Looking for an author’s web site? What about a new group of authors who have events and blogs? Well, we have that ever growing list right here. It is growing all of the time and we hope you find what you are looking for below.
Lots of authors get together and spread the word about their books and events. Look around and find a new group to you to meet and chat with about things that we all love…books! Authors: If you are a member of an author group (group of authors that have gotten together and formed your own group and would like to be listed here, please let us know.
Fabre, Tracy |
Faigen, Anne G |
Fairstein, Linda |
Fairview, Monica |
Falconer, Jade |
Falconer, Raine |
Fanning, Tia |
Fant, James |
Farrell, Lia |
Farrell, Tracy J. |
Faulkner, Gail |
Fay, Kiersten |
Feather, Jane |
Fedele, Mario S. |
Feehan, Christine |
Feisty, Lillian |
Feldman, Christine |
Felthouse, Lucy |
Ferror, Liena |
Fetzer, Amy J |
Field, Ryan |
Fielding, Liz |
Fields, L A |
Fife, Anni |
Fitzgerald, Sara |
Flaherty, Liz |
Fleming, Alexis |
Flint, Eric |
Fluke, Joanne |
Flynn, Avery |
Flynn, Darcy |
Flynn, Ellis |
Flynn, Joyee |
Flynn, Vince (passed away on June 19, 2013) |
Foley, Gaelen |
Ford, Michael Thomas |
Ford, Pamela |
Forrest, Rayne |
Forkner, Tina Ann |
Forte, A.D.R. |
Fossen, Delores |
Foster, Frank |
Foster, JL |
Foulkes, Decee |
Foust, Sonja |
Fowke, Sandra |
Fowler, Therese |
Fox, Alyssa |
Fox, Calista |
Fox, Cathryn |
Fox, Elaine |
Fox, Georgia |
Fox, Georgia |
Fox, Jesse |
Fox, Savanna |
Fox, Susan |
Fox, Morgan |
Foxhawke |
France, Christiane |
Francis, Dorothy |
Francis, John Marion |
Frank, Dorothea Benton |
Frank, Jacquelyn |
Franklin, Ariana |
Franz, Janie |
Fraser, Lauren |
Fraser, Nancy |
Frazier, Suprina |
Fredrix, Elle |
Freely, Jessica |
Freely, Jessica |
Freer, Dave |
French, Christy Tillery |
Fresina, Jayne |
Freveletti, Jamie |
Freydont, Shelley |
Friberg, Cyndi |
Friedman, Rachel |
Frommer, Sara Hoskinson |
Frost, Jeaniene |
Frost, Kimberly |
Frost, S.J. |
Fuller, Karen |
Fuller, Lise |
Furminger, Sabrina |
Furnivall, Kate |
Gabaldon, Diana |
Gabriel, Sarah |
Gabriel, Susan |
Gael, Cynthia |
Gage, Ronna |
Gail, Samantha |
Gaines, Alice |
Gale, Colette |
Galen, Shana |
Galenorn, Yasmine |
Galifany, Jena |
Gallagher, Donna |
Gallagher, Lauren |
Gallaway, Matthew |
Gallow, Amy |
Gantt, DeVa |
Garbera, Katherine |
Gardner, Bernadette |
Gardner, Kimberly |
Gardner, Lisa |
Garey, Terri |
Garland, Dr. Dale |
Garlock, Dorothy |
Garner, Cynthia |
Garner, Sharon K. |
Garnier, Red |
Garren, Jax |
Garrett, Emma Ray |
Garside, Heather |
Garwood, Julie |
Garza, Gabrina |
Gaston, D. K. |
Gaston, Diane |
Gautier, Thom |
Gayle, A.B. |
Gayle, Brenda |
Gayle, Eliza |
Gayle, Linda |
Gayle, Stephanie |
Gayle, Tina |
Geissinger, J.T. |
Gendron, Kelly |
Gentry, Georgina |
Gentry, Samanatha |
Geoffries, Heather |
George, Jacqueline |
George, Mary Lou |
Geraci, Maria |
Gerard, Cindy |
Gerlach, Katharina |
Germain, Shanna |
Gerritsen, Tess |
Gibbs, Linda Hays |
Gibbs, Tammie Clarke |
Gibson, Rachel |
Gideon, Nancy |
Gideon, Robin |
Glick, Heidi |
Gilbert, J. |
Gilbert, Judith |
Gilbreath, Melanie |
Gill, Carole |
Gill, Laura |
Gill, Tamara |
Gilliam, Jenny |
Gilmer, Candice |
Gilmore, Sheri |
Giovanni, Marco |
Girard, Deborrah |
Gisby, Annette |
Gist, Deeaane |
Glad, Judith B. |
Glass, Seressia |
Glasse, Hobert |
Gleason, Colleen |
Glenn, Eden |
Glenn, Stormy |
Godman, Jane |
Godwin, Audrey |
Goings, Rebecca |
Gold, Cassandra |
Gold, Ciara |
Golden, Bruce |
Goodman, Carol |
Goodman, Jo |
Goodwin, Barbara |
Goodwin, Rosemary |
Gordon, Christie |
Gordon, Erin |
Gordon, Gina |
Gordon, Jean C. |
Gordon, Solara |
Gorman, Cher |
Gotter Gates, Nancy |
Goudge, Eileen |
Gould, Debbie |
Gould, Steven |
Grabowski, Christine |
Grace, Alexa |
Grace, Erin |
Grace, K.D. |
Grace, Rebecca |
Grace, Sable |
Grace, Sayde |
Grace, Viola |
Grace-Staley, Debra |
Gracie, Anne |
Grady, S.D. |
Graham, C.S. |
Graham, Heather |
Graison, Lily |
Grammer, Joan |
Grant, Cat |
Grant, Donna |
Grant, Leah |
Grant, Lillian |
Grant, Lorna K. |
Grant, Madelaine |
Grant, Susan |
Graves, Jane |
Graves, Paula |
Graves, Sarah |
Gray, Devon |
Gray, Nathalie |
Gray, Shelley Shepard |
Gray, T. L. |
Gray, Victoria |
Graykowski, Katie |
Graysen, Nicole |
Green, Amber |
Green, Bronwyn |
Green, Cindy K. |
Green Diana |
Green, Jane Green |
Green, McArtney |
Green, Patricia |
Greenbaum, Tara |
Greene, Amanda J. |
Greene, Susan |
Greene, Tilly |
Greer, Keelia |
Gregg, Kari |
Gregory, Nichelle |
Greig, Charlotte |
Greiman, Lois |
Grey, Sable |
Grey, Amelia |
Grey, Cornelia |
Grey, Joe |
Grey, Kendall |
Grey, Skyler |
Grey, Ursula |
Greyson, Jen |
Greyson, Maeve |
Greyson, Scarlett |
Griffin, Kara |
Griffin, Laura |
Griffith, Kathryn Meyer |
Grimm, Sarah |
Grippando, James |
Grobbo, A.R. |
Groe, Diana |
Groome, Charlene |
Groover, Bobbie |
Grosjean, Amber Rigby |
Gross, Andrew |
Gryphon, A.W. |
Guhrke, Laura Lee |
Guido, Emily |
Guillone, Sedonia |
Gunn, Robin Jones |
Gutcheon, Beth |
Gyllenhaal, Liza |
Hadaway, Linda |
Haddad, Stephanie |
Haddock, Nancy |
Haden, Jamie Leigh |
Haeger, Diane |
Haggerty, D.E. |
Hailstock, Shirley |
Haimowitz, Rachel |
Haines, Gwenan |
Haines, Jess |
Hall, Faye |
Hall, Karen |
Hall, Katherine |
Hall, Mallory |
Hall, Russ |
Hall, Tara Fox |
Hall, Traci |
Hallaway, Tate |
Halliday, Dawn |
Hallinan, Timothy |
Hambright, Jan |
Hamby, Laura |
Hamilton, Laurell K. |
Hammond, Michelle |
Hampton, AJ |
Hampton, Sandi |
Hancock, Barbara J. |
Handeland, Lori |
Hannah, Darci |
Hannah, Kristin |
Hanson, Moira |
Hanson, Tanya |
Hardt, Helen |
Hardy, Kate |
Harlem, Lily |
Harlow, Karin |
Harlow, Melissa |
Harper, Dani |
Harper, Elleby |
Harper, Karen |
Harper, Paulette |
Harper, Vonna |
Harris, Betty Ann |
Harris, Chloe |
Harris, Daisy |
Harris, Lis’Anne |
Harris, Liz |
Harris, Rosemary |
Harris, Sara |
Harris, Saundra E. |
Harrison, Kim |
Harrison, T. |
Harrison, Thea |
Harrow, Leanna |
Harroway, JC |
Hart, Carolyn |
Hart, Crymsyn |
Hart, Jennifer |
Hart, Kaily |
Hart, Megan |
Hart, Michele |
Hart, Shauna |
Harte, Louisa |
Harte, Marie |
Harte, Roxy |
Harte, Treva |
Hartman, Ruth J |
Harvey, Emily Sue |
Hasker, Michelle |
Hassett, T. D. |
Hatfield, Meagan |
Hauser, G.A. |
Haven, P.S. |
Hawke, Morgan |
Hawke, Victoria |
Hawkeye, Lauren |
Hawkins, Karen |
Hawley, Francesca |
Hayden, L.C. |
Hayden, Nicole |
Hayes, Gwen |
Hayes, Julie Lynn |
Hayes, Madison |
Haymore, Jennifer |
Haynes, Jasmine |
Haze, E.R. |
Healey, Bryan |
Healey, Judith Koll |
Heath, Lorraine |
Heaton, Felicity |
Hecht, Stephani |
Heckart, Kelley |
Heflin, Rebecca |
Heggan, Christiane |
Helle, Darcia |
Hende, Carol Van Den |
Henderson, Helen |
Henderson, Nancy |
Henderson, Samantha |
Henderson, T. T. |
Henion, Laura Marie |
Henley, Virginia |
Henry, Carol |
Henry, Mark |
Herbert, Ceri |
Hebert, Cerian |
Herendeen, Ann |
Herries, Anne |
Herron, Rachael |
Herron, Rita |
Hestand, Rita |
Heusler, Marianna |
Hibbs, Sasha |
Hicks, Nicole |
Hiestand, Heather |
Hiestand, Jo |
Higgins, Kristan |
Hill, Brenda |
Hill, Joey |
Hill, Chriss |
Hill, Jamie |
Hill, Kate |
Hill, Sandra |
Hillins, Kira |
Hillman, Emma |
Hines, Jerri |
Hingle, Metsy |
