AJ Graham
BIN: 03045-00967
June 2022 (Previously released through Changeling Press under a different pen name.)
Changeling Press LLC
64 Pages
Paranormal Erotic Romance
Rating: 5 Cups

Linda is a small-town girl living in a big city. She is lonely and working her life away until Gregory.

Gregory made one mistake and spent more than 500 years regretting the day he tested fate. As a result, he has spent 500 years invisible and alone, until Linda.

When fate offers Gregory another chance, how much will Linda give up for the man she loves? When Gregory achieves his dream but loses Linda in the process, he found it to be too big a price to pay. Will fate bring them together, or will they be lost to each other forever?

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this romance. The author intricately crafted a love anyone would want to experience. I loved the twists and turns that brought the characters to live with every word. I highly recommend Invincible Love and the writing of Ms. Graham.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

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