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Save as Draft by Cavanaugh Lee


Thank you, Coffee Time Romance & More, for hosting me today.  I wanted to tell you a little bit about my book”¦ my first book in fact”¦ it’s called SAVE AS DRAFT.

Back to the “first” part ““ so, yes, it’s my first book.  Here’s where I breathe a huge sigh of relief, or a gigantic gasp inward (maybe a little of both).  Either way, I’m breathing differently of late as it was just released on February 1, 2011 (that’s about two weeks ago), and I’m anxiously awaiting all of your reviews as I very much hope you’ll read it!

So here’s what it’s about”¦ and yes this is where I try to entice you to buy the book on Amazon

Or Barnes & Noble

Or Indie Bound

And last but not least Borders

Well, actually, I’m a little trepidatious about Borders as it just filed for Bankruptcy today so maybe only purchase it from Amazon, B&N, or Indie Bound.  Kidding.

Seriously though SAD (as it is called for short) is a “fast fun read” and perfect for Valentine’s Day!  I know, I know, Valentine’s Day has already come and gone, but we should really treat ourselves to something special until the end of February (especially if we’re single)!  And it’s only February 19″¦ Plus, SAD is also the perfect read for this coming beach-season as leading dating expert April Braswell recommended it be read on “Day Tripper road trips to the beach this summer, the perfect accompaniment to your SPF 35 sunscreen.”

So, what’s it about?  That’s a loaded question.  Let’s see if I can sum it up in three words as the best things always unfold in threes:

1.  Love

It’s about love.  Isn’t everything?  There’s a love story.  Well actually it’s a love triangle.  Can you believe that Wikepedia actually has a definition for love triangle?  “A love triangle is a romantic relationship involving three people.”  But, it doesn’t stop there:  “While it can refer to two people independently romantically linked with a third, it usually implies that each of the three people has some kind of relationship to the other two.”  True enough.  I prefer Urban Dictionary’s definition, however: 

“Love triangles, as it is widely agreed, really suck.”

Sigh.  Yes they do.  The love triangle in SAD is a complicated one:  two guys vie for the attention of one girl.  Peter is an introverted, loyal lawyer; Marty, a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants drifter; and the girl, Izabell (a.k.a. “Izzy” and/or “Iz”)”¦ well, she’s got enough sparkle for both of them together but as in all love triangles she must choose just one man.  Who will she choose?  It’s a hard decision for any girl to make, and it’s only made harder by the fact that their love story ““ er, I mean, love triangle ““ plays out on the internet bringing us to #2 in the three’s behind SAD:

2. Internet

The story of Izabell, Marty, and Peter (the love triangle) unfolds entirely in emails, texts, tweets, Facebook status updates, and online dating profiles.  You, the reader, have access to all three characters’ Inboxes so feel free to be the email voyeurs that we all know you are, giggle giggle blush blush.  More than just their Inboxes, however, you also have access to their Draft folders which contain all of the emails that were written, but never sent, for one reason or another (usually fear).  Find out why emails such as “I’m scared” or “I love you” or “Will you marry me?” were left wasting away in a draft folder instead of being “sent with intent” as they should have been.  Discover the disasters that ensue because Izzy, Marty, and Peter couldn’t say what they mean (and mean what they say), and compare it to what would’ve happened had they not hid behind their G-mail appendages.

3. Work

Last but not least SAD is about our work, what we do for a living and what we do by night.  SAD asks the questions ““ Do we love our day jobs, or do we spend our evenings day-dreaming?  Do we have a villainous boss who pushes us to the brink?  Or are we bored by what we do and long for something more?  Do we wonder what would have happened had we chased our whimsies instead of our student loans?  And most of all how in the heck do we balance life, love, and work with communicating on the internet 24-7?!

There’s a lot going on in SAD, and I do hope you’ll find out how it all ties together in a pretty little bow at the very end.  Hint:  okay, there’s no bow at the end, but the book will make you smile, think to yourself, and wonder at the possibilities our over-electronic lives have to offer so long as we “log in” and “sign out” at the right times ensuring we don’t miss out on the real connections because we’re too wrapped up in our wireless ones.

Happy Reading!


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  • Linda B

    HI CAV!


  • Fran Lee

    Sounds like a great read, Cav! I will definitely avoid Borders…I want you to get your royalties! 🙂

  • Lainey Bancroft

    Congrats on the first release, Cavanaugh! Now breathe! 🙂

    SAD definitely sounds like a different and daring approach to writing style. Not to mention timely, considering how linked-in/online/socially networked the world is now. Well done!

  • EM Muller

    I’m always impressed when an author comes up with a unique and humorous approach to telling a love story. Book sounds great. Also enjoyed reading about the twists and turns in your professional and personal life.

    Will looking foward to reading Save as Draft.

  • Kelley Heckart

    Congrats on your first release.
    Save as Draft sounds like a cool concept for a novel–very innovative.

    Wishing you many sales!

  • Grace Elliot

    Hi Cav, sounds an interesting read. Is it an eBook or paperbook (or both?)
    Grace x

  • Cavanaugh Lee

    Thank you all for your wonderful comments! And, thank you to Coffee Time Romance for hosting me and letting me talk a little about my first “baby.” Grace, in answer to your question, the book is out in hard cover but it’s also available on E-Book (kindle, nook, i-book, etc.). I think it’d be interesting to read it on E-Book since you actually feel like you’re reading a computer screen (and of course the book is “set” on a computer screen – well, THREE computer screens ;-). The hard cover has the coolest cover ever though – it resembles a glossy shiny laptop computer so… but either way I hope it’s a fun and profound read. 🙂

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They’d better, or humanity will pay the price for their failure.

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