Hinnenkamp, Ann |
Hinze, Vicki |
Hobson, M.K. |
Hodge, Sibel |
Hodgson, Mona |
Hofman, Kate |
Hogan, James P |
Hogan, Mary |
Hogg, Laura |
Holford, Jody |
Holland, Tina |
Holley, Kinsey W. |
Hollis, Christina |
Holly, Anne |
Holly, Emma |
Holman, Michelle |
Holmes, Chris |
Holmes, Ellie |
Holmes, Jeannie |
Holquist, Diana |
Holt, Cheryl |
Holt, Desiree |
Hooper, Kay |
Hope, Anne |
Hope, Zinnia |
Hopkins, Vicki |
Hopkinson, Nalo |
Horan, Kathleen |
Hornsby, Kim |
Hosack, Melissa |
Houston, Michelle |
Hovey, Joan Hall |
Howard, Anya |
Howard, Jeanne |
Howard, Victoria |
Howell, Hannah |
Howell, Julie Ann |
Howell, Kiki |
Howell, Patty |
Hoyt, Elizabeth |
Hoyt, Sarah A. |
Hubbard, Crystal |
Hughes, Charlotte |
Hughey, Carolyn |
Humphrey, Pamela |
Humphrey, Phyllis |
Hunsaker, LK |
Hunt, Angela |
Hunt, Delilah |
Hunt, Loribelle |
Hunt, Sam JD |
Hunter, Caitlyn |
Hunter, Diana |
Hunter, Ellen Elizabeth |
Hunter, Gwen |
Hunter, Hazel |
Hunter, Liz |
Hunter, Madeline |
Hunter, Nancy |
Hunter, Rebecca |
Hunter, Sable |
Hunter, Samantha |
Hunter, Scarlet |
Hunter, T. M. |
Hupton, Paul |
Hutchins, Paul |
Hutton, Callie |
Hutton, Cheryel |
Hyacinth, Scarlet |
Hyatt, Sandra (Passed away August 20, 2011) |
Hyde, Debra |
Kacey, Jennifer |
Kade, Cyna |
Kage, Linda |
Kala, Advaita |
Kallyn, Amber |
Kama, Adrienne |
Kandel, Susan |
Kane, Anne |
Kane, Cassandra |
Kane, Isabelle |
Kane, Mallory |
Karland, Marteeka |
Karlsen, Chris |
Karlsson, K. Ann |
Karns, Lola |
Kasai, Kirsten Imani |
Kasar, Kalita |
Kasch, Kim |
Kath-Bilsky, Ashley |
Katherine, Anna |
Katros, Heide |
Katsikas, Keith |
Katt, AC |
Kauffman, Crystal |
Kauffman, Donna |
Kaufman, Ruth |
Kay, Karen |
Kaye, Bella |
Kaye, Jeannie |
Kaye, Laura |
Kaye, Robin |
Kaye, Robin |
Kaye, Starla |
Kaye, Sylvie |
Kayne, Debra |
Ke, Alexis |
Kean, Catherine |
Kearney, Susan |
Kearns, Morgan |
Keaton, Anna Leigh |
Kell, Amber |
Keller, jj |
Keller, Kathryn |
Kellerman, Faye |
Kelley, Karen |
Kelley, Sahara |
Kelley, Susan |
Kelly, Dorien |
Kelly, Karen |
Kelly, Kathryn C. |
Kelly, Kiernan |
Kelly, Marlowe |
Kelly, Megan |
Kelly, Mina |
Kelly, Mira Lyn |
Kelly, Q |
Kelly, Tanya |
Kelly, Vanessa |
Kemp, Debra |
Kempe, C. Margery |
Kendall, Beverley |
Kendall, Tambra |
Kendrick, Beth |
Kendricks, KC |
Kennan, Connie |
Kennedy, Doralynn |
Kennedy, Kathryne |
Kennedy, Kris |
Kennedy, Lorraine |
Kennedy, Stacey |
Kennie, Ryshia |
Kenny, Jan |
Kent, Alison |
Kent, Cassidy |
Kenyon, Sherrilyn |
Kenyon, Toni |
Keraleigh, Anna |
Kern, Erin |
Kersten, Shayla |
Kery, Beth |
Kessler, Jackie |
Kessler, Lisa |
Keswick, Kitty |
Keyes, Marian |
Kiefer, Nicole |
Kiely, Claudette |
Killian, TJ |
Killion, Kimberly |
Kilpatrick, Kilt |
Kiltoy, L.S. |
Kimbrell, Julie |
Kimble, Sophia |
Kincaid, Chrystal |
Kincaid, Raleigh |
Kindle, Kate |
King, Cassandra |
King, Kris |
King, Lynne |
King, Naomi |
King, Samara |
King, Sherri L. |
King, Susan Fraser |
Kingston, Brittany |
Kinkaide, Therese |
Kinsale, Laura |
Kinsella, Sophie |
Kinsey, Trent |
Kinson, Wylie |
Kirch, Kelly |
Kitts, Tracey H. |
Kiyono, Patricia |
Kleng, Judie |
Kleypas, Lisa |
Knight, Allison (passed away July 11, 2014) |
Knight, Angela |
Knight, Charisma |
Knight, Dee S |
Knight, Deidre |
Knight, Eve |
Knight, Kathryn |
Knight, Melody |
Knight, Naomi |
Knight, Olivia |
Knight, S. Carman |
Knight, Susanne Marie |
Knight, Tempest |
Knobova, Barbora |
Knowles, Erosa |
Knox, Kim |
Koger, Gail |
Koomson, Dorothy |
Koslow, Sally |
Kougar, Savanna |
Kozak, P. F. |
Kraemer, C.L. |
Kreger, Liz |
Krentz, Jane Anne |
Kretschmer, J. Gayle |
Krieger, D.F. |
Kring, Sandra |
Krist, Anne |
Kroll, Belinda |
Kulig, Kathy |
Kumar, Lisa |
Kurland, Lynn |
Kwan, Coleen |
Kwitney, Alisa |
Kyle, Barbara |
Kyle, Regina |
La Roche, Tristram |
LaBlaque, Empress |
LaBrecque, Jennifer |
LaBud, Pamela |
LaCapra, Wendy |
Lace, Darah |
Lacy, Gwyn |
Lacy, Shay |
Ladley, Titania |
LaFleur, Lynn |
LeFoy, Eva |
Lagana, Giovanna |
Langlais, Eva |
Laine, Susan |
Lake, Cara |
Lakin, C.S. |
Lakin, Rita |
Lambert, Christina Lynn |
Lamb, Cathy |
Lamont, Lyndi |
Lamperd, Laurel |
Landry, Lotus |
Landsman, Peggy |
Lane, Cheryl |
Lane, Jennifer |
Lane, Jourdan |
Lane, Kallie |
Lane, Katie |
Lane, Lisa |
Laneley, Amanda |
Lang, Chloe |
Lang, Emma |
Lang, Kimberly |
Lang, Michele |
Lang, Randall |
Langford, Keanar |
Langston, Ty |
Largo, Macy |
LaRoque, Linda |
LaRose, Jennifer |
LaRue, Emery |
Lashner, William |
Latham, Delia |
Latham, Julia |
Latham, Kat |
Latroy, Lark |
Lattimer, Linda |
Lauden, Adelle |
Lauren, Michelle |
Laurence, Diana |
Laurens, Stephanie |
Laurenston, Shelly |
Laurey, Rosemary |
Lavene, Joyce and Jill |
Lavey, Inara |
LaVon, Tina |
Lawrence, T.L. |
Lawson, Anthea |
Lawton, P J |
Lawyer, TK |
Layle, Madison |
Layne, Jamaica |
Layton, Bernice |
Layton, Edith |
Lazu, Sotia |
Le Page, Maggie |
Leady, Kim |
Leaf, Erin M. |
Leah, Cia |
LeBeau, Eris |
LeBlanc, Leslie |
Lee, Deanna |
Lee, Debra |
Lee, Desirée |
Lee, Elaina |
Lee, Emery |
Lee, Fran |
Lee, Georgie |
Lee, Harper (Died February 19, 2016) |
Lee, Lizzie Lynn |
Lee, Patrick |
Lee, Roz |
Leeland, Jennifer |
Leffler, Maggie |
Lehane, Dennis |
Lehr, Leslie |
Leigh, Bonnie Rose |
Leigh, Lora |
Leigh, Caden |
Leigh, Jayha |
Leigh, Jo |
Leigh, Judith |
Leigh, Lora |
Leigh, Lori |
Leigh, Margaret |
Leigh, Meg |
Leigh, Piper |
Leigh, Shannon |
LeMoyne, KH |
Lence, Julie |
Lennox, Marion |
Lenox, Kim |
Leo, Rosanna |
Leon, Katalina |
Leonard, Elmore |
Lepore, Jacqueline |
Lerma, Rose |
Lesin, Jolie |
Leto, Julie |
Levey, Mahalia |
Levine, Elaine |
Levine, Laura |
Lewis, Diane Scott |
Lewis, Jane |
Lewis, Jennifer |
Lewis, Karen |
Lewis, Lavinia |
Li, Kimber |
Li, Racy |
Libby, Lori |
Lily Graison |
Lin, Jeannie |
Linden, Caroline |
Lindsey, Johanna (died December 23, 2019) |
Lindsey, Julie Anne |
Lindley, Rae |
Lindley-Gauthier, Nancy A. |
Lindsey, Sara |
Linforth, Jennifer |
Linz, Cathie |
Lippi, Rosina |
Lippman, Laura |
Lira, Sharita Lira |
Littlefield, Sophie |
Littlejohn, Dana |
Liu, Marjorie M. |
Llewellyn, A.J. |
Lloyd, Dee |
Lloyd, Eliza |
Lloyd, Joan Elizabeth |
Locke, Afton |
Lockwood, Josh |
Lofty, Carrie |
Logan, Elise |
Logan, Kyla |
Logan, Lynne |
Logan, Patricia |
London, Clare |
London, Julia |
Long, Julie Anne |
Long, Kate |
Long, Sharon |
Long, Terri Giuliano |
Loomis, Mercy |
Lopez, Lolita |
Lorello, Elisa |
Lorenz, Lynn |
Lorenz, Olivia |
Lori, Rae |
Lorraine, Evanne |
Lorret, Vivienne |
Lotempio, T. C. |
Louellen, Amie |
Loupas, Elizabeth |
Love, Colleen |
Love, Crystal-Rain |
Love, Elliot |
Love, Kathy |
Lovett, Jorja |
Lowe, Elaine |
Lowe, Fiona |
Lowery, Fawn |
Lowrie, Simon |
Loy, Jennifer |
Lucas, Samantha |
Lukasik, Gail |
Lundeen, Darcy |
Lyn, Hywela |
Lyn, Viki |
Lynley, E.M. |
Lynn, Aurora Rose |
Lynn, J. |
Lynn, Janice |
Lynn, Sheryl |
Lynne, Alannah |
Lynne, Carol |
Lynne, Deborah Y |
Lynne, Jennifer |
Lynne, Judi |
Lynne, Rachel |
Lyons, Brenna |
Lyons, Alysia |
Lyons, C.J. |
Lyons, Jennifer |
Lyons, Missy |
Lyons, Rene |
Lyons, Susan |
Mabeuse, Elliot |
Macaire, Jennifer |
MacAlister, Katie |
MacDonald, James D. & Debra Doyle |
MacDonald, Janet |
MacDonald, Lisa Dawn |
Macela, Ann |
MacGillvray, Deborah |
