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Jennifer Ivy Walker


Welcome, today we are talking with Jennifer Ivy Walker! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let’s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Jennifer Ivy Walker that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?  

I design and sew Renaissance Denim Couture—the name I chose for my creations because I upcycle vintage denim into chic jean skirts and jackets, giving them new life with French bohemian flair. 

How long have you been writing?

I have always loved to write, but just began writing my trilogy last year. I am thrilled to announce that, by the end of 2023, I will have at least four—possibly five—novels published by The Wild Rose Press!

What have you found most challenging about it?

For me, the most challenging aspect of being an author is balancing the time required to promote my books with the hours needed to write my novels.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

Writing is the compilation of my years of studying French history, language, and culture, combined with the romantic passion in my heart and the yearning to create. 

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

I write every day, but some days I spend hours promoting my books and maybe only twenty minutes writing. Other days, I deliberately avoid social media and write for eight or ten hours. It depends on my mood and scheduled promotions for my books. 

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

I taught high school and college French for over twenty years. I recently took an early retirement, so when I began writing, it could be both a job and a hobby.

What inspires you?

My love of French history, paranormal romance, myths and legends.  And my creative imagination. 

Let’s move on and give readers some insight into your personal life.

 What are your pet peeves?

I hate pollution. I walk every day, year-round, on the beach here in Florida. There’s so much plastic trash, it’s heartbreaking. But I also hate noise pollution—loud construction, blaring music or television– because it distracts me from writing.

 Who is your hero?

Sarah J. Maas. She wrote the Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses Series. Reading her novels is what inspired me to write my trilogy. 

Give us one thing on your bucket list.

To see California. I’ve always wanted to go!

What would readers find surprising about you?

I have six children and WAY too many plants.

If you could go to heaven, who would you visit?

My Dad, brother, nephews and grandparents. 

Now that our readers know who Jennifer Ivy Walker is let’s get down to the business of your book, The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven, which is your debut novel. It’s received some rave reviews, too. Congratulations!

Please tell us a little bit about, The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven. I noticed there’s a second book connected to it. Will there be more in the series?

The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven is a fated mates paranormal fantasy adaptation of the medieval French legend of Tristan et Yseult, interwoven with Arthurian myth, Avalon, Druids, Elves, and dark magic. 

The Lady of the Mirrored Lake, book 2 of the trilogy, has just been released, and book 3, The Emerald Fairy and the Dragon Knight—the conclusion of the trilogy—will be published June 21.

What was your hardest challenge writing this book?

Because this was my debut novel, I had to learn about POV (point of view) and describing the action from the different characters’ perspectives. My editor helped me eliminate “head hopping”—where the author changes POV too frequently or quickly. 

What kind of research did you have to do?

My trilogy is the result of twenty years of studying French literature, history, language, and culture. But it’s also based on my childhood experiences, my travels to France, my study of various myths and legends.  It’s a compilation of everything in my heart, mind, and soul. Everything I love.

What in your opinion makes good chemistry between your leading characters?

The passion they share—not just for each other, but for life. Their mutual goals, their united front against oppression, their strength and support of each other. 

Any other works in progress?

My novel, “Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle”, will be published in late 2023. It’s the story of a fiery French princess, descended from Vikings, forced to marry a brute she loathes. And the solitary, sullen knight who suffers an impossible love for her, finally winning the chance to compete for her hand in marriage in a perilous joust against the infallible Black Knight. 

My current WIP (work in progress), “Flames of Flamenco”, takes place in Montmartre– the bohemian heart of Paris, near the famous cabaret, Au Lapin Agile. (I’m standing there in the picture.) In this romantic novella, a lonely American teacher falls for a talented French artist who is also a passionate flamenco dancer.

Any advice for aspiring authors?

I took a series of free online classes through Reedsy to learn about character development, mechanics of dialogue, perspective and point of view, writing description evoking the five senses. I highly recommend them—they helped me immeasurably.

Final words?

I am thrilled to announce that my debut novel, The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven, is the First Place Winner of the Paranormal Romance Guild 2022 Reviewer’s Choice Awards in the Romance Historical category. The Wild Rose and the Sea Raven is also the recipient of a prestigious Literary Titan Silver Book Award. I am honored by both of these distinguished accolades.

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