
Tryst, Taylor
Tucker, Joanne
Tully, Cathy
Tumlin, Sue
Tunstall, Kit
Turgeon, Carolyn
Turner, Jennifer
Turner, K. E.
Turner, Lynn
Turtledove, Harry
Tweedt, Jewell
Twilight, Jade
Twist, Jenny
Tyler, Alison
Tyler, Grace
Tyler, Leanne
Tyler, Paige
Tyler, Stephanie


Wade, Catherine
Wade, Mechele
Wadsworth, Deanna
Waks, V J
Waller, Sharon Biggs
Walker, B.K.
Walker, Kate
Walker, Robert
Walker, Saskia
Walker, Shiloh
Wallace, Debbie
Wallace, Garnell
Wallace, Jody
Wallace, Kelly
Wallace, Landon
Wallace, Linda
Wallon, Tiva
Walsh, Karis
Walters, Jan
Walus, Yvonne
Walters, NJ
Walus, Yvonne Eve
Warady, Phylis
Ward, Amanda
Ward, JR
Ward, Lee Ann
Warfield, Caroline
Warner, Kaki
Warren, Lynn
Warren, Nancy
Warren, Tracy Anne
Washburn, Livia J.
Water, May
Waters, KyAnn
Watkins, E.F.
Watson, Jules
Watson, Nikki
Watters, Kim
Watts, Mia
Waugh, Joanna
Wax, Wendy
Wayne, Joanna
Wear, JH
Webb, Arlene
Webb, Carol
Webb, Debra
Webb, J. D.
Webber, Heather
Webber, Pam
Weber, Tawny
Weger, Jackie
Webster, Eleanor
Welfonder, Sue Ellen
Weis, Alexandrea
Welling, Tina
Wells, A.M.
Wells, Robin
Wells, Shirley
Wells, Jennifer
Wen, Grace
Wesley, Nona
Wesley, Valerie Wilson
West, Annie
West, Caitlin
West, Kiera
West, Michael Lee
West, Zara
Wilck, Jennifer
Whitaker, Ann
White, Ann
White, Chantilly
White, Dallas
White, Diane Davis
White, Karen
White, Sasha
White, Skyler
White-Owens, Karen
Whiteside, Brenda
Whiteside, Diane
Whiting, Anita Marie
Whitman, Myne
Whyte, June
Wick, Nita
Wiesner, Karen
Wiggs, Susan
Wilck, Jennifer
Wilde, Becky
Wilde, Lori
Wilde, Ravyn
Wilde, Terry Lee
Wilde, Veronica
Wilder, J C
Wildes, Emma
Wilds, Elissa
Wiley, C.C.
Wilkins, Kelli A.
Wilkinson, Lisa Marie
Wilks, Eileen
Williams, AJ
Williams, Vangie
Williams, Amber Leigh
Williams, Billie A.
Williams, Kerri
Williams, Marquete
Williamson, Beth
Williamson, Brenda
Williamson, Michael Z
Willig, Lauren
Willimas, Saje
Willingham, Michelle
Willows, Caitlyn
Wills, Larriane
Wills, Larriane
Wilson, Charlene A.
Wilson, K.R.
Winchester, Rita
Windsor, Anna
Wine, Mary
Wingate, Susan
Winslow, Don
Winslow, Jacqueline
Winspear, Jacqueline
Winston, Samantha
Winter, Mary
Winter, Vic
Winters, C. J.
Winters, Holli
Wishom, Rowena
Witt, L. A.
Wohl, Sheri Lewis
Wolf, Rose Marie
Wolfer, Christina
Wolff, Isabel
Womack, Betty
Wonderland, Allison
Woodlawn, Brandi
Woodruff, Nancy
Woods, Sherryl
Woods, Stevie
Woods, Stuart
Woody, Brenda (& Steve Tindle)
Worley, Elizabeth
Worth, Sandra
Worth, Stefanie
Wray, Angela
Wren, Robyn
Wright, Jennifer
Wright, Kenya
Wright, Kristina
Wright, Samantha
Wright, Sue Owens
Wyatt, Casey
Wylie, Diane
Wylie, Trish
Wynn, Zena
Wynter, Daniels

Author’s Groups

Authors: If you are a member of an author group (group of authors that have gotten together and formed your own group and would like to be listed here, please let us know.

7 Evil Dwarves Join 7 Fantasy & Sci Fi Authors on our way through the maze of our minds…We blog about life and writing, sharing how different writers can be.

Amber Kallyn, Gary Ponzo, JR Williams, Dave Bennemen, Gabrielle Taylor, Jami Gray, Kyle Townsend

Alien Romances Seven award winning, pioneering, best selling authors of science fiction romance blog about the genre

Margaret Carter, BarbaraK, Linnea Sinclair, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Susan Kearney, Susan Sizemore, Rowena Cherry, Susan Kearney, Cindy Holby

Austen Authors Because There’s Never Enough Jane Austen

Austen Authors is a collective of published novelists in the Jane Austen sub-genre of literary fiction whose focus is on sharing our unique visions of Austen’s world through our blog posts and fun events as well as promoting the awareness of our genre and blog to the broader reading audience.