MacGregor, Cynthia |
McGier, Fiona |
MacInerney, Karen |
MacInnis, Abbey |
MacKenzie, Catherine A. |
MacKenzie, Robyn |
MacKenzie, Sally |
MacMeans, Donna |
MacMillan, Jerica |
MacMunn, Abbey |
MacNeal, Melissa |
Macomber, Debbie |
MacPherson, Rett |
Madden, Helen E.H. |
Madden, Mathilde |
Madison, LD |
Madison, Robie |
Madison, Shawntelle |
Mae, Miss |
Maguire, Kristie Leigh |
Mahoney, K. M. |
Maitland, Kaitlin |
Majors, SL |
Mäkelä, Sarah |
Malin, Libby |
Mallery, Susan |
Mallory, Anne |
Mallory, Margaret |
Mallory, Tess |
Malone, Josie |
Malone, Minx |
Malone, Nana |
Malone, Nara |
Mancos, M K |
Manly, D.J. |
Mann, Catherine |
Mann, Dee |
Mann, Marilu |
Manro, Kaye |
Mar, Chalee |
Marble, Stephanie |
Marcella, Jeanne |
March, Ashley |
March, Emily |
Marcus, Wendy S. |
Margolin, Phillip |
Margolis, Sue |
Margret, Ellen |
Marie, J.T. |
Marillier, Juliet |
Marinello, Lorelle |
Marks-White, Judith |
Markus, Nicki J |
Marley, Louise |
Marlowe, Deb |
Marlowe, Katrina |
Marlowe, Lyra |
Marlowe, Mia |
Marlowe, Sage |
Maron, Margaret |
Marr, Ann Tracy |
Marr, Margaret |
Marr, Melissa |
Mars, Sandra |
Marsden, Sommer |
Marsh, Anne |
Marshall, Kate & David |
Marshall, Lynne |
Marshall, Michael |
Marshall, Sandra K. |
Marsi, Cara |
Martens, Isabel L |
Martin, Deirdre |
Martin, Joann I. |
Martin, Shirley |
Martin, Kat |
Martinez, Angel |
Martinez, Mary |
Martinez, Michele |
Martini, Steve |
Marton, Dana |
Marvel, Ellie |
Mascia, James |
Masek, Carrie S. |
Mason, Jude |
Massa, J J |
Massie, Aine P |
Masters, Cate |
Masters, India |
Matthews, Claire |
Matthews, Jenyfer |
Matthews, Jessica |
Matthews, Lena |
Matthews, Lissa |
Matthews, Marly |
Mauro, Sherry |
Maxwell, Cathy |
Mayberry, Sarah |
Maybud, Rose |
Mayburn, Ann |
Mayer, Dale |
Mayhue, Melissa |
Maylee, S.J. |
Maynard, Janice |
Mays, Judy |
Mazzuca, Debbie |
McAbee, K.G. |
McArthur, Fiona |
McBride, Sloan |
McBryar, Martha L |
McCabe, Amanda |
McCaffrey, Anne (passed away November 22, 2011) |
McCaffrey, Kristy |
McCaffrey, Nicole |
McCain, Pat |
McCall, B. J. |
McCall, Penny |
McCallister, Angela |
McCarthy, Erin |
McCartney, Rae |
McCarty Petie |
McCarty, Monica |
McCarty, Sarah |
McCleave, Annette |
McClendon, Shayne |
McClintock, MK |
McCormick, Jenna |
McCoy, Judi (passed away February 18, 2012) |
McCray, Cheyenne |
McCune, Bonnie |
McDavid, Cathy |
McDermid, Val |
McDermott, Pat |
McDonagh, Margaret |
McDonough, Kelly |
McDougall, Kim |
McElfresh, V.L. |
McEntire, Diane |
McFarland, Gail |
McFionn, Tessa |
McGaha, Marie |
McGary, Loucinda |
McGier, Fiona |
McGill, Tricia |
McGuire, Jewell |
McHenry, Janet Holm |
McInerney, Monica |
McIntyre, Amanda |
Mcjack, C.A. |
McKade, Mackenzie |
McKay, Cassidy |
McKay, Christine |
McKee, Laurel |
McKeever, Gracie |
McKenna, Annmarie |
McKenna, Cara |
McKenna, Shannon |
McKenzie, Carol |
McKenzie, Catherine |
McKenzie, Cooper |
McKerrigan, Sarah |
McKerrington, Kristal |
McKnight, A.M. |
McLain, Paula |
McLea, Davida |
McLeod, Anitra Lynn |
McMahill, Kim |
McMorris, Kristina |
McNamara, Jude E. |
McNeal, Sarah |
McPhee, Carol |
Mead, Richelle |
Meador, Minnette |
Meaney, Roisin |
Mede, Charlotte |
Meding, Kelly |
Meier, Leslie |
Meilleur, Toni |
Meister, Ellen |
Mellor, P. J. |
Melton, Marliss |
Menden, AJ |
Mercury, Karen |
Mere, Isabel |
Merlin, Diane |
Merrill, Christine |
Merrow, JL |
Meyer, Katie |
Michael, Nikka |
Michael, Patric |
Michael, Sean |
Michael, Trista Ann |
Michaela, Robin |
Michaels, Bethany |
Michaels, Bobby (passed away October 31, 2011) |
Michaels, Donna |
Michaels, Fern |
Michaels, Jess |
Michaels, Kasey |
Michaels, Lydia |
Michaels, Renee |
Michaels, T.J. |
Michaels, Vee |
Michel, Courtney |
Michel, Jocelyn |
Michelle, Patrice |
Middleton, Rose |
Midway, Bridget |
Milan, Courtney |
Milburn, Sharon |
Mill, DiAnn |
Miller, Cathy |
Miller, Fenella J |
Miller, Julie |
Miller, Kara Leigh |
Miller, Linda Lael |
Miller, Maureen A. |
Miller, Melissa |
Miller, Micqui |
Miller, Patrena |
Miller, Robin Leigh |
Millier, Maryann |
Mills, DiAnn |
Mills, Linda Parsons |
Mims, Meg |
Minchew, Gale |
Mirag, A.J. |
Miralles, Frances |
Miranda, Meilin |
Mirin, Christelle |
Mitchell, Esther |
Mitchell, J R |
Mitchell, Mallary |
Mitns, Mia |
Miura, Susan |
Mix, Kathleen |
Mofina, Rick |
Molare, Sydney |
Moleti, Carole Ann |
Moliere, Serge de |
Moloney, Susie |
Monaco, Alecia |
Moncrief, Skhye |
Monet, Rae |
Moning, Karen Marie |
Monroe, Ashlynn |
Monroe, Lucy |
Monroe, Mandy |
Monroe, Marla |
Monsch, Danielle |
Mont, Eve Marie |
Montague, Madelaine |
Montgomery, Selena |
Montogomerie, Pamela |
Montoya, David C. |
Mooney, Linda |
Moorcroft, Sue |
Moore, Becky |
Moore, Joyce |
Moore, Madeline |
Moore, Marsha A. |
Moore, Patricia |
Moore, Shawna |
Moran, Kelly |
Moran, Michelle |
Morehouse, Candace |
Morel, Melina |
Morgan, Angi |
Morgan, Gwynn |
Morgan, J. |
Morgan, Kira |
Morgan, Madelle |
Morgan, Nicole |
Morgan, Sarah |
Morgen, Shelby |
Morin, Donna Russo |
Morley, N. T. |
Morrigan, Tuesday |
Morris, Ann B. |
Morris, Edward |
Morris, Marilyn Celeste |
Morris, Maryann |
Morris, Shelly Gail |
Morris, Stephanie |
Morrison, Jade |
Morrison, Lee |
Morrison, Tess |
Moss, C.R. |
Mowery, Paula |
Mouette, Sophie |
Mueller, Jennifer |
Mulgrew, Raquel |
Mullany, Janet |
Muller, E. M. |
Muller, Val |
Mullins, Debra |
Mullins, Zoë |
Mumford, Debbie |
Munder, Chrissy |
Mundy, Maggie |
Munro, Lila |
Munro, Shelley |
Mupetson, Kay |
Murnane, Maria |
Murphy, C.E. |
Murphy, Lee Ann Sontheimer |
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau |
Murray, Kat |
Musgrave, D. |
Mya |
Myers, Cindi |
Myers, Tamara |
Mykles, Jet |
Myles, Josephine |
Mynheir, Mark |
Packer, Ann |
Page, Jean Reynolds |
Page, Sharon |
Paige, Alison |
Paige, Christa |
Paige, Elana |
Paige, Elisa |
Paige, Jacqueline |
Paine, Mary |
Painter, Sally |
Paisley, Rose |
Pallotta, Gail |
Palmer, Linda |
Palmer, Pamela |
Palmquist, Susan |
Pang, Allison |
Panger, Deborah J |
Paper, Cindy Spencer |
Para Oro, Nulli |
Parker, Donna H. |
Parker, Julie |
Parker, Misty |
Parker, P.L. |
Parker, T. Jefferson |
Parks, Lydia |
Parr, Sarah |
Parrish, Rhonda |
Parrish, Scarlett |
Pasco, Eva |
Path, Mallory |
Patrick, Denise |
Patterson, James |
Pattillo, Beth |
Paul, Donita K. |
Paul, K. Sawyer |
Paul, Regina |
Paulits, John |
Paulin, Brynn |
Payne, Alcamia |
Payne, Maria-Claire |
Payne, Jodi |
Payne, Lillith |
Peacock, Caro |
Pearce, Kate |
Pearce, Lila |
Peel, Lorna |
Penn, Jenny |
Pennington, Michael |
Pennington, Sharon Cupp |
Pentermann, Meira |
Perazzini, Suzanne |
Perrin, Kayla |
Perrine, Jane Myers |
Perry, Kate |
Perry, Marta |
Perry, Regina |
Petersen, Emma |
Petersen, Jenna |
Petrova, Em |
Petzler, Wend |
Phelan, Sapphire |
Philips, Lisa |
Phillips, Carly |
Phillips, Jayne Anne |
Phillips, Susan Elizabeth |
Pickens, Andrea |
Pickles, G W |
Piemonte, Rosemarie |
Pierce, Cassandra |
Pierce, Nicole L. |
Pierson, Cheryl |
Piet, K. |
Pillow, Michelle |
Piñeiro, Caridad |
Pinter, Jason |
Pirri, Nancy |
Pittman, Allison |
Plakcy, Neil |
Poff, Christy |
Pogash, Carol |
Polo, Amber |
Pon, Cindy |
Pope, Christine |
Porter, Anjeanette L. |
Porter, R. G. |
Potter, Patricia |
Potts, CB |
Powerone |
