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Book Brew w Coffee Crew

Interview–Rae Lori

CTR: Today we are pleased to have Rae Lori with us as we talk about all things romantic! We’re featuring the most romantic novels we can find and talking about romance in general, not just the kind on pages! After all, Valentine’s Day is almost here and it is “the day” for love and romance!

First, please tell us a bit about your book. A blurb, buy link, ISBN, and heat level are especially good to know!

Rae Lori: My book is Voice of Abandon. It’s available at major online bookstores including Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and All Romance eBooks just to name a few. You can check out more about the book here:
And here:

His music inspired her to live again. His heart inspired her to love again.

Voice of Abandon or, The Princess and the Violinist is a sweet, classical novella that proves life and love can begin after loss. Especially when you least expect it.

After losing her husband to a fatal heart condition, Her Serene Highness Julianna DeWinters falls into a depression. She lives her life on auto pilot, making preparations and setting things in order for her country but not for herself. Assisted by her in-laws on an evening visit to a classical concert, Julianna hears the most beautiful sound that awakens her to life once again. The violinist’s passion through his music not only livens her will but also her heart as she finds the ability to love. If she allows herself the possibility…

Andrew Graham never settled down and loved again after losing the love of his life. Throwing himself into his music, he fuels his passion through the strings of his violin. Once he stops in Welshire to play for the royal family, a beautiful princess captures his interest and his heart. Soon he finds himself on the edge of a romance that will test his ability to trust and love once again.

CTR: How do you define romance and romantic? Do you think these concepts are different today than they were say 25 or 50 or even more years ago? Is our parents’ or grandparents’ version of romance now passé?

Rae Lori: To me, romance is when two people share a connection that urges them to be better people to put themselves aside while helping out the one they love. “Romantic’ are the gestures from which that show of emotion grows and I think it’s more than just a physical connection but a deeper understanding residing in mind, body and spirit with the person they love. I think nowadays romance a little different because the focus is on the physical relationship and the deeper emotional connection may come later. The media likes to focus on temporary relationships whether its through people we meet, the things we buy or what we see and a little bit of that seems to have fallen into people’s connection. The cool thing is there are shades of old fashioned romance in people who do the little things that show their loved ones they care. I notice this in passing and it’s always heartwarming, especially when I see it with my parents or older couples who have been together for a long time.

CTR: What is the most romantic gesture or moment you ever witnessed or were involved in? Please share as much as you feel you can””no private secrets required if it is embarrassing but you are welcome to dish at least to the PG-13 level !

Rae Lori: This may be small, but one of my friend’s husbands hates to do the dishes or cleaning of that type. One evening, seeing how tired my friend was, he took it upon himself to clean up knowing she needed the rest. Despite not liking to do them, he did because he cared about her well being. That to me is really romantic. 🙂

CTR: Do you think “romance” is dying out, and by this I mean the traditional “hearts and flowers” kind of romance? Even the chivalric sorts of romantic connections featured in some ““particularly older””novels? It sometimes seems like young people now are more interested in “hooking up’ fast and easy via the social networks and high tech devices and that “romance” does not play a big role in the changing pattern of today’s relationships. Do you agree or not? If so, is this a good thing or maybe not so good?

Rae Lori: I think it is to an extent or else it wouldn’t be so popular to read and write! I find myself reading some old stories where the heroines are swept off their feet by very strong and masculine men and the focus is on the emotions and romance. There’s a sort of high you get that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and with the world and the news (not to mention life itself) being rough at times, you want something that’s a sure thing to sweep you off your feet.

There was a book I read not to long ago called the Unhooked Generation and they mentioned that hooking up is fast taking the place of actual dating and getting to know one another. That mixed with the high divorce rate and the fast changing environment makes me see why there are so many historical romance fans that long to imagine a calmer time when the social mores were focused on people making connections with each other. Today, it seems like a more hedonistic lifestyle is encouraged, leaving connections with people seemingly fleeting. Still, there are a few couples and people out there looking to make a genuine connection with one another and to make a long lasting relationship.