Austen Authors is a collective of published novelists in the Jane Austen sub-genre of literary fiction whose focus is on sharing our unique visions of Austen’s world through our blog posts and fun events as well as promoting the awareness of our genre and blog to the broader reading audience.

There are 21 authors in the group, among them Sharon Lathan, Abigail Williams, Jane Odiwe, Monica Fairview, Diana Birchall, Syrie James, Karen Doornebos, Regina Jeffers, Mary Simonsen

Authors and Readers of Romance We are a group of authors and readers who love romance novels. This is a group for authors to promote their novels, share contests they’re hosting, post excerpts and network with other authors. This is also a group for readers to connect with romance authors and ask questions, as well as learn about authors’ upcoming releases etc. Sunday – Share something inspirational Monday – Authors post an interesting fact about themselves or answer readers’ questions Tuesday – Authors post an excerpt from their books; readers talk about their favorite romance novels Wednesday – Are you running a book contest? Post information about it. Thursday – Authors give a summary of their latest release and share purchase links Friday – TGIF ~ Post fun facts about your writing journey, give advice to aspiring writers or explain why you write and how you write your novels Saturday – Anything (writing-related / romance genre) that you’d like to post…blatant promotion is allowed. 🙂

Joanne Troppello, Ashlynn Monroe, Cami Checketts, Delia Latham, JoAnn Carter, Lila Munro, Robin Bayne, Stacey Thompson-Geer, Clare Revell and Bethanne Buehler

Authors By Moonlight Authors By Moonlight is a cyber place where twelve authors have come together with various genres to share everything romantic “Where Romance Glows” and we love company.

We welcome followers on Twitter Likes on Facebook and we blog!

Ann Stephens, Beth Caudill, Beth Trissel, Calisa Rhose, Debra St. John, Fleeta Cunningham, Francesca Hawley, L.K. Below, Linda LaRoque, Patricia A. Rasey, Tiffany Green, Sherry James

BOB Authors We are a diverse collection of writers from Black Opal Books who want to share the love a good story with our readers.

Alyssa Lyons, Anne Whitfield, Bethany Ramos, Bonnie Hearne Hill, Christine Hughes, Christopher Allan Poe, Debbie Christiana, Diane Roberts, Diva Jefferson, Empi Baryeh, Jami Gray, KH LeMoyne, Liv Rancourt, Maggi Andersen, Melissa Groeling, Mona Karel, Pepper O’Neal, Pinkie Paranya, Renea Williams, Sherry Gloag, Terry Campbell, Zrinka Jelic, & Larry Hill

Badazz Authors Block-rocking lady authors

Camille Anthony, Shara Azod, RaeLynn Blue, Zetta Brown, Laura Guevara & Drea Riley, Jeanie Johnson & Jayha Leigh, Reid Randolph and Yazmin Taylor, Reana Malori, Savannah J. Frierson, Janet Eckford, and Marteeka Karland

Beach Read Authors We write romantic fiction that are page turners, perfect for vacation or anytime you want to escape.

Alexa Grace, Christine M. Fairchild, Kim Hornsby, Pat White, Lisa Costantino, Diana Lane, Pat White, Lori Leger,

Beyond the Veil BTV is a group of Samhain Publishing’s Paranormal Romance Authors who have banded together to talk about the otherworlds of paranormal romance.

Bloginkhoppers Savvy, supportive, spider-loving authors get together to post all their blog links in one place for convenience and to increase traffic and get the attention of spiders and other beloved web crawlers

Jacqueline Lichtenberg, RowenaBCherry, Cindy Holby, Barbara Vey, Rowena Cherry, Jacquie

Butterscotch Martini Girls (BMG) Brit Blaise, Cassie Ryan, Isabella Clayton, Judi Thoman, Kayce Lassiter, Kayla Janz, Lynne Logan, Tia Dani, Tina Gerow, Samantha Storm

Cabal of Hotness The Cabal of Hotness, corrupting one reader at a time.

A. M. Griffin, Lea Barrymire, Danica Avet, Cara Carnes, Cassandra Carr, Cristal Rider, Amy Ruttan, Anya Richards, Sky Robinson, Piper Trace, Sasha Devlin

Casablanca Authors

Sourcebooks Casablanca Authors who write everything from historical and romantic suspense to the paranormal.

If you’re looking for a new read in anything from historical and romantic suspense to the paranormal, please come and check us out! Terry Spear, Lucinda Gary, Linda Wisdom, Kendra Leigh Castle, Marie Force, Christina Harlin, Robin Kaye

Danger Zone Authors The Danger Zone Authors like their romance on the dangerous, adventurous side. Their books are both erotic and sensual, and their stories visit paranormal and contemporary worlds. Marianne LaCroix, Eilis Flynn, Lise, Fuller, N.D. Hansen-Hill, Denise A. Agnew, Samantha Kane, Robie Madison, Kathy Kulig, Shelley Munro, Charlene Leatherman

Dark Muse Society The Dark Muse Society is a free, independent association of authors and readers who enjoy romance novels with paranormal, fantasy and science fiction influences.