Powers, Eve |
Powers, Mae |
Pratchett, Terry (passed away March 12, 2015) |
Prater, Wt |
Pray, Andi |
Pressey, Rosie |
Prescott, Francesca |
Preston, Douglas |
Price, Jordan Castillo |
Price, Stella and Audra |
Priest, Zathyn |
Prieto, Luisa |
Print, Rhonda L. |
Proell, Joyce |
Pulkinen, Carrie |
Purdy, Brandy |
Purman, Victoria |
Rabiyah, Anastasia |
Raby, Charlotte |
Rachal, Connie |
Radford, Michelle |
Radish, Kris |
Rae, Beverly |
Rae, Holland |
Rae, Paulette |
Rain, Angelina |
Raine, Ashleigh |
Rainey, Anne |
Rainier, Heather |
Rains, Christine |
Ramagos, Tonya |
Ramer, Edie |
Ramos, Mila |
Ramsay, Frederick |
Ramsay, Hope |
Randall, Rachel |
Randolph, Reid |
Random, Linn |
Raney, Deborah |
Ranney, Karen |
Ranson, Tracy |
Rasey, Patricia A. |
Ravell, Helen |
Ray, Francis (passed away July 2, 2013) |
Ray, Robin Renee |
Rayburn, Annie |
Raye, Dariel |
Raye, Kimberly |
Raymond, Jolynn |
Rayna, Edna |
Rayne, Marty |
Rayne, Tabitha |
Readett, Gerard |
Reagan, Laura |
Reah, Lacey |
Rebel, Dakota |
Redd, Rosalie |
Redmond, Shirley Raye |
Reece, Christy |
Reed, Rick R |
Reese, Jenn |
Reese, Lainey |
Reese, Meredith |
Reeves, Rachel |
Regen, JL |
Reichs, Kathy |
Reid, Margaret E. |
Reid, Moria |
Reinke, Sarah |
Renarde, Giselle |
Rendahl, Eileen |
Rendell, Joanne |
Renee, Mechi |
Renn, Belita |
Renquist, Zenobia |
Rettstatt, Linda |
Reyes, Elizabeth |
Reynolds, Jenna |
Reynolds, Lynn |
Rhoads, Roxanne |
Rhodes, M.L. |
Rhodes, Samantha |
Rhose, Calisa |
Ricci, Caitlin |
Rice, Luanne |
Rice, Patricia |
Rice, Rachael |
Richard, Lani Diane |
Richards, Anya |
Richards, Jana |
Richards, Kate |
Richards, Laurel |
Richards, Tory |
Richardson, Lelsi |
Rickloff, Alix |
Ridgway, Christie |
Ridley, Erica |
Rifkin, Gini |
Riggle, Kristina |
Riggs, Cynthia |
Rigler, Laura Viera |
Riley, Regina |
Ringo, John |
Riser, Mimi |
Risk, Mona |
Rivers, Eden |
Rivers, Francine |
Riviera, Josie |
Robards, Elizabeth |
Robards, Karen |
Roberto, Dawn |
Roberts, Kelsey |
Roberts, Nora |
Roberts, Sheila |
Roberts, Teresa Noelle |
Robertson, Beck |
Robertson, Keshia |
Robins, Jennifer |
Robins, Sari |
Robinson, Peter |
Robinson, Cheryl |
Robinson, Holden |
Robinson, Lauri |
Robinson, Maggie |
Robinson, Shannon |
Robinson, Spider |
Roblin, Theresa |
Robson, Cecy |
Rochelle, Judith |
Rochelle, Marie |
Rochester, Sylvia |
Rochon, Farrah |
Rochon, Farrah |
Rock, Joanne |
Rock, Karen |
Rock, Suzanne |
Rock, Suzanne |
Rodale, Maya |
Roder, Victoria |
Rodman, Lorne |
Rogers, D.L. |
Rogers, Donna Marie |
Rogers, Felicia |
Rogers, Tracey |
Rolfs, Judith |
Rollins, James |
Romaine, Lynn |
Roman, Isabel |
Roman, Kate |
Romano, Mia |
Romo, Barbara |
Rono, Celis T. |
Roppolo, Debbie |
Rosburg, Helen |
Rose, Adrienne |
Rose, Dahlia |
Rose, Elisabeth |
Rose, Isabelle |
Rose, Karen |
Rose, Katia |
Rose, L.D. |
Rose, Nancy Ann |
Roseberry, Dinah |
Rosenblatt, Jill Amy |
Rosenthal, Pam |
Rosewood, Carolyn |
Rosko, Mandy |
Ross, Aubrey |
Ross, Jennifer |
Ross, Joann |
Rossi, Mila |
Rosser, Jean |
Rossetti, Denise |
Roth, Ann |
Roth, Mandy M. |
Rothwell, Kate |
Rouchelle, Shannon |
Roux, Abigail |
Roux, Justus |
Rowan, Tracy |
Rowe, Willsin |
Rowen, Michelle |
Rowland, Kathleen |
Roy, Allyson |
Royale, G.G. |
Rubenstein, Carin |
Rubino, Diana |
Rubis, Jason |
Ruechel, Charissa |
Ruff, Lisa |
Ruger, Rebecca |
Rush, Jaime |
Rush, Lynn |
Russell, Charlsie |
Russell, Renee |
Russell, Meredith |
Rustan, Sara |
Rutan, Melanie |
Ruth, Jan |
Ryan, Cassidy |
Ryan, Cassie |
Ryan, Hank Phillipi |
Ryan, Jordana |
Ryan, Laurie |
Ryan, Lexi |
Ryan, Marie-Nicole |
Ryan-Davis, Emily |
Ryan, Viola |
Ryder, Cristal |
Ryder, Luxie |
Rytes, Seyna |
Saare, J.A. |
SaFleur, Elizabeth |
Saint James, Elle |
Saint James, Jocelyn |
Saint James, London |
Saintcrow, Lilith |
Sala, Sharon |
Salisbury, Jamie |
Salom, Latifah |
Samms, Jaime |
Sande, Linda Rae |
Sanders, Emma |
Sanders, Leslie Lee |
Sanderson, Scarlett |
Sands, Declan |
Sands, Lynsay |
Sandstrom, Eve K. |
Sankaran, Vanitha |
Santiago, Isabelle |
Santiago, Lara |
Saperstein, David |
Sargeant, Patricia |
Savage, Lacey |
Savalli, Jennifer |
Savoy, Skye |
Sawyer, Cheryl |
Sawyer, Crickett |
Sawyer, Kirsten |
Sawyer, Rita |
Scarbrough, Jan |
Scarbrough, Joyce Sterling |
Scarlett, Belle |
Scarlett, C.H. |
Scavone, Angela |
Schaffer, Stephanie |
Schartz, Vijaya |
Schartz, Vijaya |
Schechter, Peter |
Schmidt, Heidi Jon |
Schneider, Tricia |
Schnurnberger, Lynn |
Schoenecker, Mary Fremont |
Schone, Robin |
Schreck, Karen Halvorsen |
Schroeder, Melissa |
Schuler, Betty Jo |
Schulze, Christine E |
Schumann, Gloria |
Schwab, Sandra |
Schwartz, Jenny |
Scott & Scott |
Scott, A.H. |
Scott, Amanda |
Scott, Barbara |
Scott, Ericka |
Scott, Jayde |
Scott, Kathleen |
Scott, Madison |
Scott, Magdalena |
Scott, Paisley |
Scott, RJ |
Scott, Susan Holloway |
Scott, Tarah |
Scott, Theresa |
Scottoline, Lisa |
Seagraves, Janice |
Seaton, George |
Selby, Roger Frank |
Senate, Melissa |
Sexton, Marie |
Sfetsos, Yolanda |
Sfinas, Brian |
Shaber, Sarah R. |
Shafer, Bobbie J. |
Shaff, Fran |
Shaffer, Louise |
Shalvis, Jill |
Shanman, Ellen |
Shannigan, Rowan |
Shapiro, Dani |
Sharazade |
Sharon, Rona |
Sharp, David |
Sharpe, Alice |
Sharpe, Isabel |
Sharpe, Jennah |
Shaw, Alyx Jae |
Shaw, Cassandra L. |
Shaw, June |
Shaw, L.A. |
Shaw, Lila |
Shay, Kathyrn |
Shay, Janna |
Shayne, Maggie |
Sheckley, Alisa |
Sheehan, Jacqueline |
Sheehan, Judy |
Sheils, T.K. |
Shelton, Connie |
Shenberger, Patti |
Sheridan, Barbara |
Sheridan, Casey |
Sherwood, Kate |
Sherwood, Mickie |
Sherwood-Fabre, Liese |
Shields, Donna |
Shinn, Sharon |
Shirk, Jennifer |
Shore, Dee |
Shore, Elizabeth |
Short, Sharon |
Shortland, Kemberlee |
Shortt, Emma |
Showalter, Gena |
Shriver, Beth |
Sidhe, Amanda |
Sieja, Sharon |
Silver, Alexa and Patrick |
Silver, Eve |
Silvers, Christie |
Ch’Kara SilverWolf |
Silverwood, Cari |
Simko, Ann |
Simmons, Mark |
Simon, Clea |
Simons, Paulina |
Simpson, Donna Lea |
Simpson, Ginger |
Sims, Ciarra |
Sims, Jeffrey Scott |
Sims, Jessica |
Sims, Ruth |
Sinclair, Cherise |
Sinclair, Emma |
Sinclair, Jaden |
Sinclair, Kira |
Sinclair, Lennea |
Sinclair, Michele |
Sinclair, Sabrina |
Singer, Judy Reenee |
Singh, Jagdish Rai (Roy) |
Singh, Nalini |
Singh, Reet |
Singh, Sheritha |
Sizemore, Susan |
Skendrovich, Cathy |
Skully, Jennifer |
Skye, Arianna |
Skye, Christine (Died May 21, 2018) |
Skye, Liane Gentry |
Slater, Lia |
Slatton, Traci L. |
Slayter, Rina |
Sloane, Stefanie |
Small, Bertrice (passed away February 24, 2015) |
Small, Anna |
Smith, Alexander McCall |
Smith, Bobbi |
Smith, Danielle D. |
Smith, Donnette |
Smith, Jackie M. |
Smith, Jessica Coulter |
Smith, Joy |
Smith, Katherine |
Smith, Kathryn |
Smith, Kevin Mark |
Smith, Kim |
Smith, Maureen |
Smith, Meta |
Smith, Paisley |
Smith, Pepper |
Smith, Sherwood |
Smith, Tim |
Snow, Gemma |
Snow, Isabella |
Snow, Jenika |
Snyder, J.M. |
Sobrato, Jamie |
Sofras, Lynette |
Sole, Anne |
Sole, Linda |
Solomon, Annie |
Sommersby, Samantha |
Somoza, Jose Carlos |
Sookoo, Sandra |
Sorensen, Craig |
Sorenson, Jill |
Sorgeson, Anne |
Sartor, Leslie Ann |
Soule, Leslie |
Soule, Sherry |
Southard, Steven R. |
Southerland, Margaret |
Sparks, Devi |