While overall romance seems to have fallen by the wayside but the cool thing is you see it in places that you wouldn’t normally expect it. For instance, I’m a huge fan of Sci-fi Romance and Romantic SF and a big fan of the recent Avatar. James Cameron makes wonderful love stories which is why he keeps scoring the big hits. 😉 Avatar had an awesome love story in the midst of its action, futuristic sci-fi tale of redemption and change and some of my favorite love stories are in the sci-fi and fantasy contexts (like Appleseed and The Fifth Element to name a few). So I think romance as a whole may seem like it’s disappearing but if we look closer, we can find it in the most interesting places which is always a plus!

CTR: What is your favorite romantic book, movie and/or song and why?

Rae Lori: Hmm, that’s a toughie because I have so many! I think my fave romantic song (and my favorite jazz number) is My Funny Valentine because it’s a song about an imperfect person who is loved because of those imperfections.

CTR: Is Valentine’s Day one of your fave holidays? Do you have a happy memory to share or a funny story? Some of us have one about our school days, a gesture by a special someone we once dated, etc. How do you plan to celebrate this year with your SO, spouse or partner or are you on your own?

Rae Lori: I love the candy *laughs*. Seriously though, I love how the romance genre gets an extra special spotlight around this time. I always equate the day with those yummy candy hearts we always used to pass around when I was in school. I loved the little sayings they had on the front and whatever crush I had that year, I made sure to slip them one, if I could! Now I’ve graduated to chocolate covered cherries (my fave) and spending time with my good friends while sharing some me time. 😉

CTR: Do you consider yourself a sentimental (romantic) person? (i.e.) Do you save all sorts of little souvenirs and use them to bring happy times to mind? Do you have the corsage from you big prom pressed in an old book? Still remember “your song’ with your first serious love? Do you moon over chick flicks with sweet and happy endings? Do you think happily ever after is really possible? Or is it maybe better to be more cool-headed and practical instead? Does the kind of Victorian ruffle and flourishes attitude really fit in our modern world?

Rae Lori: Definitely! I love saving romantic cards and cards from my friends. I used to write in a few journals when I was growing up, starting a new one after I finished a book. Sometimes I would stuff petals and things in the pages to remember things. Although I love the action and futuristic stuff, I still love romances with happy endings and the journey to get there.

I think happily ever after is definitely possible with the right person! My parents are proof of that after about 35 or so years of marriage. They’re a real inspiration to me. I think it’s better to have a bit of both depending on the situation. Be open to the possibility of happily ever after but also keep a cool practical head especially when meeting someone for the first time so you can gauge the situation and make the right decisions. I can tell it’s tough because the beginning of a relationship has that awesome high that you can’t get enough of!

CTR: Thanks so much for sharing with us today and I hope our reader visitors will be inspired to visit your blog, web site, social networks and other connections to learn more about your and your books. Please give us some ways to contact you!

Rae Lori: Thank you for having me! This was great!
I love to hear from readers and chat about books so feel free to drop by my networks anytime!





  • Cindy L

    I agree that it’s romantic when someone does something they don’t like to help the one they love. My hubby went with me to a Romance Convention many years ago so that I could meet some of my favorite authors. Talk about being a fish out of water! He did it, because we had just moved and he didn’t want me to have to go alone.

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Passionate Ink by Angela Knight - The Forecast is in -- the future of romance is hotter than Arizona in August. But riding the wave to success takes more than stringing together a few love scenes or opening the bedroom door on your traditional romance. In this newly updated edition of her classic “how-to,” New York Times best-selling author Angela Knight shares the down and dirty details on writing adult romances that will have your readers haunting bookstores for your next book. Knight discusses how to construct a story with wildly sexy heroes and determined, courageous heroines, the romantic conflicts that keeps them apart, and the external conflicts that drive them together. She explains how to write fight scenes as well as love scenes, and the surprising things they have in common. She also explores the construction of dynamic, absorbing plots in which love scenes are crucial to the romance and not just skippable

Tamra by Alice Gene - Jonathan comes from a long line of sorcerers, and all his ancestors attended the Familiar Training Academy, where they were paired with shapeshifters. All seems fine for Jonathan until he discovers his familiar is a woman who can shift into a snake. And he’s supposed to bond with her? Tamra is excited she’s getting another chance to serve as a familiar, especially because she’ll get to mate with her new master as part of their bond. Unfortunately Tamra just can’t follow rules. Any rules. Ever. 