Dark Side Down Under

We are writers from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Jess Anastasi Maree Anderson Keri Arthur Amanda Ashby Christina Ashcroft Kitty Bucholtz Jodie C Angela Castle Astrid Cooper Peta Crake Rowena Cory Daniells Michelle de Rooy Jessica Dorney Alexis Fleming Theresa Fuller Lara Galea S.E. Gilchrist Jo-Anne Ginn C.T. Green Fiona Gregory Kylie Griffin Wendy Godding Sandra Harris Erica Hayes Shona Husk Linda Jones Rhyll K Loretta Kelly Gemma Kettley Eleni Konstantine Emmeline Lock Dy Loveday Bec McMaster Maggie Mundy Nicole R Murphy Janni Nell Imogene Nix Tracey O’Hara Christina Phillips Paula Roe Lilliana Rose Cathleen Ross Denise Rossetti Jenny Schwartz Annie Seaton Cassandra L Shaw Nicola E. Sheridan Colleen Simpson Tracie Sommers Nicky Strickland Mel Teshco Joanne Vogel

Deadline Hellions Carrie Alexander, Sarah Addison Allen, Dawn Atkins, Jamie Denton, Delores Fossen, Candy Halliday, Liz Jarrett, Holly Jacobs, Dorien Kelly, Tanya Michaels, Cindi Myers, Natalie Stenzel, Shanna Swendson, Nancy Warren, Lori Wilde, Cathy Yardley

Deliciously Naughty Writers We are the Deliciously Naughty Writers, five authors of erotic romance bringing you sexy, spicy, downright naughty stories of love and lust — and now bringing you the Dark Pantheon series, too! Coming in 2008 from Ellora’s Cave, five shared-world novellas about a very special brand of vampire! Anna J. Evans, December Quinn, Kelly Maher, Sherrill Quinn, Sierra Dafoe

Destination Romance Four authors who write in four very distinctive styles and take readers to more universes than one can count! Buffi BeCraft-Woodall, Catherine Stang, Dani Harper, Donna McAteer MySpace Yahoo

Embrace the Shadows If you like your heroes dark and deliciously dangerous, then this is the group for you. Here we’ll discuss books and movies and television shows featuring characters who live in the shadows…vampires, werewolves, demons, fae…

Hosted by paranormal romance authors Barbara J. Hancock, Dawn McClure and Suzanne Rock, Embrace the Shadows welcomes lovers and writers of paranormal romance in all its dark forms. Suzanne Rock, Barbara Hancock, Dawn McClure

Erotic Cravings Welcome to Erotic Cravings. (formerly KyAnnWatersTalksDirty) This is the home of erotic writers KyAnn Waters, Liza James, and Meagan Hatfield

Fierce Romance Intense, passionate, edgy romance. We have lots of author interviews, writing advice, and the inside scoop for readers. Shawna Moore, Carol Ericson, Nicole North, Vonda Sinclair, Terry Spear, Terry Lee Wilde, Mia Varano

Glass Slipper Sisters

The Glass Slipper Sisters is a group of 15 authors who have published Cinderella-themed romance novels. They will share excerpts and book blurbs of their chick lit, contemporary romance, paranormal, suspense, and historical novels, all which have a unique Cinderella or rags to riches twist. They will also share links of their free sampler book The Cinderella Treasure Trove, a compilation of book excerpts, Cinderella-themed recipes, and royal party tips. The Sisters are hosting a huge princess giveaway from Dec. 31 to January 8, 2016, giving away Cinderella DVDs, a SWAROVSKI crystal bracelet and other jewelry, and lots more.

Historical Hearts

Escape to the past – Australian romance writers of castles, love and legends…

We are writers from Australia who write historical romance dating from Ancient Rome to WWII. Alison Stuart, Allison Butler, Anne Brear (Whitfield), Annie Seaton, Bronwyn Stuart, Cassandra Samuels, Cheryl Leigh, Christina Phillips, Dana Scully, Danielle Lisle, Elle Fynllay, Erin Grace, Joanne Boog, Maggi Andersen, Mary deHaas, Sandie Hudson, Sheridan Kent, Suzi Love, Tamara Gill

I Heart Presents 4 author teams spanning the romance spectrum, blogging about their work, their relationships, their writing partners and deadlines and the rigors of writing with a partner! Jamie Craig, Stella and Audra Price, Ashleigh Raine and Philiipa Grey-Gerou and Emery Sanborne

Infinite Worlds of Fantasy Authors We are a group of over 160 authors writing in the sub-genres of alternative history, dark fantasy, fantasy, futuristic, horror, light paranormal fiction, magic realism, paranormal fiction, science fiction, supernatural fiction, and young adult speculative fiction.

