ISBN# 9781772338614
May 2016
Evernight Teen
163 Pages
Romance, Paranormal, Contemporary, Suspense, Multicultural
Rating: 4 Cups

Evelyn has struggled in the past with visions and now she is known as an evil witch with a black heart. Despite the past, Evelyn has found a boyfriend who stands by her.

The happiness in her life seems to be short lived. She is compelled to make herself vulnerable once again by drawing in her diaries. Evelyn is sure her dreams and drawing are foretelling something bad is coming to her school.

I felt as if I was dropped into the middle of a play already in the second act. I was lost because of references to the past with little background information. The writing style is engaging but without a clear picture of the past it takes the reader a while to get caught up. The story line is intriguing and the characters are well developed.

The Dream Diaries is an entertaining read with enough intrigue to keep the reader turning the page.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

Book 1: The Revenge Artist

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