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March 16th 2015
Syn Publishing
116 pages
Erotic, Paranormal Romance
Rating: 3 Cups

Lara Walker is a vet with a practice near where she grew-up, and has constantly felt that she never measured up to her family’s high expectations. One day she meets two men, one her family would approve of, the other not so much. On one hand there is the handsome, clean cut Joe who she finds attractive. On the other, is the long-haired and tattooed biker Caleb. He is everything her parents would want her to avoid, but she cannot help the strong desire that she has for him.

Caleb Grayson is an alpha werewolf who does not like or have much use for humans, until it seems that fate has picked one to be his mate. After much deliberation over this, he comes up with a plan to win her … which is easy. Now he just has to come up with a plan on how to tell her what he is. In the interim there are hunters after his pack. He will have to juggle keeping his pack safe while orchestrating the romance between him and Lara and getting her to accept him and what he is.

A run in with hunters, a wounded wolf pup, and chance, bring Caleb to her veterinarian office for help. That is just the catalyst for them to begin seeing each other. Despite how her family would think of her seeing Caleb, she still finds herself drawn strongly to him, and her sexual appetite practically going crazy with how much she wants him. As she works to accept his secrets, a chance meeting on the street between him and her parents lead to shocking revelations and possible answers to her feelings.

This story is a light-hearted romp that keeps you interested and moves at a good pace. Lara and Caleb had loads of great sexual tension. Their interactions were sizzling and still managed to have a touch of sweet romance to them. The revelations that came near the end of the story added some nice twists. Over all it was a pleasant read with smoking hot chemistry between the two, a touch of the paranormal, some hints that future books might hold some suspense and more sexy times to come.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

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