My web site address is There are some new snippets of reviews up on my site plus some announcements in the news section. For anyone…
My web site address is There are some new snippets of reviews up on my site plus some announcements in the news section. For anyone…
To everyone at Coffee Time. Thank you very much for inviting me to blog this week. It’s been a pleasure and so much fun. 🙂 Thank…
To everyone at Coffee Time. Thank you very much for inviting me to blog this week. It’s been a pleasure and so much fun. 🙂 Thank…
I try to write something every day but let’s face it sometimes life interferes. It can be part of a book–which I prefer–or it might be…
I try to write something every day but let’s face it sometimes life interferes. It can be part of a book–which I prefer–or it might be…
LOL It’s so true. But rabbits are too cute. I don’t want them hurt I just want them to leave my flowers alone! And we even…
LOL It’s so true. But rabbits are too cute. I don’t want them hurt I just want them to leave my flowers alone! And we even…
Good morning 🙂 Speaking of garden pests, we have rabbits. They will be back out in force in the spring no doubt. They eat EVERYTHING! I…
Good morning 🙂 Speaking of garden pests, we have rabbits. They will be back out in force in the spring no doubt. They eat EVERYTHING! I…