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Multiple Books, Multiple Worlds


Thanks for having me over here at Coffee Time! Sorry I’m a bit late. I’m sitting here with my Mocha Magnifico protein shake and wondering what you guys might want to hear about today. I’ve got a computer class project, PTA work, a transcription to do, but what I really want to make time for is the three books I’m working on.

Three? Yes three. I am usually working on two or three books at the same time. It helps a lot in getting past any writer’s block, as if I get stuck in one story, it’s possible to start up somewhere and somewhen completely different in another story. Many of my books have been written at the same time. Command the Wind, a Passion Magic story set in Elizabethan England, was written at the same time as Reveal the Heart, also a Passion Magic story of Magi and their mates, but this one set in Washington D.C. during WWII. It was a big relief to move from one set of characters to another, and one timeframe to another. But, since I was staying within the same series and connecting the story of Magi heritage across hundreds of years, I think writing the two books together helped the quality and flow of both stories.

Another in the Passion Magic series, Foretell the Flame, is a story of escape and rescue set in the Italian Alps in 1805. But the final touches to this story were written at the same time as the thoroughly modern, slightly sci-fi and slightly paranormal story Don’t Wait. I think the savvy innocence of Rebecca in Don’t Wait was an excellent counterpoint to the jaded yet hopeful Cassandra in Foretell the Flame.  Gabe’s erotic education by an older and wiser Rebecca is an interesting mirror of how Tash woos Cassandra in her visions, making her believe that love is possible and life is worth living.

Right now, I’ve got three books in progress. I’m adding a chapter to New York Fairytale, about a wise-ass New York bartender and her very own prince charming. It’s already contracted with Resplendence Publishing, and should be coming out later this summer. But in the meantime, I’m having fun searching for pictures of the Waldorf-Astoria in NYC and imaging what kind of mischief Rudy and Ronnie can get into. That sense of fun and frolic helps a lot when I’m working on my as yet to be titled Passion Magic story set in 1888 on the Big Island of Hawaii. My Portuguese baker is married to the wrong twin, and the angst can be a heavy load to bear while in the early stages of the manuscript. But I think things will work out in the end. Bait and Switch, the third book I’m playing with at the moment, is probably the most fun. Sheila and Sam bicker back and forth across the desolate beauty of an arctic summer landscape, while trying to return a precious artifact to its rightful place. I love these two characters, and their on-again, off-again marriage is perfect for the 1955 setting. These two have been through a lot together, otherwise they’d never be able to survive their journey, much less have as much fun rediscovering each other’s every erotic desire.

Alas, real life interferes, and I do have to work my day jobs. But tonight, I have every intension of entering one or all of these worlds and having a great time. Who knows where my characters will end up taking me? I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as I enjoy writing them!

Have fun and Keep Reading!

Elaine Lowe

Check out my Blog/Website at for more info on all my books, excerpts, announcements and occasional wackiness!





  • Gwyn Lacy

    Hi Elaine!
    I was grinning within a few moments of reading your “thoughts”. My family and friends are wonderful. But it was so wonderful hearing how you move from story to story and talk about your characters as though they are real. I currently am not part of a critique group and am having difficulty getting to chapter meetings–it was so refreshing to “connect” to one of “my kind” of people! I will check your work out after I finish this month’s writer’s seminar. Great covers by the way!

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