The Spy Who Spanked My by Gemma Woods - Pickpocket Tasha picked the wrong man to follow. After she witnesses an assassination, the sexy killer ties her to his bed. Marcus wants answers -- who is she? Why was she following him? To his surprise, his pretty captive enjoys all the sensual torment he metes out, and begs him for more. He'd never dared to dream of finding a woman who matched his craving to inflict a little pain on tender female flesh. Tasha will do anything to save her skin. She'll even let the masked man holding her captive take her in ways she's never imagined.

Changeling Press, LLC new releases are on SALE Get your eBooks from Angela Knight @alicegene @gemmawoods

Passionate Ink by Angela Knight - The Forecast is in -- the future of romance is hotter than Arizona in August. But riding the wave to success takes more than stringing together a few love scenes or opening the bedroom door on your traditional romance. In this newly updated edition of her classic “how-to,” New York Times best-selling author Angela Knight shares the down and dirty details on writing adult romances that will have your readers haunting bookstores for your next book. Knight discusses how to construct a story with wildly sexy heroes and determined, courageous heroines, the romantic conflicts that keeps them apart, and the external conflicts that drive them together. She explains how to write fight scenes as well as love scenes, and the surprising things they have in common. She also explores the construction of dynamic, absorbing plots in which love scenes are crucial to the romance and not just skippable

Tamra by Alice Gene - Jonathan comes from a long line of sorcerers, and all his ancestors attended the Familiar Training Academy, where they were paired with shapeshifters. All seems fine for Jonathan until he discovers his familiar is a woman who can shift into a snake. And he’s supposed to bond with her? Tamra is excited she’s getting another chance to serve as a familiar, especially because she’ll get to mate with her new master as part of their bond. Unfortunately Tamra just can’t follow rules. Any rules. Ever.

The Spy Who Spanked My by Gemma Woods - Pickpocket Tasha picked the wrong man to follow. After she witnesses an assassination, the sexy killer ties her to his bed. Marcus wants answers -- who is she? Why was she following him? To his surprise, his pretty captive enjoys all the sensual torment he metes out, and begs him for more. He`d never dared to dream of finding a woman who matched his craving to inflict a little pain on tender female flesh. Tasha will do anything to save her skin. She`ll even let the masked man holding her captive take her in ways she`s never imagined.

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August 2024 - Book & Coffee News

August 2024 - Book & Coffee News

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Knox by Marteeka Karland
5 Cups Book Review - Marteeka Karland has done it again.  Her writing is engaging and keeps the reader enthralled until the very last word.  I loved Knox because he was a man who could see the writing on the wall and not fight the reality standing right in front of him.  Evelyn was a wonderful woman who when faced with reality chose to accept her feelings despite such a difficult past.  I enjoyed every moment of Knox and Evelyn’s love story and truly wish it the book never ended.  I highly recommend the writing of Marteeka Karland and the story of Knox and Evelyn.

Knox by Marteeka Karland
5 Cups Book Review - Marteeka Karland has done it again.  Her writing is engaging and keeps the reader enthralled until the very last word.  I loved Knox because he was a man who could see the writing on the wall and not fight the reality standing right in front of him.  Evelyn was a wonderful woman who when faced with reality chose to accept her feelings despite such a difficult past.  I enjoyed every moment of Knox and Evelyn’s love story and truly wish it the book never ended.  I highly recommend the writing of Marteeka Karland and the story of Knox and Evelyn.

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Interview with Mary Martinez 
Welcome, today we are talking with Mary Martinez! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Mary Martinez that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I love to run. I’m a former marathon and ½ marathon runner. Not that you could tell by looking at me. I have the furthest thing there is to a runner’s body! Now, because I have a knee replacement (because of my running) I only walk/run 5k’s. I will be running one tomorrow before the 4th of July parade in my little town of Magna, UT.

My favorite holidays are St. Paddy’s Day, Halloween, and Christmas, in that order.

I’m adopted. I found my birth mother ten years ago, we went ziplining. I found a half sister on my birth dad’s side; he had passed away so I didn’t get to meet him. And I found a niece on my birth mother’s side and one on my birth father’s side.

How long have you been writing?

I began my love of writing when I was in Jr. High school. I wrote a few short stories and they weren’t any good. Then I got involved in life and time passed by too quickly and I started writing again when my kids were younger. And again, life got busy with kids and a day job, to feed them. Then in the early 2000’s I said I’m writing. Most of the kids had moved out of the house so I converted one of the bedrooms into an office. I’ve been writing ever since.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Interruptions. When I’m in the zone, someone will call or text or walk into my office. I’m one of those people who cannot leave a text or an email unopen if I know it’s there.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

I love it, it’s all of those things. I have been known to cry when my characters are hurt of sad.