Sparks, Kerrelyn |
Sparrow, M.L. |
Spear, Terry |
Speer, Cindy Lynn |
Speller, Leslie |
Spickett, M.J. |
Spiegelman, Peter |
Spindler, Chris |
Spletzer, Lakisha |
Spradling, Carol |
Springer, Daniel |
Springsteen, Kay |
Sprinkle, Patricia |
Squires, Susan |
St. Aubyn, Hera |
St. Clair, Christina |
St. Claire, Roxanne |
St. Como, Danica |
St. George, Jennifer |
St. James, Jeanne |
St. James, Sloan |
St. John, Kelley |
Stacey, Shannon |
Stacy, E. Cameron |
Stacy-Deanne |
Stang, Catherine |
Stanley, Gale |
Star, Ana |
Starbright, Gail |
Starling, Kissa |
Starr, C. J. |
Starr, Cricket |
Starr, Raven |
Starr, Sabine |
Statham, Hazel |
Staub, Wendy Corsi |
Steed, Angela |
Steel, Raz |
Steele, Ashley |
Steele, Kate |
Steeples, Jill |
Stein, Charlotte |
Stella, Mary |
Stepakoff, Jeffrey |
Stephans, Delilah K. |
Stephens, Jude |
Stephens, Marianne |
Stephens, Susan |
Stephenson, Carol |
Sterbenz, Marie |
Stevens, Lizzy |
Stevens, Shelli |
Stewart, Fran |
Stewart, Gene |
Stewart, Jean Hart |
Stewart, Leah |
Stewart, Shiela |
Stilletto, Trixie |
Stimson, Tess |
Stivali, Karen |
Stockton, Frances |
Stone, Ciana |
Stone, Jillian |
Stone, Juliana |
Stone, Kira |
Stone, Sadira |
Stone, Sibelle |
Stone, Skylar |
Stone, Suzette |
Stone, Tabitha Arlethia |
Storey, Donna George |
Storey, Lucynda |
Storm, Pixie |
Storm, Ruby |
Stowe, Miranda |
Strand, Jeff |
Strawn, Linda |
Strick, Anne M. |
Strohmeyer, Sarah |
Strong, Jory |
Stuart, Alison |
Styles, Michelle |
Suede, Damon |
Sullivan, Eleanor |
Sullivan, Sandy |
Sullivan, Stephanie |
Sullivan-Craver, Sharon |
Summers, Celina |
Summers, Eve |
Summers, K G |
Summers, Leandra |
Summers, Sierra |
Summers, Sultry |
Summers, Violet |
Sumner, Tracy |
Sunny |
Surbeck, Kally Jo |
Sutherland, Fae |
Sutton, Michelle |
Suzane, Linda |
Suzanne, Mary |
Swan, Bianca |
Swan, Joan |
Swann, S.A. |
Swift, Sue |
Szereto, Mitzi |
Szot, Justine |
Tabu, Jorja |
Tachna, Ariel |
Talbot, Julia |
Tailor, Edward |
Tailor, Shanayah |
Tapply, William G. |
Tarr, Hope |
Taylor, Alice |
Taylor, Diane |
Taylor, Helen Scott |
Taylor, Regan |
Taylor, Patty |
Taylor, Sloane |
Taylor, Stephanie |
Taylor, Tawny |
Taylor, Yazmin |
Teglia, Charlene |
Templeton, Julia |
Terry, Kimberly Kaye |
Tescho, Mel |
Tesh, Jane |
Thayer, Nancy |
Thedford, Rita |
Terry, Candis |
Thibodeaux, Pamela S |
Thomas, Collette |
Thomas, Jacquelin |
Thomas, Jeanne Taylor |
Thomas, Jodi |
Thomas, Kari |
Thomas, Laura |
Thomas, Sherri |
Thomas, Sherry |
Thomas, Tiphanie |
Thomas, Tonya |
Thomas-Sundstrom, Linda |
Thompson, Claire |
Thompson, LaVerne |
Thompson, Rachel D. |
Thompson, Ronda (passed away July 11, 2007) |
Thompson, Vicki Lewis |
Thorne, Danielle |
Thorne, Diane |
Thornton, Betsy (passed away July 2010) |
Thornton, Elizabeth |
Thorton, Claire |
Thurmeier, Heather |
Tindle, Steve (& Brenda Woody) |
Todd, Charles |
Tolan, K.M. |
Tolomei, Laura |
Tooley, S. D. |
Toombs, Jane (passed away March 5, 2014) |
Torrey, T. F. |
Tortuga, BA |
Tourney, Anne |
Toussaint, Maggie |
Tower, Veronica |
Townend, Carol |
Townsend, Kathleen |
Townsend, Lindsay |
Treanor, Marie |
Trent Gayle |
Trent, Christine |
Trent, Louisa |
Trent, Mildred |
Trent, Pauline |
Trent, Teresa |
Triana, Gaby |
Tribell, Georgia |
Trieste, Angelle |
Trimble, Sara |
Trissel, Beth |
Troppello, Joanne |
Troutte, Kimberley |
Tryst, Taylor |
Tucker, Joanne |
Tully, Cathy |
Tumlin, Sue |
Tunstall, Kit |
Turgeon, Carolyn |
Turner, Jennifer |
Turner, K. E. |
Turner, Lynn |
Turtledove, Harry |
Tweedt, Jewell |
Twilight, Jade |
Twist, Jenny |
Tyler, Alison |
Tyler, Grace |
Tyler, Leanne |
Tyler, Paige |
Tyler, Stephanie |
Vachss, Andrew |
Valdez, Carolina |
Valentine, Kathleen |
Valentine, Lex |
VaLey, Elyzabeth |
Valmont, Cheri |
Van Eperen, Jeannine |
Van Oss, D.J. |
Van Yssel, Sindra |
Vance, Fiona |
VanCise, Elise |
Vane, Victoria |
Vanlandingham, Heidi |
Vann, Dorlana |
Vaughn, Eve |
Vaughn, Joselyn |
Vaughn, Stephanie |
Vause, Rayna |
Vedam, Shereen |
Veinglory, Emily |
Veleno, Pia |
Venton, Elayne S |
Ventura, Olivia |
Verde, Alegra |
Verdenius, Angela |
Veselik, William |
Vickery, Rebecca J. |
Viehl, Lynn |
Vincent, Renee |
Violet, Silvia |
Violette, Elaine |
Vivelo, Sasha |
Voglino, Kevin |
Voinov, Aleksandr |
Volk, Anna |
Voss Peterson, Ann |
Voss, Dania |
Voth, Alana Noel |
Vun Kannon, Marc |
Wade, Catherine |
Wade, Mechele |
Wadsworth, Deanna |
Waks, V J |
Waller, Sharon Biggs |
Walker, B.K. |
Walker, Kate |
Walker, Robert |
Walker, Saskia |
Walker, Shiloh |
Wallace, Debbie |
Wallace, Garnell |
Wallace, Jody |
Wallace, Kelly |
Wallace, Landon |
Wallace, Linda |
Wallon, Tiva |
Walsh, Karis |
Walters, Jan |
Walus, Yvonne |
Walters, NJ |
Walus, Yvonne Eve |
Warady, Phylis |
Ward, Amanda |
Ward, JR |
Ward, Lee Ann |
Warfield, Caroline |
Warner, Kaki |
Warren, Lynn |
Warren, Nancy |
Warren, Tracy Anne |
Washburn, Livia J. |
Water, May |
Waters, KyAnn |
Watkins, E.F. |
Watson, Jules |
Watson, Nikki |
Watters, Kim |
Watts, Mia |
Waugh, Joanna |
Wax, Wendy |
Wayne, Joanna |
Wear, JH |
Webb, Arlene |
Webb, Carol |
Webb, Debra |
Webb, J. D. |
Webber, Heather |
Webber, Pam |
Weber, Tawny |
Weger, Jackie |
Webster, Eleanor |
Welfonder, Sue Ellen |
Weis, Alexandrea |
Welling, Tina |
Wells, A.M. |
Wells, Robin |
Wells, Shirley |
Wells, Jennifer |
Wen, Grace |
Wesley, Nona |
Wesley, Valerie Wilson |
West, Annie |
West, Caitlin |
West, Kiera |
West, Michael Lee |
West, Zara |
Wilck, Jennifer |
Whitaker, Ann |
White, Ann |
White, Chantilly |
White, Dallas |
White, Diane Davis |
White, Karen |
White, Sasha |
White, Skyler |
White-Owens, Karen |
Whiteside, Brenda |
Whiteside, Diane |
Whiting, Anita Marie |
Whitman, Myne |
Whyte, June |
Wick, Nita |
Wiesner, Karen |
Wiggs, Susan |
Wilck, Jennifer |
Wilde, Becky |
Wilde, Lori |
Wilde, Ravyn |
Wilde, Terry Lee |
Wilde, Veronica |
Wilder, J C |
Wildes, Emma |
Wilds, Elissa |
Wiley, C.C. |
Wilkins, Kelli A. |
Wilkinson, Lisa Marie |
Wilks, Eileen |
Williams, AJ |
Williams, Vangie |
Williams, Amber Leigh |
Williams, Billie A. |
Williams, Kerri |
Williams, Marquete |
Williamson, Beth |
Williamson, Brenda |
Williamson, Michael Z |
Willig, Lauren |
Willimas, Saje |
Willingham, Michelle |
Willows, Caitlyn |
Wills, Larriane |
Wills, Larriane |
Wilson, Charlene A. |
Wilson, K.R. |
Winchester, Rita |
Windsor, Anna |
Wine, Mary |
Wingate, Susan |
Winslow, Don |
Winslow, Jacqueline |
Winspear, Jacqueline |
Winston, Samantha |
Winter, Mary |
Winter, Vic |
Winters, C. J. |
Winters, Holli |
Wishom, Rowena |
Witt, L. A. |
Wohl, Sheri Lewis |
Wolf, Rose Marie |
Wolfer, Christina |
Wolff, Isabel |
Womack, Betty |
Wonderland, Allison |
Woodlawn, Brandi |
Woodruff, Nancy |
Woods, Sherryl |
Woods, Stevie |
Woods, Stuart |
Woody, Brenda (& Steve Tindle) |
Worley, Elizabeth |
Worth, Sandra |
Worth, Stefanie |
Wray, Angela |
Wren, Robyn |
Wright, Jennifer |
Wright, Kenya |
Wright, Kristina |
Wright, Samantha |
Wright, Sue Owens |
Wyatt, Casey |
Wylie, Diane |
Wylie, Trish |
Wynn, Zena |
Wynter, Daniels |
Author’s Groups
Authors: If you are a member of an author group (group of authors that have gotten together and formed your own group and would like to be listed here, please let us know.