It Takes Two This blog was created by a team of fans of Harlequin Presents, many of whom also happen to work at Harlequin. Other contributors include authors and readers… we’d love to hear from YOU! Mary Abthorpe, Lucy Brown, Jenny Hutton, Sarah Murray, Tamara Paton, Tessa Shapcott, Malle Vallik, Amy Wilkins, Kimberly Young

Jewels of the Quill

Writing Treasures for Every Taste…

Jewels of the Quill is a group of award-winning women authors. We write in over 40 categories of fiction, nonfiction, and everything in between. Among the 12 authors in the group, we’ve had over 300 books published with 68 contracted for by 78 publishers. We’ve won or finaled for almost 180 awards. Our books are available in mass market paperback, trade paperback, hardcover, electronic, Large Print, and audio formats. In short, we offer something for every reader.

What you’ll find on the Jewels website: Monthly Giveaways–Win free books from your favorite Dame of the Quill! And join us for our annual Valentine’s Day, Anniversary and Christmas giveaways! New Dame Spotlight–Every month one of the Dames will be spotlighted along with her newest release! Special Interview–Find out more about your favorite Dame in a spotlight interview! Updates–New releases, upcoming books and appearances of your favorite Dame of the Quill! Information about and excerpts from the Jewels of the Quill group anthologies!

Jewels of the Quill members are Margaret L. Carter (Dame Onyx), Christine DeSmet (Dame Moonstone), Liz Hunter (Dame Garnet), Dee Lloyd (Dame Aquamarine), Carrie S. Masek (Dame Topaz), Nancy Pirri (Dame Sapphire), Barbara Raffin (Dame Jade), Jane Toombs (Dame Turquoise), Janet Lane Walters (Dame Amber), Karen Wiesner (Dame Amethyst), C.J. Winters (Dame Tanzanite) and Karen Woods (Dame Coral).

Love is an Exploding Cigar

Welcome to Exploding Cigars! No, we’re not cigar smokers, we’re just a group of authors discussing reading, writing, and whatever matters to us in any given moment. We’ll talk about what we do, how we do it, what we love about it, and maybe even what we don’t. We’ll also answer questions, so ask away. There will be contests, guests, giveaways, news, goodies and nuggets of wisdom we can share. So, grab a cigar (we can’t guarantee it won’t explode – love and blogs are like that), and join us! Karen Foley, Samantha Hunter, Lisa Renee Jones, Shirley Jump, Karen Kendall, Sarah Mayberry, Tawny Weber

Males-and-other-animals A cross-genre blog by authors who love animals — as characters in their books– or alpha males who act upon their inner animal.

Rowena Cherry, Deborah Macgillivray, Jade Lee, BarbaraK, jadams, Natale Stenzel, Josh

Mama Writers Raising Kids. Writing Romance. It’s all about the LOVE. It’s a sisterhood. A community. A way of connecting to other mom writers…just like you.

Renee Knowles, Jeannie Ruesch, Kris Kennedy, Eliza Knight, Melissa Mayhue, Helen Hardt, Viola Estrella, Ashley Ludwig, Clare Austin, Tiffany James, Stacy Dawn, Allie K. Adams

Manuscript Mavens Erica Ridley, Carrie Ryan, Darcy Burke, Lacey Kaye, and Jacqueline Barbour

Midnight Moon Cafe Paranormal sensual and erotic romance authors talking about what we love best: paranormal romances, writing, men, paranormal aka woo-woo stuff, paranormal TV shows, movies, and anything else that lights our merry cauldron of fun.

Cora Zane, Cassandra Curtis, A.E. Rought, Grace Draven, and Tempest Knight.

Minxes of Romance

Nine romance authors, one blog

Catherine Coles, Kitty French / Kat French, Lacey Devlin, Lorraine Wilson, Maya Blake, Romy Sommer, Sally Clements, Suzanna Ross, Tara Pammi

We’re a mix of romance authors published by Harlequin, Harper Collins and Entangled Publishing, amongst others. We host other authors in our weekly Author Spotlights.

Murderby4 A group of mystery, suspense, thriller writers band together to educate and entertain the writing, and reading masses.

Marta Stephens, Aaron Lazar, SW Vaughn, Kim Smith

Murderx5 On Wings of Murder is the online home of a group of mystery writers dubbed MurderX5. We came together to promote our novels, all published in September 2008 by Wings ePress. Five very different mysteries, from cozies to classic suspense thriller to romantic mystery to paranormal suspense. Five very different authors.