Interview with Mary Martinez
Welcome, today we are talking with Mary Martinez! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Mary Martinez that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I love to run. I’m a former marathon and ½ marathon runner. Not that you could tell by looking at me. I have the furthest thing there is to a runner’s body! Now, because I have a knee replacement (because of my running) I only walk/run 5k’s. I will be running one tomorrow before the 4th of July parade in my little town of Magna, UT.

My favorite holidays are St. Paddy’s Day, Halloween, and Christmas, in that order.

I’m adopted. I found my birth mother ten years ago, we went ziplining. I found a half sister on my birth dad’s side; he had passed away so I didn’t get to meet him. And I found a niece on my birth mother’s side and one on my birth father’s side.

How long have you been writing?

I began my love of writing when I was in Jr. High school. I wrote a few short stories and they weren’t any good. Then I got involved in life and time passed by too quickly and I started writing again when my kids were younger. And again, life got busy with kids and a day job, to feed them. Then in the early 2000’s I said I’m writing. Most of the kids had moved out of the house so I converted one of the bedrooms into an office. I’ve been writing ever since.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Interruptions. When I’m in the zone, someone will call or text or walk into my office. I’m one of those people who cannot leave a text or an email unopen if I know it’s there.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

I love it, it’s all of those things. I have been known to cry when my characters are hurt of sad.

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Interview Edie Cay 
Welcome, today we are talking with Edie Cay! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

I used to guide motorcycle tours in Alaska, and I am a terrible plant mom.  

How long have you been writing? 

I started writing in third grade because of my teacher, Mrs. Canavan. In fourth grade, on a rainy indoor-recess, I created a mosquito character that launched a series. My friends created other characters and then we copied out our books by hand (with illustrations!) and sold them to our classmates for ten cents a piece.  

I no longer do hand-illustrations.  

What have you found most challenging about it? 

I’ve been through a lot of iterations of writing. I’ve written plays, short stories, novels, reviews. The most challenging part changes every time. So I suppose that is the most challenging thing: it always changes. Every project is different.  

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes to all of the above. I can’t not do it. I’ve tried.  

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Strict. It has to be. I write 3000 words a day, five days a week, weekends off. I know other people write faster, others slower. But this is what I can do because I have a young kiddo, another part-time job, and two very demanding dogs.  

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job? 

Writing was the only job I ever wanted. However, I’ve also been a piano accompanist, piano teacher, and an echocardiographer, always writing on the side. Or wishing I was writing.  

What inspires you? 

Oh, here’s a cop-out answer: everything.

Interview Edie Cay
Welcome, today we are talking with Edie Cay! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

I used to guide motorcycle tours in Alaska, and I am a terrible plant mom.  

How long have you been writing? 

I started writing in third grade because of my teacher, Mrs. Canavan. In fourth grade, on a rainy indoor-recess, I created a mosquito character that launched a series. My friends created other characters and then we copied out our books by hand (with illustrations!) and sold them to our classmates for ten cents a piece.  

I no longer do hand-illustrations.  

What have you found most challenging about it? 

I’ve been through a lot of iterations of writing. I’ve written plays, short stories, novels, reviews. The most challenging part changes every time. So I suppose that is the most challenging thing: it always changes. Every project is different.  

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes to all of the above. I can’t not do it. I’ve tried.  

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Strict. It has to be. I write 3000 words a day, five days a week, weekends off. I know other people write faster, others slower. But this is what I can do because I have a young kiddo, another part-time job, and two very demanding dogs.  

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job? 

Writing was the only job I ever wanted. However, I’ve also been a piano accompanist, piano teacher, and an echocardiographer, always writing on the side. Or wishing I was writing.  

What inspires you? 

Oh, here’s a cop-out answer: everything.

5 0
Interview with C.D. Hersh 
Welcome, today we are talking with C.D. Hersh! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

In addition to writing we love touring old houses, antiquing, singing, and going to the cottage on the lake. Catherine is also an avid gardener and has drawn Donald into her garden as a day laborer. They figure the couple who plays together and works together, stays together—and that's just what they aim to do. 

How long have you been writing? 