7 Evil Dwarves Join 7 Fantasy & Sci Fi Authors on our way through the maze of our minds…We blog about life and writing, sharing how different writers can be.
Amber Kallyn, Gary Ponzo, JR Williams, Dave Bennemen, Gabrielle Taylor, Jami Gray, Kyle Townsend
Alien Romances Seven award winning, pioneering, best selling authors of science fiction romance blog about the genre
Margaret Carter, BarbaraK, Linnea Sinclair, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Susan Kearney, Susan Sizemore, Rowena Cherry, Susan Kearney, Cindy Holby
Austen Authors Because There’s Never Enough Jane Austen
Austen Authors is a collective of published novelists in the Jane Austen sub-genre of literary fiction whose focus is on sharing our unique visions of Austen’s world through our blog posts and fun events as well as promoting the awareness of our genre and blog to the broader reading audience.
Austen Authors is a collective of published novelists in the Jane Austen sub-genre of literary fiction whose focus is on sharing our unique visions of Austen’s world through our blog posts and fun events as well as promoting the awareness of our genre and blog to the broader reading audience.
There are 21 authors in the group, among them Sharon Lathan, Abigail Williams, Jane Odiwe, Monica Fairview, Diana Birchall, Syrie James, Karen Doornebos, Regina Jeffers, Mary Simonsen
Authors and Readers of Romance We are a group of authors and readers who love romance novels. This is a group for authors to promote their novels, share contests they’re hosting, post excerpts and network with other authors. This is also a group for readers to connect with romance authors and ask questions, as well as learn about authors’ upcoming releases etc. Sunday – Share something inspirational Monday – Authors post an interesting fact about themselves or answer readers’ questions Tuesday – Authors post an excerpt from their books; readers talk about their favorite romance novels Wednesday – Are you running a book contest? Post information about it. Thursday – Authors give a summary of their latest release and share purchase links Friday – TGIF ~ Post fun facts about your writing journey, give advice to aspiring writers or explain why you write and how you write your novels Saturday – Anything (writing-related / romance genre) that you’d like to post…blatant promotion is allowed. 🙂
Joanne Troppello, Ashlynn Monroe, Cami Checketts, Delia Latham, JoAnn Carter, Lila Munro, Robin Bayne, Stacey Thompson-Geer, Clare Revell and Bethanne Buehler
Authors By Moonlight Authors By Moonlight is a cyber place where twelve authors have come together with various genres to share everything romantic “Where Romance Glows” and we love company.
We welcome followers on Twitter Likes on Facebook and we blog!
Ann Stephens, Beth Caudill, Beth Trissel, Calisa Rhose, Debra St. John, Fleeta Cunningham, Francesca Hawley, L.K. Below, Linda LaRoque, Patricia A. Rasey, Tiffany Green, Sherry James
BOB Authors We are a diverse collection of writers from Black Opal Books who want to share the love a good story with our readers.
Alyssa Lyons, Anne Whitfield, Bethany Ramos, Bonnie Hearne Hill, Christine Hughes, Christopher Allan Poe, Debbie Christiana, Diane Roberts, Diva Jefferson, Empi Baryeh, Jami Gray, KH LeMoyne, Liv Rancourt, Maggi Andersen, Melissa Groeling, Mona Karel, Pepper O’Neal, Pinkie Paranya, Renea Williams, Sherry Gloag, Terry Campbell, Zrinka Jelic, & Larry Hill
Badazz Authors Block-rocking lady authors
Camille Anthony, Shara Azod, RaeLynn Blue, Zetta Brown, Laura Guevara & Drea Riley, Jeanie Johnson & Jayha Leigh, Reid Randolph and Yazmin Taylor, Reana Malori, Savannah J. Frierson, Janet Eckford, and Marteeka Karland
Beach Read Authors We write romantic fiction that are page turners, perfect for vacation or anytime you want to escape.
Alexa Grace, Christine M. Fairchild, Kim Hornsby, Pat White, Lisa Costantino, Diana Lane, Pat White, Lori Leger,
Beyond the Veil BTV is a group of Samhain Publishing’s Paranormal Romance Authors who have banded together to talk about the otherworlds of paranormal romance.
Bloginkhoppers Savvy, supportive, spider-loving authors get together to post all their blog links in one place for convenience and to increase traffic and get the attention of spiders and other beloved web crawlers
Jacqueline Lichtenberg, RowenaBCherry, Cindy Holby, Barbara Vey, Rowena Cherry, Jacquie
Butterscotch Martini Girls (BMG) Brit Blaise, Cassie Ryan, Isabella Clayton, Judi Thoman, Kayce Lassiter, Kayla Janz, Lynne Logan, Tia Dani, Tina Gerow, Samantha Storm
Cabal of Hotness The Cabal of Hotness, corrupting one reader at a time.
A. M. Griffin, Lea Barrymire, Danica Avet, Cara Carnes, Cassandra Carr, Cristal Rider, Amy Ruttan, Anya Richards, Sky Robinson, Piper Trace, Sasha Devlin
Sourcebooks Casablanca Authors who write everything from historical and romantic suspense to the paranormal.
If you’re looking for a new read in anything from historical and romantic suspense to the paranormal, please come and check us out! Terry Spear, Lucinda Gary, Linda Wisdom, Kendra Leigh Castle, Marie Force, Christina Harlin, Robin Kaye
Danger Zone Authors The Danger Zone Authors like their romance on the dangerous, adventurous side. Their books are both erotic and sensual, and their stories visit paranormal and contemporary worlds. Marianne LaCroix, Eilis Flynn, Lise, Fuller, N.D. Hansen-Hill, Denise A. Agnew, Samantha Kane, Robie Madison, Kathy Kulig, Shelley Munro, Charlene Leatherman
Dark Muse Society The Dark Muse Society is a free, independent association of authors and readers who enjoy romance novels with paranormal, fantasy and science fiction influences.
We are writers from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.
Jess Anastasi Maree Anderson Keri Arthur Amanda Ashby Christina Ashcroft Kitty Bucholtz Jodie C Angela Castle Astrid Cooper Peta Crake Rowena Cory Daniells Michelle de Rooy Jessica Dorney Alexis Fleming Theresa Fuller Lara Galea S.E. Gilchrist Jo-Anne Ginn C.T. Green Fiona Gregory Kylie Griffin Wendy Godding Sandra Harris Erica Hayes Shona Husk Linda Jones Rhyll K Loretta Kelly Gemma Kettley Eleni Konstantine Emmeline Lock Dy Loveday Bec McMaster Maggie Mundy Nicole R Murphy Janni Nell Imogene Nix Tracey O’Hara Christina Phillips Paula Roe Lilliana Rose Cathleen Ross Denise Rossetti Jenny Schwartz Annie Seaton Cassandra L Shaw Nicola E. Sheridan Colleen Simpson Tracie Sommers Nicky Strickland Mel Teshco Joanne Vogel
Deadline Hellions Carrie Alexander, Sarah Addison Allen, Dawn Atkins, Jamie Denton, Delores Fossen, Candy Halliday, Liz Jarrett, Holly Jacobs, Dorien Kelly, Tanya Michaels, Cindi Myers, Natalie Stenzel, Shanna Swendson, Nancy Warren, Lori Wilde, Cathy Yardley
Deliciously Naughty Writers We are the Deliciously Naughty Writers, five authors of erotic romance bringing you sexy, spicy, downright naughty stories of love and lust — and now bringing you the Dark Pantheon series, too! Coming in 2008 from Ellora’s Cave, five shared-world novellas about a very special brand of vampire! Anna J. Evans, December Quinn, Kelly Maher, Sherrill Quinn, Sierra Dafoe
Destination Romance Four authors who write in four very distinctive styles and take readers to more universes than one can count! Buffi BeCraft-Woodall, Catherine Stang, Dani Harper, Donna McAteer MySpace Yahoo
Embrace the Shadows If you like your heroes dark and deliciously dangerous, then this is the group for you. Here we’ll discuss books and movies and television shows featuring characters who live in the shadows…vampires, werewolves, demons, fae…
Hosted by paranormal romance authors Barbara J. Hancock, Dawn McClure and Suzanne Rock, Embrace the Shadows welcomes lovers and writers of paranormal romance in all its dark forms. Suzanne Rock, Barbara Hancock, Dawn McClure
Erotic Cravings Welcome to Erotic Cravings. (formerly KyAnnWatersTalksDirty) This is the home of erotic writers KyAnn Waters, Liza James, and Meagan Hatfield
Fierce Romance Intense, passionate, edgy romance. We have lots of author interviews, writing advice, and the inside scoop for readers. Shawna Moore, Carol Ericson, Nicole North, Vonda Sinclair, Terry Spear, Terry Lee Wilde, Mia Varano
The Glass Slipper Sisters is a group of 15 authors who have published Cinderella-themed romance novels. They will share excerpts and book blurbs of their chick lit, contemporary romance, paranormal, suspense, and historical novels, all which have a unique Cinderella or rags to riches twist. They will also share links of their free sampler book The Cinderella Treasure Trove, a compilation of book excerpts, Cinderella-themed recipes, and royal party tips. The Sisters are hosting a huge princess giveaway from Dec. 31 to January 8, 2016, giving away Cinderella DVDs, a SWAROVSKI crystal bracelet and other jewelry, and lots more.