Linda Suzane, Billie A. Williams, Marie Held, Norma Seely, Nancy A. Lindley-Gauthier

Much Cheaper Than Therapy Kim Watters, Kathryne Kennedy, Tina LaVon and Judi McCoy

Nights of Passion blog

Nights of Passion interviews romance authors, especially new and upcoming romance authors. See our About Nights of Passion page for details. Susan specializes in vampires. Susan Hanniford Crowley, BB Roberts, a.c. Mason

Nine Naughty Novelists

Breaking the rules between the covers…

Regular events! Blog posts from the Naughty Nine three days a week, guest bloggers once a week, excerpts from all on Theme Thursday, weekend reviews and news and a monthly party on the 9th with giveaways and fun! Erin Nicholas, Meg Benjamin, Diane McEntire, Skylar Kade, Kelly Jamieson, Sydney Somers, PG Forte, Kate Davies, Kinsey Holley

Novel Sisterhood

Four contemporary Authors who want to pool their resources for promotions, and discussions, etc. Our Chat group is: Where we have Member Promotion Madness one day a month, we’re starting monthly discussions/workshops and we have a lot of other ideas in store. Blog MySpace Yahoo

Out Damned Story Rants about writing, outtakes, random thoughts from busy writers on deadlines

AnnJR, Tara, Rowena Cherry, Victoria, Brenda, Tracy J Farrell, Joy Nash, Gail Dayton, Raine McIntyre, Mechele Armstrong, Laura, SpecRom Joyce, EmilyJo, Margaret Carter, Yasmine Phoenix

Paranormal Romantics Do you love your monsters as much as we do? Then come join us as we share our adoration for vampires, werewolves, werecats, and more. Annie Nicholas, Rae Lori, Rebecca Royce, Sandra Sookoo, and J. Hali Steele

Petticoats & Pistols Linda Broday, Mary Connealy, Pam Crooks, Karen Kay, Stacey Kayne, Elizabeth Lane, Patricia Potter, Charlene Sands, Cheryl St.John

Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writers

A group of female writers of different genres who blog about life, writing and topics of interest to women.

Josie Riviera, Toni Sweeney, Linda Nightingale, Mary Rickson, Mary Marvella Barfield, Mona Risk, Cynthia D’Alba, Jianne Carlo, Deborah Julienne, Liz Jasper, Barbara Monajem, Pam Varnado, Beth Trissel, Judy Keim, Dayana Knight

Plot Mamas

Where the pina coladas flow and the poop stories fly…Join seven Mamas as we navigate our writing with our children’s antics.

Amber Scott, Amber Kallyn, Deena Remiel, Doree Anderson, Stephanie Beck, Ann Charles, Debbie Swanson

Plot Monkeys

Hey, hey, we’re the Plotmonkeys. We’re friends, plotting partners, friends, mothers, friends … well you get the gist. Welcome to our new blogging site where you’ll find our views on anything and everything depending on which one of us is blogging and what kind of mood we’re in.

We can’t tell you whether we’ll be talking about our families, our writing, how much weight we gained after eating that entire container of Ben and Jerry’s or how ticked we are about people who have twelve items in the ten items or less checkout lane. So hope you’ll come back every day to see what’s happening in the jungle including giveaways!

Carly Phillips, Janelle Denison, Julie Elizabeth Leto, Leslie Kelly,

Plotting Princesses

Plotting Princesses are published and aspiring romance authors in North Texas. We meet, plot, and brainstorm stories filled with lots of laughter and tears, suspense, and a sense of small town community—all in an effort to bring you the best possible novellas, stories, and books you’ve ever read.

Kathleen Baldwin, Vicki Batman, Karilyn Bentley, Jillian Burns, Elizabeth Essex, Kathy Ivan, Chris Keniston, Kelly Lee, Liz Lipperman, Sylvia McDaniel, Phyllis Middleton, Michelle Miles, Alisha Paige, Liese Sherwood-Fabre, Linda Steinberg, Pamela Stone, and Sasha Summers

Romance Books 4 Us

Our goal is to introduce our readers to new and old authors by interviewing them at our blog. We share their links to their website on our website, so our readers can learn even more about the author. We, also, interview industry representatives and even readers.

Marianne Stephens, Rose Anderson, Cynthia Arsuaga, Paris Brandon, Liz Crowe, Molly Daniels/Kenzie Michaels, Tina Donahue, Desiree Holt, Fran Lee, Mahalia Levey, Sandra K. Marshall, Cara Marsi, Nicole Morgan, Cindy Spencer Pape, Nina Pierce, Janice Seagraves, R. Ann Siracusa, Jean Hart Stewart, Bobbye Terry/Daryn Cross, and Renee Vicent/Gracie Lee Rose

Romance Writers Behaving Badly

An eclectic group of romance authors coming together to be naughty and have some fun. Come join us for author interviews, blog tours, new releases, Thursday Thirteens, and sinful fun in general.

Mary Quast, Jeanne St. James, Chloe Waits, Angeleque Ford, Kayelle Allen, Carol Storm, Madelyn Ford, Dawne Prochilo, April Morelock, Keta Diablo, Christa Paige, Crystal Kauffman, Savanna Kougar, Kissa Starling, Lissa Matthews, Gem Sivad, J.A. Saare, Elise Hepner, Becca Simone, Madison Scott, Sara Brookes, Raven Bower, Nicole Gestalt, Alanna Coca, Taige Crenshaw, Jacqueline Paige

RomErotica Writers

Welcome to Erotic Cravings. (formerly KyAnnWatersTalksDirty) This is the home of erotic writers Everyday you can read about the inside story from 31 different romance and erotica writers. Here you can learn about the business and personal lives, from every point of view.