We’ve been writing since we were teenagers and we discovered our unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s, when we began writing drama at our church. In the summer of 2009 we discovered we could write romance together. 

What have you found most challenging about it? 

Most recently just sitting down to write has been challenging because life has been getting in the way. 

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes, it is fun when the story is rolling along or we are in the beginning stages of putting the plot together. Catherine has been known to cry when writing particularly emotional scenes. 

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Every book is different. Promised deadlines make us very disciplined. We actually took a laptop to the hospital while sitting with an ill friend. But when the muse evades us Catherine has been known to clean the house to avoid the computer. 

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

Interview with C.D. Hersh
Welcome, today we are talking with C.D. Hersh! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

In addition to writing we love touring old houses, antiquing, singing, and going to the cottage on the lake. Catherine is also an avid gardener and has drawn Donald into her garden as a day laborer. They figure the couple who plays together and works together, stays together—and that`s just what they aim to do. 

How long have you been writing? 

We’ve been writing since we were teenagers and we discovered our unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s, when we began writing drama at our church. In the summer of 2009 we discovered we could write romance together. 

What have you found most challenging about it? 

Most recently just sitting down to write has been challenging because life has been getting in the way. 

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes, it is fun when the story is rolling along or we are in the beginning stages of putting the plot together. Catherine has been known to cry when writing particularly emotional scenes. 

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Every book is different. Promised deadlines make us very disciplined. We actually took a laptop to the hospital while sitting with an ill friend. But when the muse evades us Catherine has been known to clean the house to avoid the computer. 

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

6 0
Available Now Get the next book in the Paladin League adventure Wicked Suspicion @author_pattioshea On Sale PLUS Get a bonus read FREE #action #adventure #sizzlingromance

In the treacherous world of covert operations, Special Forces Sgt. Case “Lurch” Lundquist thrives on danger. Undercover as a gunrunner, he dances on the razor’s edge, avoiding rebel forces who hunt him relentlessly. But when his mission jeopardizes a woman’s life, he breaks the rules to protect her.

Nyx Templeton is no damsel in distress—usually. But this time, she’s out of her depth. She doesn’t trust the rugged mercenary who steps in, until she recognizes him from a picture she saw years earlier. He’s her brother’s best friend. She remains quiet, knowing one wrong word could cost him everything.

Case battles to stay focused, but Nyx is a distraction. When she boldly asks him to cash in her V-card, he can’t resist. It’s not just a yes—it’s a hell, yes!

But in the high-stakes game of arms dealing, every edge counts. Nyx unwittingly becomes a pawn, and Case must navigate a deadly web of betrayal to keep her safe. As shadows close in, their love becomes the ultimate weapon—one that could save them both or destroy everything they hold dear.

Wicked Suspicion is a gripping romantic suspense novel that combines heart-pounding action with sizzling chemistry. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as Case and Nyx fight for survival and love in a world where danger lurks around every corner.

Wicked Suspicion is a stand-alone romance with a HEA. There are references to events that happened in earlier books, but it's not necessary to read them to enjoy this story.

Indulge in a protective Special Forces hero and a heroine who knows how to take care of herself, but can admit when she’s in over her head. This romantic suspense story features an experienced hero and an inexperienced heroine who is keeping her identity as his best friend’s little sister a secret.

Available Now Get the next book in the Paladin League adventure Wicked Suspicion @author_pattioshea On Sale PLUS Get a bonus read FREE #action #adventure #sizzlingromance

In the treacherous world of covert operations, Special Forces Sgt. Case “Lurch” Lundquist thrives on danger. Undercover as a gunrunner, he dances on the razor’s edge, avoiding rebel forces who hunt him relentlessly. But when his mission jeopardizes a woman’s life, he breaks the rules to protect her.

Nyx Templeton is no damsel in distress—usually. But this time, she’s out of her depth. She doesn’t trust the rugged mercenary who steps in, until she recognizes him from a picture she saw years earlier. He’s her brother’s best friend. She remains quiet, knowing one wrong word could cost him everything.

Case battles to stay focused, but Nyx is a distraction. When she boldly asks him to cash in her V-card, he can’t resist. It’s not just a yes—it’s a hell, yes!

But in the high-stakes game of arms dealing, every edge counts. Nyx unwittingly becomes a pawn, and Case must navigate a deadly web of betrayal to keep her safe. As shadows close in, their love becomes the ultimate weapon—one that could save them both or destroy everything they hold dear.