Escape to the past – Australian romance writers of castles, love and legends…
We are writers from Australia who write historical romance dating from Ancient Rome to WWII. Alison Stuart, Allison Butler, Anne Brear (Whitfield), Annie Seaton, Bronwyn Stuart, Cassandra Samuels, Cheryl Leigh, Christina Phillips, Dana Scully, Danielle Lisle, Elle Fynllay, Erin Grace, Joanne Boog, Maggi Andersen, Mary deHaas, Sandie Hudson, Sheridan Kent, Suzi Love, Tamara Gill
I Heart Presents 4 author teams spanning the romance spectrum, blogging about their work, their relationships, their writing partners and deadlines and the rigors of writing with a partner! Jamie Craig, Stella and Audra Price, Ashleigh Raine and Philiipa Grey-Gerou and Emery Sanborne
Infinite Worlds of Fantasy Authors We are a group of over 160 authors writing in the sub-genres of alternative history, dark fantasy, fantasy, futuristic, horror, light paranormal fiction, magic realism, paranormal fiction, science fiction, supernatural fiction, and young adult speculative fiction.
It Takes Two This blog was created by a team of fans of Harlequin Presents, many of whom also happen to work at Harlequin. Other contributors include authors and readers… we’d love to hear from YOU! Mary Abthorpe, Lucy Brown, Jenny Hutton, Sarah Murray, Tamara Paton, Tessa Shapcott, Malle Vallik, Amy Wilkins, Kimberly Young
Writing Treasures for Every Taste…
Jewels of the Quill is a group of award-winning women authors. We write in over 40 categories of fiction, nonfiction, and everything in between. Among the 12 authors in the group, we’ve had over 300 books published with 68 contracted for by 78 publishers. We’ve won or finaled for almost 180 awards. Our books are available in mass market paperback, trade paperback, hardcover, electronic, Large Print, and audio formats. In short, we offer something for every reader.
What you’ll find on the Jewels website: Monthly Giveaways–Win free books from your favorite Dame of the Quill! And join us for our annual Valentine’s Day, Anniversary and Christmas giveaways! New Dame Spotlight–Every month one of the Dames will be spotlighted along with her newest release! Special Interview–Find out more about your favorite Dame in a spotlight interview! Updates–New releases, upcoming books and appearances of your favorite Dame of the Quill! Information about and excerpts from the Jewels of the Quill group anthologies!
Jewels of the Quill members are Margaret L. Carter (Dame Onyx), Christine DeSmet (Dame Moonstone), Liz Hunter (Dame Garnet), Dee Lloyd (Dame Aquamarine), Carrie S. Masek (Dame Topaz), Nancy Pirri (Dame Sapphire), Barbara Raffin (Dame Jade), Jane Toombs (Dame Turquoise), Janet Lane Walters (Dame Amber), Karen Wiesner (Dame Amethyst), C.J. Winters (Dame Tanzanite) and Karen Woods (Dame Coral).
Welcome to Exploding Cigars! No, we’re not cigar smokers, we’re just a group of authors discussing reading, writing, and whatever matters to us in any given moment. We’ll talk about what we do, how we do it, what we love about it, and maybe even what we don’t. We’ll also answer questions, so ask away. There will be contests, guests, giveaways, news, goodies and nuggets of wisdom we can share. So, grab a cigar (we can’t guarantee it won’t explode – love and blogs are like that), and join us! Karen Foley, Samantha Hunter, Lisa Renee Jones, Shirley Jump, Karen Kendall, Sarah Mayberry, Tawny Weber
Males-and-other-animals A cross-genre blog by authors who love animals — as characters in their books– or alpha males who act upon their inner animal.
Rowena Cherry, Deborah Macgillivray, Jade Lee, BarbaraK, jadams, Natale Stenzel, Josh
Mama Writers Raising Kids. Writing Romance. It’s all about the LOVE. It’s a sisterhood. A community. A way of connecting to other mom writers…just like you.
Renee Knowles, Jeannie Ruesch, Kris Kennedy, Eliza Knight, Melissa Mayhue, Helen Hardt, Viola Estrella, Ashley Ludwig, Clare Austin, Tiffany James, Stacy Dawn, Allie K. Adams
Manuscript Mavens Erica Ridley, Carrie Ryan, Darcy Burke, Lacey Kaye, and Jacqueline Barbour
Midnight Moon Cafe Paranormal sensual and erotic romance authors talking about what we love best: paranormal romances, writing, men, paranormal aka woo-woo stuff, paranormal TV shows, movies, and anything else that lights our merry cauldron of fun.
Cora Zane, Cassandra Curtis, A.E. Rought, Grace Draven, and Tempest Knight.
Nine romance authors, one blog
Catherine Coles, Kitty French / Kat French, Lacey Devlin, Lorraine Wilson, Maya Blake, Romy Sommer, Sally Clements, Suzanna Ross, Tara Pammi
We’re a mix of romance authors published by Harlequin, Harper Collins and Entangled Publishing, amongst others. We host other authors in our weekly Author Spotlights.
Murderby4 A group of mystery, suspense, thriller writers band together to educate and entertain the writing, and reading masses.
Marta Stephens, Aaron Lazar, SW Vaughn, Kim Smith
Murderx5 On Wings of Murder is the online home of a group of mystery writers dubbed MurderX5. We came together to promote our novels, all published in September 2008 by Wings ePress. Five very different mysteries, from cozies to classic suspense thriller to romantic mystery to paranormal suspense. Five very different authors.
Linda Suzane, Billie A. Williams, Marie Held, Norma Seely, Nancy A. Lindley-Gauthier
Much Cheaper Than Therapy Kim Watters, Kathryne Kennedy, Tina LaVon and Judi McCoy
Nights of Passion interviews romance authors, especially new and upcoming romance authors. See our About Nights of Passion page for details. Susan specializes in vampires. Susan Hanniford Crowley, BB Roberts, a.c. Mason
Breaking the rules between the covers…
Regular events! Blog posts from the Naughty Nine three days a week, guest bloggers once a week, excerpts from all on Theme Thursday, weekend reviews and news and a monthly party on the 9th with giveaways and fun! Erin Nicholas, Meg Benjamin, Diane McEntire, Skylar Kade, Kelly Jamieson, Sydney Somers, PG Forte, Kate Davies, Kinsey Holley
Four contemporary Authors who want to pool their resources for promotions, and discussions, etc. Our Chat group is: Where we have Member Promotion Madness one day a month, we’re starting monthly discussions/workshops and we have a lot of other ideas in store. Blog MySpace Yahoo
Out Damned Story Rants about writing, outtakes, random thoughts from busy writers on deadlines
AnnJR, Tara, Rowena Cherry, Victoria, Brenda, Tracy J Farrell, Joy Nash, Gail Dayton, Raine McIntyre, Mechele Armstrong, Laura, SpecRom Joyce, EmilyJo, Margaret Carter, Yasmine Phoenix
Paranormal Romantics Do you love your monsters as much as we do? Then come join us as we share our adoration for vampires, werewolves, werecats, and more. Annie Nicholas, Rae Lori, Rebecca Royce, Sandra Sookoo, and J. Hali Steele
Petticoats & Pistols Linda Broday, Mary Connealy, Pam Crooks, Karen Kay, Stacey Kayne, Elizabeth Lane, Patricia Potter, Charlene Sands, Cheryl St.John
A group of female writers of different genres who blog about life, writing and topics of interest to women.
Josie Riviera, Toni Sweeney, Linda Nightingale, Mary Rickson, Mary Marvella Barfield, Mona Risk, Cynthia D’Alba, Jianne Carlo, Deborah Julienne, Liz Jasper, Barbara Monajem, Pam Varnado, Beth Trissel, Judy Keim, Dayana Knight
Where the pina coladas flow and the poop stories fly…Join seven Mamas as we navigate our writing with our children’s antics.
Amber Scott, Amber Kallyn, Deena Remiel, Doree Anderson, Stephanie Beck, Ann Charles, Debbie Swanson
Hey, hey, we’re the Plotmonkeys. We’re friends, plotting partners, friends, mothers, friends … well you get the gist. Welcome to our new blogging site where you’ll find our views on anything and everything depending on which one of us is blogging and what kind of mood we’re in.
We can’t tell you whether we’ll be talking about our families, our writing, how much weight we gained after eating that entire container of Ben and Jerry’s or how ticked we are about people who have twelve items in the ten items or less checkout lane. So hope you’ll come back every day to see what’s happening in the jungle including giveaways!
Carly Phillips, Janelle Denison, Julie Elizabeth Leto, Leslie Kelly,
Plotting Princesses are published and aspiring romance authors in North Texas. We meet, plot, and brainstorm stories filled with lots of laughter and tears, suspense, and a sense of small town community—all in an effort to bring you the best possible novellas, stories, and books you’ve ever read.
Kathleen Baldwin, Vicki Batman, Karilyn Bentley, Jillian Burns, Elizabeth Essex, Kathy Ivan, Chris Keniston, Kelly Lee, Liz Lipperman, Sylvia McDaniel, Phyllis Middleton, Michelle Miles, Alisha Paige, Liese Sherwood-Fabre, Linda Steinberg, Pamela Stone, and Sasha Summers
Our goal is to introduce our readers to new and old authors by interviewing them at our blog. We share their links to their website on our website, so our readers can learn even more about the author. We, also, interview industry representatives and even readers.
Marianne Stephens, Rose Anderson, Cynthia Arsuaga, Paris Brandon, Liz Crowe, Molly Daniels/Kenzie Michaels, Tina Donahue, Desiree Holt, Fran Lee, Mahalia Levey, Sandra K. Marshall, Cara Marsi, Nicole Morgan, Cindy Spencer Pape, Nina Pierce, Janice Seagraves, R. Ann Siracusa, Jean Hart Stewart, Bobbye Terry/Daryn Cross, and Renee Vicent/Gracie Lee Rose
Romance Writers Behaving Badly
An eclectic group of romance authors coming together to be naughty and have some fun. Come join us for author interviews, blog tours, new releases, Thursday Thirteens, and sinful fun in general.