Marianne LaCroix, Missy Lyons, Susanne Saville, Sally Painter, Ericka Scott, Debra Glass, Stephanie Julian, Natasha Moore, Denyse Bridger, Melissa Glisan, Yolanda Sfetsos, Ashley Ladd, Sabrina Luna, Ann Cory, Bryn Colvin, Fran Lee, M.A. Ellis, Anh Leod, Raven Starr, Cheryl Dragon, and Isabelle Drake

Scamps, Vamps & Spicy Romance Welcome to Erotic Cravings. (formerly KyAnnWatersTalksDirty) This is the home of erotic writers KyAnn Waters, Liza James, and Meagan Hatfield

Seven Sexy Scribes Our mission is to give our readers delicious, hot Romance, one book at a time… Fran Lee, Julia Barrett, Tessie Bradford, Cerise DeLand, Katalina Leon, Amber Skyze, and April Ash

Silk and Shadows Five romance authors who like their heroes and their romance on the dark side. Contemporary and historical paranormal romance. Jessa Slade, Allison Chase, Kim Lenox, Sharon Ashwood, Annette McCleave

SisterWriters Four romance authors who have bonded together as writers (and good friends!) to vent, rant, share, sass, commiserate, congratulate and just downright celebrate in the sisterhood of being writers. MySpace

Six Sexy Sirens

We are here to bring hot, delicious romance to the world, one book at a time…

We are authors of erotic romance, and we represent several different publishers. Our books include paranormal, shapeshifter, contemporary, romantic suspense, and just plain old hot, sensuous romance! Madison Blake, Paris Brandon, Cerise DeLand, Fran Lee, Afton Locke and Nina Pierce

Sizzling Pens

Karen Erickson, Leeanne Kenedy, Lori Borrill, Tracy Wolff

The Smutketeers

We are four erotic romance and erotica authors. The blog’s visual theme is Steampunk, although we write all different subgenres. Our tagline: All For Smut and Smut For All!

We blog regularly, have guest authors blog and do interviews, and run contests nearly every week. Collectively we are published with Bantam/Delta, Harlequin Spice and Spice Briefs, Berkley Heat, Grand Central Publishing, Kensington Aphrodisia, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing and Phaze Publishing. R.G. Alexander, Eden Bradley, Lilli Feisty, Crystal Jordan,

Slip Into Something Victorian We’re a group of romance writers who write primarily in the Victorian Period. We got together to create a blog about it, where we regularly post messages based upon the research we’ve done. If you’re looking for information on The Civil War, The West, The Gilded Age, or anything from about 1830-1900, we’ve probably got you covered! Etiquette, Dress, Furniture, Ghosts, Tuberculosis, Civil War Amputations, you name it, we’ve probably got it! (or might get it if you ask) Research, or just hang out with us. Denise Eagan, Susan Macatee, Jennifer Ross, Nicole McCaffrey, Isabel Roman, Paisley Kilpatrick, Mary Ann Webber, Caroline Clemmons, Jeanmarie Hamilton and K-Marie Wall


Smutketeers is a group of erotic romance authors who write, chat and laugh together- and love to interact with our readers!

All For Smut, and Smut For All!

Smutketeers has a blog with author interviews, giveaways and other fun stuff!

R.G. Alexander, Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin, Lilli Feisty & Crystal Jordan

Yahoo Group

Teen Shiver We are a group of YA authors who live and tour in Texas. Each author is committed to interacting with readers through and through on-site appearances at schools, libraries, and book stores. We believe the Lone Star State has the best of everything, and that includes our fabulous readers!

The Muses Three

Our group is a place for readers to kick off their shoes, relax and escape into a fantastic tale. Join and find out about our characters, what makes them tick, who they love, where they live and all about their tales! Chatty readers will be well-loved but lurkers are welcome too!

We also feature: Theme Days and Writing Prompts, Character Interviews and Rambles (our muses like to chat), Large Excerpts to whet your cravings and tempt you into the worlds we pen, Book Release Information, Contests, Drawings, and Scavenger Hunts. The Muses Three welcomes fellow authors to promote their works every Monday, and we always welcome the participation of readers, reviewers and anyone interested in romance books. Anastasia Rabiyah, Brieanna Robertson, Dawne’ Dominique

The Otherworld Diner

The Otherworld Diner is a collection of paranormal romance authors with one thing in common (besides a love for pie) — we dish up our paranormal with a sprinkle, a splash, or a heaping helpin’ of humor and wit. Come in and have a seat. The coffee’s hot and the blue plate special is out of this world! Brenda Davis, Cheryel Hutton, DD Mills, Debralee Daniels, Debralee Daniels, Francesca Hawley, Jeannie Midnight, JM Sabel, Jody Wallace, Kathleen Grieve, Kendra Leigh Castle, Lori Dillon, Maggie Van Well, Sandra Barkevich, Talia Pente

The Pink Heart Society A blogazine for Lovers of Category Romance Novels.

