ISBN:  9780062415110 (PB), 9780062234872 (EB)
December 27, 2017
Avon Books
339 Pages
Rating:  4 Cups
Fame and fortune comes at a cost for the young NFL quarterback Tyson Palmer.  As fast and bright as his career started it is coming to an end just as quickly.
Dani Carr knows football inside and out, mostly thanks to her father and older brothers.  With steadfast determination she intends to break into the all-boys club of sport’s broadcasting, until her career takes an unexpected detour.
When a second chance comes along to clean up his life and play football again, Tyson Palmer grabs hold with both hands.  The work is grueling, yet he loves the way his body is finally feeling alive again, even if he keeps getting shut down by Dani.  Dani’s heart breaks every time Tyson looks her way, especially when she is keeping such a tremendous secret.  Telling Tyson the truth is non-negotiable, but the fall-out will probably destroy any chance of ever being with the only man she has ever loved.
The gridiron takes a huge toll on even the strongest of men, and Tyson is not immune.  I find that his character is made even more human because of his failures and the way he takes responsibility.  Dani is a little more capricious in her demeanor, although you cannot fault the way she puts her heart right out there.  The harder Dani and Tyson try to keep their distance the closer they get, and it is so much fun to watch them squirm!
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

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