Wicked Suspicion is a gripping romantic suspense novel that combines heart-pounding action with sizzling chemistry. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as Case and Nyx fight for survival and love in a world where danger lurks around every corner.

Wicked Suspicion is a stand-alone romance with a HEA. There are references to events that happened in earlier books, but it`s not necessary to read them to enjoy this story.

Indulge in a protective Special Forces hero and a heroine who knows how to take care of herself, but can admit when she’s in over her head. This romantic suspense story features an experienced hero and an inexperienced heroine who is keeping her identity as his best friend’s little sister a secret.

3 1
Midnight Temptation - New Releases 
(July, 15th – July, 21st)

Serpent King’s Bride by Olivia Blair

Dark Mafia Romance

Don’t fall in love with your favorite toy.

The moment she caught me killing a rival gangster, I should have taken her out. Instead, I caught her and kept her, used her, and brought her into my deadly game. I thought I could have a bit of fun with her, but I might have just spelled my own doom.

Because like a fool, I fell in love… but now I realize she’s playing me. And we both might suffer the consequences… because if my father finds out who I let into our inner circle, he’ll kill us both.

But despite her lies, the pull I feel toward her hasn’t stopped. I know I need to punish her… but first, I need to figure out how I keep both of us alive.

Escape Clause by Cara Bristol

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

The only thing they can’t escape is love…

After a nano-virus devastates Caradonia, leaving the planet in desperate need of women, leader Krogan launches a last-ditch effort to save their civilization – convince men to accept human brides through Cosmic Mates.

Krogan himself has no time or desire for a wife. A driven workaholic, he’s focused on solving his planet’s problems and maintaining peace in the world. But his people look to him to set an example. If he doesn’t take a wife through Cosmic Mates no one else will either. Thankfully, there’s an escape clause, and at the end of the trial period, he intends to use it.


Fleeing a horrid and powerful man, Hope Bennett reluctantly agrees to a marriage of convenience with an alien. The last thing she desires is to be locked into an unwanted union. Been there, almost did that. Fortunately, the escape clause in the contract gives her an out, and when it’s safe, she can go home to Terra Nova.

Hope and Krogan promise each other a marriage in name only and vow to separate when the contract provisions are satisfied. But as they let down their guard, they recognize a kindred spirit in each other. Love and passion blossom, and each begins to long for a deeper, permanent union.

Just as their secret wishes are about to be fulfille...

Midnight Temptation - New Releases
(July, 15th – July, 21st)

Serpent King’s Bride by Olivia Blair

Dark Mafia Romance

Don’t fall in love with your favorite toy.

The moment she caught me killing a rival gangster, I should have taken her out. Instead, I caught her and kept her, used her, and brought her into my deadly game. I thought I could have a bit of fun with her, but I might have just spelled my own doom.

Because like a fool, I fell in love… but now I realize she’s playing me. And we both might suffer the consequences… because if my father finds out who I let into our inner circle, he’ll kill us both.

But despite her lies, the pull I feel toward her hasn’t stopped. I know I need to punish her… but first, I need to figure out how I keep both of us alive.

Escape Clause by Cara Bristol

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

The only thing they can’t escape is love…

After a nano-virus devastates Caradonia, leaving the planet in desperate need of women, leader Krogan launches a last-ditch effort to save their civilization – convince men to accept human brides through Cosmic Mates.

Krogan himself has no time or desire for a wife. A driven workaholic, he’s focused on solving his planet’s problems and maintaining peace in the world. But his people look to him to set an example. If he doesn’t take a wife through Cosmic Mates no one else will either. Thankfully, there’s an escape clause, and at the end of the trial period, he intends to use it.


Fleeing a horrid and powerful man, Hope Bennett reluctantly agrees to a marriage of convenience with an alien. The last thing she desires is to be locked into an unwanted union. Been there, almost did that. Fortunately, the escape clause in the contract gives her an out, and when it’s safe, she can go home to Terra Nova.

Hope and Krogan promise each other a marriage in name only and vow to separate when the contract provisions are satisfied. But as they let down their guard, they recognize a kindred spirit in each other. Love and passion blossom, and each begins to long for a deeper, permanent union.

Just as their secret wishes are about to be fulfille...

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