Mary Quast, Jeanne St. James, Chloe Waits, Angeleque Ford, Kayelle Allen, Carol Storm, Madelyn Ford, Dawne Prochilo, April Morelock, Keta Diablo, Christa Paige, Crystal Kauffman, Savanna Kougar, Kissa Starling, Lissa Matthews, Gem Sivad, J.A. Saare, Elise Hepner, Becca Simone, Madison Scott, Sara Brookes, Raven Bower, Nicole Gestalt, Alanna Coca, Taige Crenshaw, Jacqueline Paige
Welcome to Erotic Cravings. (formerly KyAnnWatersTalksDirty) This is the home of erotic writers Everyday you can read about the inside story from 31 different romance and erotica writers. Here you can learn about the business and personal lives, from every point of view.
Marianne LaCroix, Missy Lyons, Susanne Saville, Sally Painter, Ericka Scott, Debra Glass, Stephanie Julian, Natasha Moore, Denyse Bridger, Melissa Glisan, Yolanda Sfetsos, Ashley Ladd, Sabrina Luna, Ann Cory, Bryn Colvin, Fran Lee, M.A. Ellis, Anh Leod, Raven Starr, Cheryl Dragon, and Isabelle Drake
Scamps, Vamps & Spicy Romance Welcome to Erotic Cravings. (formerly KyAnnWatersTalksDirty) This is the home of erotic writers KyAnn Waters, Liza James, and Meagan Hatfield
Seven Sexy Scribes Our mission is to give our readers delicious, hot Romance, one book at a time… Fran Lee, Julia Barrett, Tessie Bradford, Cerise DeLand, Katalina Leon, Amber Skyze, and April Ash
Silk and Shadows Five romance authors who like their heroes and their romance on the dark side. Contemporary and historical paranormal romance. Jessa Slade, Allison Chase, Kim Lenox, Sharon Ashwood, Annette McCleave
SisterWriters Four romance authors who have bonded together as writers (and good friends!) to vent, rant, share, sass, commiserate, congratulate and just downright celebrate in the sisterhood of being writers. MySpace
We are here to bring hot, delicious romance to the world, one book at a time…
We are authors of erotic romance, and we represent several different publishers. Our books include paranormal, shapeshifter, contemporary, romantic suspense, and just plain old hot, sensuous romance! Madison Blake, Paris Brandon, Cerise DeLand, Fran Lee, Afton Locke and Nina Pierce
Karen Erickson, Leeanne Kenedy, Lori Borrill, Tracy Wolff
We are four erotic romance and erotica authors. The blog’s visual theme is Steampunk, although we write all different subgenres. Our tagline: All For Smut and Smut For All!
We blog regularly, have guest authors blog and do interviews, and run contests nearly every week. Collectively we are published with Bantam/Delta, Harlequin Spice and Spice Briefs, Berkley Heat, Grand Central Publishing, Kensington Aphrodisia, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing and Phaze Publishing. R.G. Alexander, Eden Bradley, Lilli Feisty, Crystal Jordan,
Slip Into Something Victorian We’re a group of romance writers who write primarily in the Victorian Period. We got together to create a blog about it, where we regularly post messages based upon the research we’ve done. If you’re looking for information on The Civil War, The West, The Gilded Age, or anything from about 1830-1900, we’ve probably got you covered! Etiquette, Dress, Furniture, Ghosts, Tuberculosis, Civil War Amputations, you name it, we’ve probably got it! (or might get it if you ask) Research, or just hang out with us. Denise Eagan, Susan Macatee, Jennifer Ross, Nicole McCaffrey, Isabel Roman, Paisley Kilpatrick, Mary Ann Webber, Caroline Clemmons, Jeanmarie Hamilton and K-Marie Wall
Smutketeers is a group of erotic romance authors who write, chat and laugh together- and love to interact with our readers!
All For Smut, and Smut For All!
Smutketeers has a blog with author interviews, giveaways and other fun stuff!
R.G. Alexander, Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin, Lilli Feisty & Crystal Jordan
Teen Shiver We are a group of YA authors who live and tour in Texas. Each author is committed to interacting with readers through TeenShiver.com and through on-site appearances at schools, libraries, and book stores. We believe the Lone Star State has the best of everything, and that includes our fabulous readers!
Our group is a place for readers to kick off their shoes, relax and escape into a fantastic tale. Join and find out about our characters, what makes them tick, who they love, where they live and all about their tales! Chatty readers will be well-loved but lurkers are welcome too!
We also feature: Theme Days and Writing Prompts, Character Interviews and Rambles (our muses like to chat), Large Excerpts to whet your cravings and tempt you into the worlds we pen, Book Release Information, Contests, Drawings, and Scavenger Hunts. The Muses Three welcomes fellow authors to promote their works every Monday, and we always welcome the participation of readers, reviewers and anyone interested in romance books. Anastasia Rabiyah, Brieanna Robertson, Dawne’ Dominique
The Otherworld Diner is a collection of paranormal romance authors with one thing in common (besides a love for pie) — we dish up our paranormal with a sprinkle, a splash, or a heaping helpin’ of humor and wit. Come in and have a seat. The coffee’s hot and the blue plate special is out of this world! Brenda Davis, Cheryel Hutton, DD Mills, Debralee Daniels, Debralee Daniels, Francesca Hawley, Jeannie Midnight, JM Sabel, Jody Wallace, Kathleen Grieve, Kendra Leigh Castle, Lori Dillon, Maggie Van Well, Sandra Barkevich, Talia Pente
The Pink Heart Society A blogazine for Lovers of Category Romance Novels.
Donna Alward, Fiona Harper, Samantha Hunter, Anne McAllister, Kate Walker, Annie West
The Author’s Lounge (TAL for short)
The Author’s Lounge (TAL) is a group of authors, all gathered into one place. If you enjoy reading Inspirational, Historical, Comedy, Mystery or Erotic and more then The Author’s Lounge is a placed to be.
Here you can find out what new releases our authors have coming out, what books are coming soon, even where they may be appearing. You can enter our contest and have chances to win free books, merchandise and other goodies by signing up and receiving our newsletter and checking out our contest page. What to met and chat with our authors, stop by our TAL Writers Blog site, and chat with authors like Diane Wylie, Tom Barnes, Venita Louise, Teryl Cartwright, Dana Littlejohn and more. Blog MySpace Bebo
The Lark Journals Four Whiskey Creek Press authors who each have a unique writing style. We blog about our books, joys and challenges and life in general. Margaret Blake, Debbie Wallace, Kathleen O ‘Connor & Sarita Leone
The Laugue of Amazing Writers Our mission: To save the world from boredom one book at a time.
We enjoy the kind of gentle, tender romances our mothers and grandmothers grew up with. Before you think “boring!”, think again. Stay around, explore, get to know us, and you just might be surprised. Experience mysteries, historicals, science-fiction, inspirationals, westerns, regencies, romantic suspense…all written the sweet way.
We have our own “cafe” in the Java Junction at Coffee Time Romance forum. Join us in our monthly chats (except for Nov. and Dec.) Learn more about us, make new friends! Miss Mae, Anne Patrick, Danielle Thorne, Gail Pallotta, Laurean Brooks, Joyce DiPastena, Larry Hammersley, and a host of others!
Trampy Vamps We are a group of writers of erotic romance fiction who all have one thing in common: a love of the Vampire hero or heroine. Angela Fiddler, Barabra Elsborg, Cricket Starr, Crystal Kauffman, J. Hali Steele, Jessica Lee, Lynn Lorenz, Mechele Armstrong, Zena Wynn
Virginia is For Romance Lovers
This is a collaborative blog of romance authors in Virginia. Leigh Ellwood, Sapphire Phelan, Bridget Midway, Pam Kinney, Nona Wesley, Treva Harte, JM Snyder, Sammie Jo Moresca, Michele Armstrong
The White Roses in Bloom are a group of Christian romance authors who write for White Rose Publishing and a couple other sweet publishers. Our publishers offers all types of romance from contemporary to historical, from suspense to romantic comedy. We have something for everyone. Sandy Wickersham-McWhorter, JoAnn Carter, Janelle Ashley, Nicola Beaumont, Laurean Brooks, Victoria Pitts-Caine, Cami Checketts, Karen Cogan, K.M. Daughters, Wendy Davy, Sharon Donovan, Carol Ann Erhardt, Rhonda Gibson, Cindy K. Green, Annette M Irby, Jean Kincaid, Ashley Ludwig, Kimberlee R. Mendoza, Dianne Miley, Julia K Moore, Carla Rossi, Kara Lynn Russell, Robin Lee Shope, Beth Shriver, Merry Stahel, Pamela S. Thibodeaux, Kim Watters, E.A. West, Teri Wilson, Tricia Ann Woods, Rose Zediker
This site is dedicated to friends and fans of authors Ashlynn Monroe, BethAnn Buehler, Lila Munro, and JL Oiler. It is also dedicated to their wicked little muses who have been known to dance about naked in the moonlight while drinking and rocking out to their favorite music.
Ashlynn Monroe, BethAnn Buehler, Lila Munro, and JL Oiler
Paranormal authors of Sourcebooks Casablanca’s new romance line.
If you’re interested in shapeshifters, witches, vampires, and other things that go bump in the night–with a sexy twist, come check us out! Terry Spear, Linda Wisdom, Cheryl Brooks, Kendra Leigh Castle
The Witchy Chicks We all write paranormal fiction of some sort–whether it be romance, mystery, fantasy, contemporary. Some of us work in the metaphysical realms (yours truly) and some don’t…either way–we all love to read and to write good stories with strong elements of the supernatural.
Lisa Croll Di Dio, Terese Ramin, Madelyn Alt, Linda Wisdom, Candy Havens, Maura Anderson, Kate Austin, Yasmine Galenorn, Annette Blair
The Wolfy Chicks YA authors that write about werewolf-like creatures. We also blog about the industry, post interviews with authors and editors, give away prizes and of course post about paranormal creatures, Werewolves, Vamps, Ghosts…oh my!
Kitty Keswick & Judith Graves
Wild and Wicked Authors Authors Adrienne Kama, Devyn Quinn, Stef Kelsy, Annmarie Ortega, Tyler Blackwood, Marianne LaCroix and Desiree Erotique ban together in friendship to make it to the top by talking about writing, life and gossip.
Adrienne Kama, Devyn Quinn, Stef Kelsy, Annmarie Ortega, Tyler Blackwood, Marianne LaCroix and Desiree Erotique
Wicked Whiper Authors We’re four diverse yet kindred authors, committed to bringing you the very best erotic stories on the web. Veronica Arch, PG Forte, Melissa Glisan and Amelia June