Welcome and thank you for stopping by. I’d like to thank Coffee Time for the opportunity to meet you all on this blog today. I’m looking forward to chatting.
The first thing I must mention before anything else, is my location. I am in Wanganui New Zealand and our time zone is GMT+13 so my posts may seem to be loaded at “unusual’ times of the day for you. Please understand any delay on my part in responding could be due to me needing a little snooze, but I will definitely get back to you.
Something about me ““ I’m a Kiwi from the southern end of New Zealand. I left home at eighteen to join the Royal NZ Navy and I enjoyed a great career until I retired in 1991. I married a sailor and we have 4 children and one gorgeous baby granddaughter. Although I’ve been seriously writing for about ten years I guess you could consider me relatively new in this writing world. My first book “Worlds Apart” was published by The Wild Rose Press early this year. A second “Devon’s Dream” was released last month and “Time to Bury the Past” is going through the final editing stage, I believe it will be out early next year. I write sweet/traditional contemporary romance with, as yet, no lap-overs into other sub-genres. No paranormal, no vampires or shape shifters, no murder or kidnapping or stalking and no explicit sexual scenes.
I have a couple of ideas I thought I’d share with you, I hope they might elicit a smile or maybe even a chuckle. But thats for later, after I’ve had my beauty sleep
Mary Ricksen
14 years agoI love sweet stories. I may be a sap, but for me there is nothing better then a Little House on The Prairie story. I read a bit of everything myself. And I am looking forward to reading your story!
Good luck and happy second career. Or is it third or forth, counting housewife and mother?
May you sell a million books…
Anne Ashby
14 years ago AUTHORHi Mary, thanks for joining me. I agree, sweet is the way to go. I dont think I’m a prude (a navy career wouldn’t have allowed that haha) but I can’t be bothered reading details of intimacy. I figure I can imagine what’s happening without details. Lots of pages get flipped over if I happen to select a different sort of romance. On a more serious note, I think writing sweet forces one to work harder at developing the relationship/sexual tension because you don’t immediately have them falling into bed. In sweet, something else has to fill ‘those’ pages
Anne Ashby
14 years ago AUTHORAhh, Vermont. One of the two states I’m desperate to return to visit. We travelled a lot while in MD – our sons refuse to go anywhere with us now – almost every weekend we took off somewhere. I loved Vermont. One day I’m coming back for an extended visit so I can really explore all that beauty
14 years agoNice to see a fellow Kiwi on Coffee Time. (Okay, not so much of the fellow since we’ve hopped the ditch and are living in Oz). Also interested that you haven’t entered the realm of cross-genre yet. Do you think you will ever do so?
Anne Ashby
14 years ago AUTHORHi Vonnie, Once a Kiwi always a Kiwi, ditch or no ditch. Swapping genres? No, I don’t think I will because my reading taste is so very narrow – I’d been reasonably embarrassed about this until I was told it would help my writing a lot. To know where I actually belonged has made the introduction to writing very easy for me. I didn’t struggle wondering within which sub-genre my strength might lie. While I will stay with sweet, I do hanker to make my stories a little more comical (it would fit my personality more) but my characters seem to develop such heavy burdens along the way comic just hasn’t worked yet. I have wondered if I could write an Intrigue but not sure if I have the knowledge necessary to carry that off. Maybe I’ll try one day. That would be as far into another sub-genre I could see me travelling, but even then the story would still be sweet. I haven’t been able to get into all the paranormal genres, which is a pity as so many wonderful authors are writing these stories, and their popularity has skyrocketed. But I’m sticking to my sweet contemporary and will keep on plugging at making a career here
Karen Michelle Nutt
14 years agoI enjoy a good romantic story. I’m all about Hallmark tales. 🙂 I wish you the best with your new release!
Anne Ashby
14 years ago AUTHORHi Karen, thanks for stopping by and your best wishes. I love the header on your website, talk about eye catching – it’s great!
14 years agoHi Anne, I love that you’re pursuing your dream – and suceeding at it. All that hard work and persevance is paying off. Stay true to your voice and the world will be yours again (albeit in an entirely different way to your previous navy travels!) 🙂
From one Kiwi to another – you go, girl!!!!
Judy Burroughs
14 years agoThe best restaurant that i’ve eated at is the Olive Garden. The food is fantastic, especially their bread sticks. I love the atmosphere which is very relaxing and you could really enjoy yourself. I haven’t been there for a while but plan to go again as soon as i can.