ISBN-13:  978-0-373-28398-9
March 2017
Worldwide Library
$7.99 US / $8.99 CAN
360 Pages
Rating:  2 Cups
Writing for a small town paper Aimee Brent has aspirations of making it to the big leagues.  All she needs is one really good story to make a name for herself.
As Aimee’s editor, Rich is well aware of her hopes and dreams.  He knows it is only a matter of time before she heads for something bigger, but he would love to keep her around as long as possible.
Lauri Evans is more than just another teen runaway, at least in Aimee’s opinion.  Something does not add up with the girl’s mother, boyfriend, and neighbor all giving her conflicting stories.  Aimee is determined to get to the bottom of Lauri’s story, but every step in the process reminds her of her own terrible loss.  Rich feels powerless to help Aimee with her inner turmoil,  and all he can hope is that she finds the answers she needs so badly.
A good mystery draws you in, often leading you along a twisted path filled with secrets and lies.  Aimee’s story has a distinct lack of nuance and sophistication, making it all feel rather flat and dull.  I also feel like there is an oddness and naivete to Aimee’s character, especially with the repeated references to her choice of beverage, and her peculiar little hobby.  The storyline is much like one of Aimee’s creations, it may look pretty, but like a fake flower, it has no real substance.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
Aimee Brent Mysteries
Book 1:  Ill Conceived

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