Donna Alward, Fiona Harper, Samantha Hunter, Anne McAllister, Kate Walker, Annie West

The Author’s Lounge (TAL for short)

The Author’s Lounge (TAL) is a group of authors, all gathered into one place. If you enjoy reading Inspirational, Historical, Comedy, Mystery or Erotic and more then The Author’s Lounge is a placed to be.

Here you can find out what new releases our authors have coming out, what books are coming soon, even where they may be appearing. You can enter our contest and have chances to win free books, merchandise and other goodies by signing up and receiving our newsletter and checking out our contest page. What to met and chat with our authors, stop by our TAL Writers Blog site, and chat with authors like Diane Wylie, Tom Barnes, Venita Louise, Teryl Cartwright, Dana Littlejohn and more. Blog MySpace Bebo

The Lark Journals Four Whiskey Creek Press authors who each have a unique writing style. We blog about our books, joys and challenges and life in general. Margaret Blake, Debbie Wallace, Kathleen O ‘Connor & Sarita Leone

The Laugue of Amazing Writers Our mission: To save the world from boredom one book at a time.

The Sweetest Romance Authors

We enjoy the kind of gentle, tender romances our mothers and grandmothers grew up with. Before you think “boring!”, think again. Stay around, explore, get to know us, and you just might be surprised. Experience mysteries, historicals, science-fiction, inspirationals, westerns, regencies, romantic suspense…all written the sweet way.

We have our own “cafe” in the Java Junction at Coffee Time Romance forum. Join us in our monthly chats (except for Nov. and Dec.) Learn more about us, make new friends! Miss Mae, Anne Patrick, Danielle Thorne, Gail Pallotta, Laurean Brooks, Joyce DiPastena, Larry Hammersley, and a host of others!

Trampy Vamps We are a group of writers of erotic romance fiction who all have one thing in common: a love of the Vampire hero or heroine. Angela Fiddler, Barabra Elsborg, Cricket Starr, Crystal Kauffman, J. Hali Steele, Jessica Lee, Lynn Lorenz, Mechele Armstrong, Zena Wynn

Virginia is For Romance Lovers

This is a collaborative blog of romance authors in Virginia. Leigh Ellwood, Sapphire Phelan, Bridget Midway, Pam Kinney, Nona Wesley, Treva Harte, JM Snyder, Sammie Jo Moresca, Michele Armstrong

White Roses in Bloom

The White Roses in Bloom are a group of Christian romance authors who write for White Rose Publishing and a couple other sweet publishers. Our publishers offers all types of romance from contemporary to historical, from suspense to romantic comedy. We have something for everyone. Sandy Wickersham-McWhorter, JoAnn Carter, Janelle Ashley, Nicola Beaumont, Laurean Brooks, Victoria Pitts-Caine, Cami Checketts, Karen Cogan, K.M. Daughters, Wendy Davy, Sharon Donovan, Carol Ann Erhardt, Rhonda Gibson, Cindy K. Green, Annette M Irby, Jean Kincaid, Ashley Ludwig, Kimberlee R. Mendoza, Dianne Miley, Julia K Moore, Carla Rossi, Kara Lynn Russell, Robin Lee Shope, Beth Shriver, Merry Stahel, Pamela S. Thibodeaux, Kim Watters, E.A. West, Teri Wilson, Tricia Ann Woods, Rose Zediker

Wicked Muses

This site is dedicated to friends and fans of authors Ashlynn Monroe, BethAnn Buehler, Lila Munro, and JL Oiler. It is also dedicated to their wicked little muses who have been known to dance about naked in the moonlight while drinking and rocking out to their favorite music.

Ashlynn Monroe, BethAnn Buehler, Lila Munro, and JL Oiler

Wickedly Romantic

Paranormal authors of Sourcebooks Casablanca’s new romance line.

If you’re interested in shapeshifters, witches, vampires, and other things that go bump in the night–with a sexy twist, come check us out! Terry Spear, Linda Wisdom, Cheryl Brooks, Kendra Leigh Castle

The Witchy Chicks We all write paranormal fiction of some sort–whether it be romance, mystery, fantasy, contemporary. Some of us work in the metaphysical realms (yours truly) and some don’t…either way–we all love to read and to write good stories with strong elements of the supernatural.

Lisa Croll Di Dio, Terese Ramin, Madelyn Alt, Linda Wisdom, Candy Havens, Maura Anderson, Kate Austin, Yasmine Galenorn, Annette Blair

The Wolfy Chicks YA authors that write about werewolf-like creatures. We also blog about the industry, post interviews with authors and editors, give away prizes and of course post about paranormal creatures, Werewolves, Vamps, Ghosts…oh my!

Kitty Keswick & Judith Graves

Wild and Wicked Authors Authors Adrienne Kama, Devyn Quinn, Stef Kelsy, Annmarie Ortega, Tyler Blackwood, Marianne LaCroix and Desiree Erotique ban together in friendship to make it to the top by talking about writing, life and gossip.

Adrienne Kama, Devyn Quinn, Stef Kelsy, Annmarie Ortega, Tyler Blackwood, Marianne LaCroix and Desiree Erotique

Wicked Whiper Authors We’re four diverse yet kindred authors, committed to bringing you the very best erotic stories on the web. Veronica Arch, PG Forte, Melissa Glisan and Amelia June

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Available In Audible


She suspects everyone of everything. Sometimes she gets it right.Jane Ladling is the sole proprietor of her family’s landlocked cemetery, Garden of Memories. She’s responsible for the, er, guests, but there’s a slight problem. Well, besides her moody cat, Rolex, and her sixty-two-year-old best friend’s unrequited crush on the sheriff.
#@genashowalter ##audible ##Romance ##Suspense

Available In Audible


She suspects everyone of everything. Sometimes she gets it right.Jane Ladling is the sole proprietor of her family’s landlocked cemetery, Garden of Memories. She’s responsible for the, er, guests, but there’s a slight problem. Well, besides her moody cat, Rolex, and her sixty-two-year-old best friend’s unrequited crush on the sheriff.
#@genashowalter ##audible ##Romance ##Suspense

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8 New Mystery & Thriller Releases You Can’t Miss This Week

  This  week’s new releases are pulsing with gripping suspense, spine-tingling  thrills, and uncovering unsettling truths that’ll change lives. 
#@novelsuspects ##booklovers ##booktok ##mystery ##readernews ##thriller

8 New Mystery & Thriller Releases You Can’t Miss This Week

This week’s new releases are pulsing with gripping suspense, spine-tingling thrills, and uncovering unsettling truths that’ll change lives.
#@novelsuspects ##booklovers ##booktok ##mystery ##readernews ##thriller

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Book trailer for Wolf of the Nordic Seas, book 2 of the Valiant Vikings series set in 10th century Normandy--a sizzling blend of historical fiction, paranormal fantasy, Norse mythology, and steamy Viking romance!Wolf
#@jenniferivywalker ##booklovers ##booktok ##historical ##vikings ##wolfofthenordicseas

Book trailer for Wolf of the Nordic Seas, book 2 of the Valiant Vikings series set in 10th century Normandy--a sizzling blend of historical fiction, paranormal fantasy, Norse mythology, and steamy Viking romance!Wolf
#@jenniferivywalker ##booklovers ##booktok ##historical ##vikings ##wolfofthenordicseas

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#@SZEstavillo ##booklovers ##readers ##serpentseries ##winbooks
#@SZEstavillo ##booklovers ##readers ##serpentseries ##winbooks

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#@erewhonbooks #@vanessavidakelley ##books ##booktok ##Giveaway ##goodreads

#@erewhonbooks #@vanessavidakelley ##books ##booktok ##Giveaway ##goodreads

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Tempest by Harley Wylde - In the heart of the South lies the Dixie Reapers MC -- an unbreakable brotherhood bound by loyalty and secrets. But when a fierce storm brews both outside and within the club, all bets are off.

Kasen -- I’ve spent my life hiding in the shadow of my father, Tank, the previous Sergeant-at-Arms for the Dixie Reapers.
#@changelingpress #@harleywylde #@KiraStone #@marteekakarland ##contemporary ##erotic ##lbgtq ##MC ##Romance

Tempest by Harley Wylde - In the heart of the South lies the Dixie Reapers MC -- an unbreakable brotherhood bound by loyalty and secrets. But when a fierce storm brews both outside and within the club, all bets are off.

Kasen -- I’ve spent my life hiding in the shadow of my father, Tank, the previous Sergeant-at-Arms for the Dixie Reapers.
#@changelingpress #@harleywylde #@KiraStone #@marteekakarland ##contemporary ##erotic ##lbgtq ##MC ##Romance

3 0
Stephanie Laurens' Marriage and Murder Newsletter, March 20,2025

 Getting swept away by a good story is one of life's greatest pleasures.

 Celebrations are in order! My first release for 2025 is finally here!!
 MARRIAGE AND MURDER is the 10th volume in The Casebook of Barnaby Adair Series and is now available in digital and print formats.
#@stephanielaurens ##authornews ##books ##historical ##newrelease ##Romance

Stephanie Laurens` Marriage and Murder Newsletter, March 20,2025

Getting swept away by a good story is one of life`s greatest pleasures.

Celebrations are in order! My first release for 2025 is finally here!!

MARRIAGE AND MURDER is the 10th volume in The Casebook of Barnaby Adair Series and is now available in digital and print formats.
#@stephanielaurens ##authornews ##books ##historical ##newrelease ##Romance

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#Win a copy of one of Kara Griffin's Books an Historical Romance Blog @authorkaragriffin #booktok #readers #giveaway

#Win a copy of one of Kara Griffin`s Books an Historical Romance Blog @authorkaragriffin #booktok #readers #giveaway

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Live Chat with Between the Chapters - March 25, 2025

Live Chat with Between the Chapters - March 25, 2025

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